
  • 网络Post-secondary;post-secondary education;post secondary education
  1. 在经济较发达国家的一些中学后教育的院校中,网上学习已成为传递远程教育课程的一种常规模式。

    Online learning has become the standard form of delivery for distance education programs in a number of post-secondary institutions in more economically advanced countries .

  2. 中学后教育知识产业时代的大学领导与院校研究

    Presidential leadership in an emerging postsecondary knowledge industry and institutional research

  3. 高等教育产业经历了传统高等教育、大众化高等教育、中学后教育的发展阶段,正在向中学后教育知识产业阶段迈进。

    Higher education experienced traditional higher education , mass higher education , postsecondary , and now it is developing to postsecondary knowledge industry .

  4. 根据实地调查,考察了沿海发达地区农村现代化建设对农村中学后教育的需求,分析了农村教育结构提升与农村自学考试的关系。

    According to the author 's fact finding , this article investigates the need for after middle school education by the modernization of developing coastal areas and analyses the relationship between the improvement of rural educational structure and rural self study examination .

  5. 由于,秦巴山区受地理环境、交通、经济等因素的影响,秦巴山区中学教师职后教育培训工作存在诸多需要有关部门必须解决的问题。

    Since the factors like geography , transportation and economy have great impact on Qin-ba mountain , the middle school teachers here are faced with many problems that must be solved .

  6. 他希望传播这些信息,帮助潜在的大学生在上完中学后找到最佳的教育课程。

    He hopes to distribute this information and help prospective college - goers find the best post-secondary fit .

  7. 他读完中学后未受过高等教育。

    He had no institutional education beyond high school .

  8. 第一部分,对T中学青年教师职后教育现状的调查与分析。

    In the first part of this paper , the present situation of the post-service education in the T High School is investigated and analyzed .