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Using Screening Constant rule explain the ground state Configuration and ionized state of Chromium
The phenomenon of ionization interference is studied with partial - wave expansion method through the particle population of the ionized state .
The total angular momentums J of two autoionization levels were determined by a polarization technique .
Measurement for autoionization States and high sensitive analysis of Ru
Study of radiative lifetimes of excited levels of the singly ionized Kr atom
Study of the oscillator strength of some strong transition from singly ionized Kr atom
In this paper , the method of transition oscillator strength from singly ionized Kr atomic level lifetimes are described , and main results are discussed .
Under the new model of potential function of hydrogen-like ions , the influence of the ionicity effect on the average life span , soft X-ray spectra , and transition probability of high ionization hydrogen-like Fe + 25 ions is systematically calculated .
In a heat pipe furnace , Rb atoms , pumped by two-photon Doppler tree absorp tion ( 760.1 nm ), are excited from the ground state 5S1 / 2 to state 7S .
We calculate the positions and the widths of 21 2P 0 resonances in Be ⅱ between 1 1S 0 and 2 1P thresholds with a saddle point complex rotation method . Relativistic and mass polarization corrections to the autoionization energy are included .
Laser Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy of Even-Parity Autoionization States of Cerium Atom
The experimental equipment and control system for high ionized atom
Study of the interaction of highly charged ions with surfaces
Study of Beam - Foil Spectroscopy of Highly Ionized Ions
Cascade decays and final charge-state distribution of hollow argon ions
Study of oscillator strengths for transition of highly ionized sulfur in celestial bodies
Measurements of Excitation Spectra of Highly Charged Atoms
Ionization balance in corona of laser-produced gold plasma
Interaction between laser and autoionization state
One hundred and forty-one autoionization states were found by these channels with the third-step laser scanning in the wavelength range of 634-670 nm .
In the second part , we have developed a concrete computing method for the auto-ionized state of impurities , which is known as complex coordinate method .
The target atom or ion may be excited to infinite bound states , auto-ionizing states and adjoint continuum states which can be treated in an unified manner by Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory .
Initial electron density , electron temperature and distribution of plasma of the fibre forget irradiated by ultra-short pulses have been related to the intensity and pulse duration of driving lasers and fibre radius .
The double excited autoionization states of the He atom and the e-He + scattering phase shifts in the nonresonant region near the first ionization threshold are examined in detail , using a simple configuration-interaction approach . The phase shifts reflect the short-range electron-electron correlations .
An ideal impurity transport code has been used to simulate impurities ( carbon and oxygen ) behaviour during the OH discharge . The profiles of impurities diffusion and convection coefficient , impurities ion densities in different ionized state , loss power density and effective charge number have been derived .
The paper reviews the definitions and applications of various types of Auger parameters , extraatomic relaxation energy and the energy of the final state of Auger double ionized atom .
Mass Analyzed Threshold Ionization ( MATI ) Spectroscopy is a powerful technique for studies of molecular ions and offers a very high resolution .
The charge state distribution of argon after photoionization
The influence of the ionicity effect on the average life of high ionization hydrogenlike ions
Electron exchange between two atoms in excited states and bond cleavage under bond oxygen or oxygen primary with argon ion bombardment are also important surface ionization processes other than the direct ionization of atoms in the surface layers .