
  • 网络Electrical test;electrical testing
  1. 介绍了计算机辅助测试(CAT)技术在电气试验中的应用。

    This paper introduces the applications of computer aided testing ( CAT ) technology in electrical test .

  2. 分析和研究复合绝缘子湿工频电气试验方法表明,现有GB和JB标准所规定的湿工频电气试验方法并不能反映复合绝缘子最严酷的运行条件。

    This paper studies the wet electrical test method of composite insulators . The results show that the wet electrical methods according to GB and JB standard can not simulate the most inclement operation conditions .

  3. Delphi在电气试验车报表打印界面中的应用

    Application of Delphi in Development of Printing Interface of Electrical Testing Vehicle

  4. 110kV电缆终端应力锥电气试验装置的简介

    Electric test apparatus for the stress come of 110 kV cable termination

  5. 介绍了在关系型数据库开发系统Foxpro下,基于数据流的电气试验动态软件的设计和实现。

    Based on the data stream with the Foxpro PDS , in the paper the authors present the design and implement of the dynamic software for substation electrical testing coach .

  6. KM-DS型矿用多功能电气试验台的应用

    Application of KM-DS multifunction electrical test-bed

  7. 电气试验表明,经数十次150A的电弧老炼,可基本消除灭弧室开断后的重击穿现象,老炼效果良好。

    Electrical tests show that the post arc restriking on the interrupter can be essentially eliminated by interrupting with the current of 150 A several tens times .

  8. 介绍了一台110kV变压器高压侧电容套管引线焊接不良故障实例,通过色谱分析、电气试验、远红外测试等多种诊断技术的综合分析,发现了变压器存在的缺陷。

    In this paper , an instance of 110 kV transformer 's fault is presented . The internal defect of insulation is found by means of chromatographic analysis , electrical test , and infrared diagnosis technology .

  9. EST-C1变电站电气试验车适用于电力变电站及电气化铁路牵引变电所的电力设备的工程交接试验及预防性试验。

    The Substation Electrical Testing Coach ( EST-C1 ) is used for high voltage electrical equipment in substation or feeder station 's preventive test and project 's handing over test .

  10. 客车电气试验室计算机测试系统的研究

    The Study of Compute Test System for the Vehicle Electrical Laboratory

  11. 关于总启动电气试验短路点设置问题的讨论

    Discussion about the Setting of Short Circuit Points in Electric Tests

  12. 虚拟仪器在现场电气试验中的应用分析

    Analysis On Application of Virtual Instrument in Field Electrical Test

  13. GB/T12270-1990射频同轴连接器电气试验和测试程序屏蔽效率

    Electrical tests and measuring procedures for radio-frequency coaxial connectors-Screening effectiveness

  14. 为发电机电气试验方法、手段带来了质的变化。

    It brings substantial changes in electrical testing of generators .

  15. 基于数据流的电气试验动态软件的研究与实现

    A Software for Dynamic Electrical Test Based on Data Flows

  16. 主变近区短路后电气试验的探讨

    Electric Test Exploration of a Main Transformer With Short Fault Around Near Area

  17. 电力变压器大修组装后电气试验的研究

    The Research of Electric Experiment after General Reconstruction and Assembling for Power Transfor

  18. 发电机启机电气试验新方法介绍

    New Method Introduction on Electrical Test of Generator Startup

  19. 发电机组总启动电气试验的实用方法研究

    Study on Practical Method for Electrical Test of Overall Startup of Generator Unit

  20. 电气试验中两个异常负值现象分析

    Analysis of two negative results in electrical test

  21. 高压电气试验仿真培训系统

    Simulation Training System of High Voltage Electric Experiment

  22. 带电作业工具电气试验电压气象校正值计算方法

    Calculating Method of the Voltage-meteorologic Emendation for the Electrical Testing of the Electriferous-operating Tools

  23. 复合绝缘子湿工频电气试验方法的试验研究

    Study of Method of the Wet Power Frequency Electrical Test for Composite Insulators TESTING

  24. 基于虚拟现实的高压电气试验系统架构及关键技术研究

    Research into High-voltage Electrical Test System Architecture and Key Technology Based on Virtual Reality

  25. 电气试验的大气校正因数

    Atmospheric Correction Factor in Electrical Test

  26. 绝缘油的电气试验及探讨

    Electric Testing and Exploitation of Oil-insulator

  27. 绝缘子覆冰及其电气试验方法探讨

    Insulators Icing and Electrical Tests Methods

  28. GB/T13422-1992半导体电力变流器电气试验方法

    Power semiconductor converters-Electrical test methods

  29. 有必要研制一种可以多路、同步、高速采集电气试验中各个电压和电流需要记录的暂态部分,并能适应现场各种过电压、过电流、强电磁干扰等复杂情况。

    Consequently it is necessary to develop a multiplexed , synchronous and high-speed measuring instrument to record required voltage and current during electrical measurements .

  30. 用于现场电气试验的虚拟仪器系统,一般由信号调理装置、数据采集卡和计算机组成。

    Virtual instrument system used for field electrical test generally consists of signal conditioning units ( SCU ), data acquisition devices and a computer .