
  • 网络current generator
  1. 介绍了研制的1/10μs冲击电流发生器设计原理和基本参数。

    This paper presents a 1 / 10 μ s impulse current generator .

  2. 包括脉冲电流发生器充电模块,脉冲电流发生器放电模块,放电采集模块以及PLC控制模块,并介绍了各模块的基本原理及其电路图设计。

    The hardware system is made up of four modules including the pulse current generator charge module , pulse current generator discharge module , discharge acquisition module as well as PLC control module .

  3. 基于Matlab语言的冲击电流发生器的仿真

    Simulation about Transient Current Generator Based on Matlab Language

  4. 1/10μs冲击电流发生器的研制

    The Development of 1 / 10 μ s Impulse Current Generator

  5. 脉冲电流发生器由控制回路和主回路两大部分构成,本人承担控制回路的研制。

    Electric current pulse generator include primary and control circuit .

  6. 力矩电流发生器的传输模型与补偿

    Transfer Model of Torque Current Generator and its Compensation

  7. 脉冲电流发生器由主回路和控制回路两大部分组成。

    The current pulse generator is composed of main circuit and control circuit .

  8. 微机控制的冲击电流发生器

    Study on Impulse Current Generator Controlled by Microcontroller

  9. 其基本结构包括一个偏置电流发生器、激光器电流调制器和安全电路部分。

    It contains a bias generator , a laser modulator , and comprehensive safety features .

  10. 带有轴向金属电极的烟火电流发生器放电性能研究

    Pyrotechnic Current Generator with Axial Metal Electrode

  11. 螺旋型电流发生器的电感计算

    Inductance computation of a helical current generator

  12. 介绍了一种单片微机、工业控制计算机进行数据和波形管理的冲击电流发生器。

    A current impulse generator is introduced with the data and waveshape controlled by computer on slice and process controller .

  13. 文中首先简要介绍了脉冲电流发生器主回路基本方案、电路结构和工作原理。其次对控制回路进行了详细的论述。

    After introduce the configuration and principle of the primary circuit briefly , we discuss the control circuit in detail .

  14. 力矩电流发生器是这一回路的关键部件,对回路性能有重要影响。

    Being a key component of the loop , Torque Current Generator ( TCG ) has an important effect on the loop performance .

  15. 介绍一种紧凑型4/10μs冲击电流发生器用于氧化锌电阻片的大电流耐受试验。

    Described a compact 4 / 10 μ s impulse current generator used for the withstand test of ZnO varistor passing heavy current .

  16. 这种热释电红外传感器采用正弦波电流发生器和电磁线圈产生电磁力驱动凸透镜进行微幅摆动。

    This sensor adopts a sine-wave current generator and a magnetic coil to produce electromagnetic force that drives the convex lens to swing slightly .

  17. 设计了可对冲击电压发生器或冲击电流发生器进行红外遥控的触发装置,并介绍了红外遥控触发的基本原理及具体电路。

    The infrared remote control device used for triggering impulse voltage / current generators is designed , and the essential principle and basic circuit are introduced .

  18. 有源电抗器由一对耦合绕组和一个补偿电流发生器组成,通过控制有源电抗器补偿绕组中的谐波磁通补偿电流,可以独立且连续地调节电抗器在不同谐波频率下的电感量。

    By regulating the compensation current injecting into the compensation winding of the reactor , the reactor inductance at different harmonic frequencies can be independently and continuously adjusted .

  19. 脉冲电流发生器由于具有高电压、大电流、强脉冲等特点在高压电气试验场合拥有广泛的应用前景。

    Pulse current generator has a wider application prospects because of its high voltage , intense current , strong pulse , and other characteristics in the high-voltage electrical experiment .

  20. 快速电流脉冲发生器的设计

    Design of Fast Current Pulse Generator

  21. 系统采用硬件注入和软件仿真相结合的方法实现,故障注入由专门研制的电压信号发生器、电流信号发生器、后驱动电路完成,自动测试系统的正常运行通过软件仿真完成。

    The system adopts the method of a connection hardware injection with software simulation . The fault injection consists of voltage signal generator , current signal generator and rear drive circuit which are specially developed , and the ATS can work regularly by means of software simulation .

  22. 目前广泛使用的大电流电磁脉冲发生器有电容器组型、储能电感、蓄电池、旋转电机等,但是这些大电流发生器的能量密度普遍比较低,发生器的体积过于庞大。

    Capacitor bank , energy storage inductors , electric rotating machinery and battery are widely used as high-current generator . However , these high-current generators ' energy density is relatively low and their sizes are too large .

  23. 高精度高稳定度电流及方波发生器的研制

    Manufacturing the Current and Signal Generator with High Precision and High Stability

  24. 电流反馈式超声发生器的频率跟踪研究

    Research on Frequency Tracking for an Current Feedback Ultrasonic Generator

  25. 设计和制作了能够产生纳秒级脉冲电流的纳秒脉冲发生器。

    The nanosecond impulser is designed and fabricated to output nanosecond pulse current .

  26. 其中重点研究的是高压脉冲大电流电源及其触发发生器、放电电极和磁过滤弯管装置。

    The Power supply with High voltage pulses and high electric current , its trigger , electrode and magnetic filtered curve duct have been studied specially .

  27. 本文主要是介绍一种确定产生多种脉冲电流波形的冲击电流发生器回路中理想、通用的参数计算方法,该法已在试验中得到检验。

    This paper mainly introduces a kind of reasonable and general calculation method for circuit parameters of impulse current generator which can produce all sorts of impulse current waves and it has been checked in the test .

  28. 讨论了复解调技术的基本原理,研究了相关开关电流实现电路,包括:开关电流正弦波发生器、开关电流乘法器及高斯低通滤波器等,并给出了相关电路与系统的仿真结果。

    Complex demodulation scheme is provided for realizing WT based on SI circuits . The SI circuits , including SI oscillator , SI multiplier and SI Gaussian low pass filter , and the system are both given and verified by simulated results . 2 .