
  • 网络Electrochemical Detector;ECd;HPLC-ECD
  1. 壁面射流(WALLJET)色谱电化学检测器的研制

    Wall - jet electrochemical detector for chromatography

  2. 本文提出了一种用于高效毛细管电泳(HPCE)的新型安培电化学检测器(ED)设计;

    A new design of electrochemical detector ( ED ) for high-performance capillary electrophoresis ( HPCE ) was described .

  3. 并用带特殊电化学检测器的高压液相色谱法(HPLC)检测尿中乳果糖与甘露醇排泄率比值。以10名健康志愿者作为正常对照组。

    The ratio of lactulose to mannitol in urine was detected by HPLC with Pulsed Electrochemical Detection .

  4. 用离子交换柱分离氨基糖苷类抗生素妥布霉素、新霉素B和西梭霉素,用脉冲积分安培电化学检测器进行检测。

    A new method was developed for detection of aminoglycoside antibiotics of tobramycin , neomycin and sisomycin by ion-exchange column with pulsed integrated amperometric detection .

  5. 采用C18键合硅胶柱和脉冲积分安培电化学检测器对妥布霉素样品进行了分离检测。

    A new method was developed for the separation and determination of tobramycin in milk by HPLC using a C_ ( 18 ) column and pulsed integrated amperometric electrochemical detection .

  6. 应用脑内微透析技术,高效液相色谱-柱后固定化酶反应器-电化学检测器动态监测清醒自由活动大鼠纹状体细胞外液乙酰胆碱(ACh)和胆碱(Ch)水平的变化。

    The intracerebral microdialysis and high performance liquid chromatography-post column Immobilized enzyme reactor-electrochemical detection were used to continuously measure extracellular acetylcholine ( ACh ) and choline ( Ch ) levels in striatum of freely moving awake rats .

  7. 目前已采用的检测器主要有:紫外可见光吸收、激光诱导荧光、化学发光(CL)、质谱、核磁共振和电化学检测器等,其中激光诱导荧光和CL是最灵敏的两种检测器。

    To date , some employed CE detectors were following : ultraviolet visible , laser induced fluorescence , chemiluminescence , mass spectrum , nuclear magnetic resonance and electrochemistry detector . The laser induced fluorescence and chemistry luminescence were the most sensitive detector among the above detectors .

  8. 报道了用高效液相色谱配合电化学检测器同时分析组织胺(Hist)和去甲肾上腺素(NA)的方法。

    This paper reports a reversed phase high performance liquid chromatographic method for the simultaneous separation and determination of histamine ( Hist ) and noradrenaline ( NA ) in human plasma by means of pre column derivatization of Hist and NA with OPA in the presence of 2 mercaptoethanol .

  9. 以大孔径玻璃微粒为载体,将生物酶化学键合于玻璃体,制备成Φ5×50mm短柱串联于色谱分离柱后,配合电化学检测器,构建了高效液相色谱固相酶检测平台。

    To immobilize enzyme to micro beads of large pore glasses by chemical bonding reaction and prepared short (Φ 5 × 50mm ) immobilized enzyme column . To develope detecting system by connecting the immobilized enzyme column in the chromatographic separating column behind and with electrochemical detector .

  10. 高效液相电化学检测器检测羟自由基

    Use of High-performance Liquid Chromatography Electrochemical Detection to Detect Hydroxy Radicals

  11. 多工作电极流动薄层电化学检测器及电解色谱

    Flowing thin-layer electrochemical detectors with multiple working electrodes and electrolytic chromatography

  12. 毛细管电泳多道电化学检测器的研制及其应用

    Multi-channel Electrochemical Detection Technology for Capillary Electrophoresis and Its Application

  13. 全固态乌头碱电化学检测器的研制及其在流动注射分析中的应用

    Construction and application of ALL-SOLIDSTATE aconitine electrochemical detector in flow injection analysis

  14. 液相色谱薄层电化学检测器研究

    Study on thin - layer electrochemical detector for liquid chromatography

  15. 用还原型电化学检测器的高效液相色谱法分析柴油机排出物中的1-硝基芘

    Determination of 1-Nitropyrene in Diesel Exhaust by HPLC with Reductive Electrochemical Detector

  16. 电化学检测器的研制及用以测定生物胺的初步实验

    Design , Manufacture and Preliminary Test of Electrochemical Detector for Detecting Biogenic Amines

  17. 恩他卡朋及有关物质的HPLC-电化学检测器法测定

    Determination of Entacapone and Its Related Substances by HPLC-ECD

  18. 多功能簿层式电化学检测器

    A Thin - layer Electrochemical Detector with Multiple Functions

  19. 毛细管电泳直立型安培电化学检测器的研究

    Studies on Vertical Amperometric Detector for Capillary Electrophoresis

  20. 毛细管区带电泳电化学检测器

    Electrochemical Detector for Capillary Zone Electrophoresis

  21. 反相离子对液相色谱-电化学检测器测定生物样本中的儿茶酚胺

    Determination of Catecholamine in Biological Sample by Reverse-phase Ion-pair High Performance Liquid Chromatography with Electrochemical Detector

  22. 报道了使用微柱色谱和电化学检测器测定鼠脑微透析液中神经传递物质的方法。

    Determinations of neurotransmitters in rat brain microdialysates using microbore liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection are described .

  23. 根据检测原理,用于微流控芯片检测的检测器包括光学检测器、电化学检测器、质谱检测器及其它检测器。

    There are optical detector , electrochemical detector , mass spectrometry detector and other detector according to the detection principle .

  24. 本文还就双工作电极薄层电化学检测器与液相色谱结合的基本原理、优点和一些应用进行了讨论。

    The fundamental detection principles , advantages and applications of the dual-electrode thin-layer electrochemical detectors combined with liquid chromatography are discussed .

  25. 天然气中硫化物的测定-第2部分:对于有气味的硫化物的测定,用电化学检测器的气相色谱法

    Determination of sulphur compounds in natural gas - part 2 : gas chromatographic method using an electrochemical detector for the determination of odoriferous sulphur compounds

  26. 本文首次报道用安培电化学检测器探讨毛细管电泳分离的场放大进样效应,分析了系统峰的形成以及场放大进样对电泳分离检测的影响。

    Field-amplified sample injection in capillary electrophoresis with amperometric detection is reported . The effects of the injection mode on separation and detection are discussed .

  27. 双柱双泵高效液相色谱电化学检测器测定大鼠脑中生物胺及其代谢产物

    A double column and double pump high performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection for the determination of biogenic amines and their metabolites in rat brain

  28. 其中光学检测器和电化学检测器应用最广泛,激光诱导荧光、化学发光和紫外吸收光等光学检测器目前仍是主流的检测手段。

    Optical detector and electrochemical detector are the most extensive application . Laser induced fluorescence , chemical luminescence and ultraviolet absorption detector and other optical detector are still the mainstream means .

  29. 与毛细管电泳联用的检测器的多样化是促进毛细管电泳蓬勃发展的一个重要因素。紫外、质谱、化学发光、荧光、电化学检测器皆可作为联用检测器。

    The diversification of detectors coupled to capillary electrophoresis which include UV-Vis , Mass spectrometry , Chemiluminescence , Fluorescence and Electrochemical detection is an important factor to promote its vigorous development .

  30. 本文结合我们实验室所开展的一些工作,对多工作电极流动薄层电化学检测器及其电解色谱的一些新进展作了评述。

    Based on a summary of some work done in our laboratory , the recent developments about the thin-layer electrochemical detectors with multiple working electrodes and electrolytic chromatography have been reviewed .