
  1. 方法:根据反渗透原理,经过海水预处理、高压反渗透淡化和操作控制诸程序,实现日产淡水500L以上。

    Methods : The desalting processes mainly involve seawater preparatory treatment , high pressure reverse osmosis and the control system .

  2. 环境工程师应用反渗透原理的机会并不多。

    The environmental engineer does not have much opportunity to apply the principle of osmosis .

  3. 本文简要介绍世界上三种主要海水淡化方法-多级闪蒸、低温多效蒸馏和反渗透的原理、特点和方法选择。

    The principles , and applications of three main desalination processes in the world , such as , multi-stage flash ( MSF ), multi-effect evaporation ( ME ) and reverse osmosis ( RO ) are reviewed .