
  • 网络Voltage amplification;voltage magnification
  1. 应用Prony法对配电系统中的电容器操作事件和电压放大问题进行了机理分析,并将仿真信号分解为不同的分量。

    By use of Prony method the mechanism of capacitor switching event and voltage magnification phenomena in power distribution system is analyzed and the simulated signals are decomposed into different components .

  2. 针对埋栅型静电感应晶体管(SIT)提出一种柱栅模型.用镜像法计算了器件内电势分布,并在此基础上计算了沟道势垒、栅效率、电压放大因子等。

    A cylindrical gates model of the static induction transistor is proposed and mirror method is used to calculate the distribution of electric potential .

  3. 详细阐述了白光干涉仪的设计过程,该设计主要包括驱动电路、光电IV转换以及电压放大3个模块。

    The white light fiber optic interferometer is designed . It includes driving electrocircuit , photoelectricity I-V transformation and voltage amplifier .

  4. 10kV电容器组切换在用户侧产生的电压放大现象

    Voltage uprise at customer side caused by switching-over of 10 kV Capacitor Bank

  5. 对产生误差的途径进行硬技术隔离,并利用DSP数字处理器高速的处理能力,对系统实现高性能的算法控制,实现幅值和相位的误差进行补偿,从而实现该数字电压放大系统的高精度输出。

    The hard technique to segregate errors that affect system precision was adopted , apply the high processing ability of DSP and the advanced digital control ( arithmetic ), realize the compensation of phase error and amplitude error , the digital voltage amplifier system achieve ( outstanding ) precision .

  6. 单管电压放大实验电路的研究

    The Study on A Single Transistor Voltage Amplifier for Teaching Experiment

  7. 数字电压放大系统的精度问题及相应解决措施

    The issue and settle method about digital voltage amplifier system precision

  8. 共射电路电压放大倍数的分析及其仿真研究

    Analysis and Simulative Study of Voltage Gain in Common Emitter Amplifier

  9. 电力系统电压放大数字化逆变系统设计

    The Digital Inverter System Design for Voltage Measure Amplifier in Power System

  10. 关于电压放大电路静态工作点稳定性的定量分析

    Quantitative Analysis with Quiescent Point Stabilization of Voltage Amplifier

  11. 直接电压放大功率驱动的步进电机细分驱动技术研究

    Study on the direct voltage amplified and power driven subdividing technology of step motor

  12. 同时,结合对电流、电压放大原理和线路阻抗频率特性的分析得知。

    At the same time , through the analysising that current and voltage amplification principle and line impedance frequency characteristics .

  13. 用镜像法计算了器件内电势分布,并在此基础上计算了沟道势垒、栅效率、电压放大因子等。

    According to the space regularities of distribution of ground loss and by image method theory , the calculation formulas of superimposed stress are deduced .

  14. 净输入信号近似为零的概念及应用&关于深度负及馈放大器电压放大倍数近似计算方法的讨论

    The conception of the net input signal approximating to zero and its application ── discussion on an approximating computing method of the voltage amplication of the strong negative feedback amplifier

  15. 电压放大倍数、输入及输出电阻是交流放大电路中最基本的三种指标,其分析和求解过程比较繁琐。

    The voltage amplification multiple , the input resistance and the output resistance are the most elementary three targets in the Alternating Magnifying circuit , which has a process of quite complicated analysis and solution .

  16. 介绍其数字信号的编码、解码、调制、解调,输出射频信号的功率放大,输入射频信号的电压放大,比较电路等各部分的设计和调试方法。

    A complete design and adjustment method of it , including its encode , decode , modulation , demodulation , power amplifier of output RF signal , voltage amplifier of input RF signal , comparator etc. is presented .

  17. 一般探测器输出脉冲信号幅度为几十毫伏,而多道脉冲幅度分析器输入脉冲幅度要求为1-10V,所以脉冲线性放大器必须具有一定的电压放大增益,为数倍到上百倍。

    The common detector output pulse signal scope is several dozens millivolts , but the multichannel pulse analyzer input pulse amplitude request is 1-15V , therefore the pulse linear amplifier must have the certain voltage gain , about ten times to several times .

  18. 提出了用计算机编程产生驱动控制信号,经功率放大器进行电压放大的线圈电压加载方案。

    Then we came up with a program about the load of the coils voltage , that is , control signal generated through the special computer program , and was bubbled into power amplifier for voltage amplification for the purpose of drive the coils .

  19. 所以拟采用三级放大器,第一级放大器最为重要采用差分放大器,工作在放大模式下;第二级采用同相电压放大,并兼有一定的滤波作用;第三级放大器,起一定的调节作用。

    Three-stage amplifier are adopted , the first stage is very important adopting differential amplifier , working under the amplifying model ; The second stage adopts same - phase amplify and has some filter effect ; The third stage adopts reverse phase amplifier , and has certain adjustable effect .

  20. 该传感器将电荷放大、电压幅值放大、A/D转换、数字滤波、数据通信集中在一起,通过DSP实现粗糙度测量过程中数字滤波。

    In this sensor , electric charge amplifying , voltage regulating , A / D change , digital filtering and RS232 communication have been integrated .

  21. 继电保护测试仪用高电压功率放大电路的研制

    Design of high-voltage power amplifying circuit in protective relay test device

  22. 电压测量放大系统由输入功率因数校正和逆变两部分双环控制系统组成。

    It consists of two dual - loop control systems : correction and inversion .

  23. 读电路采用电压灵敏放大技术以降低读延时。

    Voltage sense amplifier is added in the read path to reduce the access latency and power .

  24. 功率放大器将正弦电压信号放大,加载到激励线圈,使之产生具有一定强度的一次磁场。

    The amplified sine wave signal by the power amplifier transmits the transmitter coil , forming the intensified magnetic field .

  25. 小于0.5伏的三角波电压经放大后再显示,该电路可作为各种电化学仪器的显示单元。

    The ramp voltage less than 0 . 5V will be displayed after amplification . The circuit can be used as display unit for various electrochemical instruments .

  26. 采用预放大的方法,将输入端的电压差放大,降低了失调电压对比较器的影响,大大地提高比较器的精度。

    By the method of pre-amplification , the difference of the input voltage was amplified , which reduces the impact on the offset voltage of the comparator . 5 .

  27. 本论文针对上述问题设计了与电压信号放大相适应的积分放大器,并详细研究了阵列规模、帧频与电路参数之间的关系,可以对更大规模阵列的读出电路设计提供理论指导。

    This paper designed the suitable integrating amplifier to address these issues with the voltage signal amplification , and studied the relationship among the array size , frame rate and circuit parameters carefully , which can provide theoretical guidance for the larger scale read out circuit designing .

  28. 接收系统的信号处理电路,将四象限光电探测器输出的电流信号转换为电压信号并放大、处理,最终得到能够反映光斑中心在x方向和y方向偏移量的电压信号。

    Signal processing circuit of receiving system covert current signal from PIN four-quadrant photo detector to voltage signal .

  29. 一种正弦波高效逆变器&电压比较跟踪放大式(CTA)逆变器

    A High Efficiency Inverter with Sine Waves & Valtage Comparing-Tracking-Amplifying Inverter

  30. RF输入电压经IF放大后,检波器检测出该电压的包络。

    First the IF amplifier enlarges the input RF signal , then the voltage outline is detected by the radiodetector .