
  • 网络Film Art;cinema;Cinematic Arts;Cinematography
  1. 跨世纪中国电影艺术与商业观念辨析

    Distinction between Cinematography and the Commercial Concept in China across the Century

  2. 电影艺术不能排斥商业,但艺术旗帜必须高扬。

    Though the cinematography can 't exclude the commerce , we should attach much importance to art .

  3. 他的作品被认为是电影艺术的巅峰之作。

    His work is considered the acme of cinematic art .

  4. 你对电影艺术有兴趣吗?

    Are you interested in the cinema ?

  5. 克雷斯波说,政府资助的古巴电影艺术与工业研究所(CubanInstituteofCinematicartandIndustry)“受制于自身的官僚体制”。

    Mr. Crespo said that the state-funded Cuban Institute of Cinematic art and Industry " drowns in its own bureaucracy . "

  6. 在电影艺术早期,电影胶片这种媒介本身就是科幻的,索尼娅·弗里切(SonjaFritzsche)在即将出版的新书《世界科幻电影的利物浦同伴》(TheLiverpoolCompaniontoWorldScienceFictionFilm)中写道。

    In the early days of film , the celluloid medium was itself science fiction , Sonja Fritzsche writes in the forthcoming book The Liverpool Companion to World Science Fiction Film .

  7. 在奥斯卡战线上,两部影片的支持者们都在努力争取美国电影艺术与科学学院中亲英国团体的支持,它过去更加倾向于英国电影,如《国王的演讲》(TheKing’sSpeech)。

    As the Oscars approach , backers of both will be wrangling for votes from the British contingent of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences , which has leaned toward the United Kingdom ( " The King 's Speech " ) in the past .

  8. 电影艺术是由光与声共同构建的视听艺术。

    Cinematics is an audiovisual art consisting of light and sound .

  9. 你到底懂不懂电影艺术?

    Do you know anything about the art of film production ?

  10. 电影艺术批评是电影鉴赏的类存在。

    Cinematics critique is a kind of existence of film appreciation .

  11. 从而对岩井俊二及其电影艺术风格做出较为全面的与全新的总结。

    Ultimately make a comprehensive new summary of Shunji Iwai films .

  12. 这次盛会因音乐和电影艺术而闻名。

    The festival is most famous for its music and film presentations .

  13. 电影艺术的最终幻想与人类科技进步

    " Final Fantasy " of Film Art and Scientific Advance of Mankind

  14. 论电影艺术的愉悦性

    Discussion on the Pleasure of Cinematographic Art Q & A on Sex

  15. 中国电影艺术的戏剧基因与民族传统

    Drama Genes and National Tradition in China 's Film Art

  16. 试析电影艺术的意蕴内质的悲剧性

    The Tragic Nature of the Essence Meaning of the Art of Films

  17. 论电影艺术批评本体及其结构类型

    On the Critique Noumenon of Cinematics and Its Structure Styles

  18. 类电影艺术:旅游景区属性的一种假说

    Film-like Art : A Hypothesis about the Attribute of the Tourist Attraction

  19. 她对电影艺术很感兴趣.我很高兴接到你的电话。

    She 's interested in cinema . Good to hear from you .

  20. 电影艺术的社会道德建设责任

    The Responsibility of Film for Constructing the Social Morality

  21. 文学性:电影艺术的重要维度

    Literary Property : An Important Dimension of Movie Art

  22. 电影艺术论文这段路把妈妈走累了。

    The way make mother tired after the walk .

  23. 因而中国电影艺术由内到外都呈现出崭新的现代风貌。

    Therefore , Chinese movies have taken on a glowing outlook from within .

  24. 张艺谋的电影艺术谋略

    Zhang Yimou 's Resource and Astuteness of Movie Art

  25. 美国电影艺术和科学学院每年都会颁发奥斯卡奖。

    The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences presents the Oscars each year .

  26. 第一章论述陈凯歌电影艺术自律主导场域的确立。

    The first chapter , the author analyzed Chen Kaige 's movie artistic autonomy .

  27. 本文的研究对象是吴贻弓导演的电影艺术。

    The research object of this thesis is the movie art of Director Wu Yigong .

  28. 戏曲电影艺术论

    On the Art of Chinese Opera Movies

  29. 除了教学,我也喜爱电影艺术以及音乐剧。

    Apart from teaching , I am also fond of theatre arts and musical plays .

  30. “明星”则是电影艺术的另一个产物。

    The'star'was another natural consequence of cinema .