
  1. 电信通信网可靠性分析方法的研究

    Research of Method for Reliability Analysis of Telecommunication Network

  2. 电力通信传输网不同于电信运营商的通信网,是一种国家专用通信传输网。

    Electric Power Communication Transmission Network ( EPCTN ) is different from the one of telecom operators , it is exclusive transmission network by government .

  3. 随着时代的进步,通信产业的快速发展,电信网、计算机通信网和有线电视网等三大网络的融合已成必然。

    With the development of the times and the industry of communications , telecommunication network , Internet and cable networks integration has become an inevitable trend .

  4. 在现代电网上架构1+3电力电信复合型光通信网&兼谈信息通信产业与电力工业的相互依存性及相关技术

    Configuring " 1 + 3 " electric power-communications composite optical communication network on the modern power system - Moreover talk mutually dependency and correlation technique between information communication and electric power industry

  5. 电信管线网络是整个电信通信网重要的组成部分,它既是电信传输基础设备之一,又是连接用户终端使用设备不可缺少的设施。

    Telecommunication duct and line network is the important component of the whole telecommunication network . It is one of the basic telecommunication transmission facilities , also it is the essential facility to connect customer terminal equipments .