
  • 网络ionized state
  1. 用屏蔽常数规律解释铬(Cr)元素的基电子组态和电离态

    Using Screening Constant rule explain the ground state Configuration and ionized state of Chromium

  2. 应用分波展开法,通过电离态上的粒子布居,研究了电离相干现象。

    The phenomenon of ionization interference is studied with partial - wave expansion method through the particle population of the ionized state .

  3. 并用偏振光技术测定两个自电离态的J值。

    The total angular momentums J of two autoionization levels were determined by a polarization technique .

  4. Ru原子自电离态的测量及高灵敏分析

    Measurement for autoionization States and high sensitive analysis of Ru

  5. 单电离态Kr原子的能级寿命的研究

    Study of radiative lifetimes of excited levels of the singly ionized Kr atom

  6. 单电离态Kr原子强跃迁能级振子强度的研究

    Study of the oscillator strength of some strong transition from singly ionized Kr atom

  7. 阐述了用束箔方法通过测量单电离态Kr原子强跃迁谱线的能级寿命来确定振子强度f值的方法,并对确定出的强跃迁谱线的能级吸收振子强度进行简要讨论。

    In this paper , the method of transition oscillator strength from singly ionized Kr atomic level lifetimes are described , and main results are discussed .

  8. 在高电离态类H离子新势函数模型下,系统计算了类氢Fe+25离子软X射线谱、跃迁概率和平均寿命。

    Under the new model of potential function of hydrogen-like ions , the influence of the ionicity effect on the average life span , soft X-ray spectra , and transition probability of high ionization hydrogen-like Fe + 25 ions is systematically calculated .

  9. 在热管炉内,利用760.1nm激光无多普勒双光子泵浦将Rb从基态5S(1/2)激发到7S态,然后用连续Nd·YAG激光将原子从7S态激发至电离态。

    In a heat pipe furnace , Rb atoms , pumped by two-photon Doppler tree absorp tion ( 760.1 nm ), are excited from the ground state 5S1 / 2 to state 7S .

  10. 利用鞍点复转动的方法,计算了21个位于BeⅡ的11S和21P阈值之间的2P0自电离态,得到了包括相对论修正和质量极化修正在内的共振能量和宽度。

    We calculate the positions and the widths of 21 2P 0 resonances in Be ⅱ between 1 1S 0 and 2 1P thresholds with a saddle point complex rotation method . Relativistic and mass polarization corrections to the autoionization energy are included .

  11. 铈原子偶宇称自电离态激光共振电离光谱

    Laser Resonance Ionization Spectroscopy of Even-Parity Autoionization States of Cerium Atom

  12. 高电离态原子的实验装置与控制系统

    The experimental equipment and control system for high ionized atom

  13. 高电离态离子与表面相互作用的研究

    Study of the interaction of highly charged ions with surfaces

  14. 高电离态离子束箔光谱学研究

    Study of Beam - Foil Spectroscopy of Highly Ionized Ions

  15. 洞态氩离子的退激发及末电离态离子分布的理论研究

    Cascade decays and final charge-state distribution of hollow argon ions

  16. 天体中的高电离态硫原子跃迁振子强度的研究

    Study of oscillator strengths for transition of highly ionized sulfur in celestial bodies

  17. 高电离态原子光谱测量

    Measurements of Excitation Spectra of Highly Charged Atoms

  18. 金激光等离子体冕区电离态特性研究

    Ionization balance in corona of laser-produced gold plasma

  19. 激光场与自电离态的相互作用

    Interaction between laser and autoionization state

  20. 第三台染料激光波长在634~670nm范围内扫描,发现了141个偶宇称自电离态能级。

    One hundred and forty-one autoionization states were found by these channels with the third-step laser scanning in the wavelength range of 634-670 nm .

  21. 本文的第二部份发展了一种计算半导体中杂质自电离态的具体方法,称做复坐标方法。

    In the second part , we have developed a concrete computing method for the auto-ionized state of impurities , which is known as complex coordinate method .

  22. 电子碰撞过程可将靶原子或离子激发至无数的束缚态、自电离态和对应的连续态,多通道量子数亏损理论能够统一地处理这些激发态。

    The target atom or ion may be excited to infinite bound states , auto-ionizing states and adjoint continuum states which can be treated in an unified manner by Multichannel Quantum Defect Theory .

  23. 短脉冲激光泵浦纤维靶产生等离子体的电子密度、电子温度、电离态分布等和驱动激光功率密度、脉宽及纤维靶半径相联系。

    Initial electron density , electron temperature and distribution of plasma of the fibre forget irradiated by ultra-short pulses have been related to the intensity and pulse duration of driving lasers and fibre radius .

  24. 使用组态相互作用理论详细分析He的双重激发自电离态,以及第一电离阈植附近非谐振区e-He~+散射的位相移动,这种位相移动反映了非谐振区内电子&电子短程相互作用。

    The double excited autoionization states of the He atom and the e-He + scattering phase shifts in the nonresonant region near the first ionization threshold are examined in detail , using a simple configuration-interaction approach . The phase shifts reflect the short-range electron-electron correlations .

  25. 建立完备的杂质输运程序,数值模拟碳、氧杂质在欧姆放电时的输运行为,得出了杂质的扩散和对流系数、不同电离态杂质离子密度、辐射功率密度和有效电荷数的空间分布。

    An ideal impurity transport code has been used to simulate impurities ( carbon and oxygen ) behaviour during the OH discharge . The profiles of impurities diffusion and convection coefficient , impurities ion densities in different ionized state , loss power density and effective charge number have been derived .

  26. 简要介绍几种俄歇参数定义以及俄歇参数图中涉及的原子外部弛豫能和俄歇双电离体系终态能,最后评述它们的应用。

    The paper reviews the definitions and applications of various types of Auger parameters , extraatomic relaxation energy and the energy of the final state of Auger double ionized atom .

  27. 对于分子电离后的离子态产物可以用质量分辨的阈值电离光谱(MATI)来进行研究,它具有很高的分辨率,是研究离子态的一种有效手段。

    Mass Analyzed Threshold Ionization ( MATI ) Spectroscopy is a powerful technique for studies of molecular ions and offers a very high resolution .

  28. 光致氩原子电离的平衡电荷态分布

    The charge state distribution of argon after photoionization

  29. 电离度效应对高电离态类氢离子平均寿命的影响

    The influence of the ionicity effect on the average life of high ionization hydrogenlike ions

  30. 通过对离子轰击下固体表面电离过程重新考虑认为,在固体表面覆氧或氧离子轰击下除表面原子的直接电离外,激发态双原子间电子交换和断键亦起重要作用。

    Electron exchange between two atoms in excited states and bond cleavage under bond oxygen or oxygen primary with argon ion bombardment are also important surface ionization processes other than the direct ionization of atoms in the surface layers .