
  • 网络Response;response variable
  1. 采用多分类有序反应变量的logistic回归分析,获得麻疹突发事件级别logistic回归模型。

    By more orderly classification of the response variables logistic regression , measles-related emergencies were predictable logistic regression model .

  2. 将多反应变量模型应用到临床实践中。

    To apply the multiple response variables model into clinical practice .

  3. 方法采用描述性统计方法以及多项有序反应变量的Logistic逐步回归分析。

    Methods Descriptive statistical method and a multi ordinal categories Logistic regression model were employed .

  4. 【方法】采用多项有序反应变量Logistic逐步回归方法,分析影响儿童伤害治疗转归的有关因素。

    The influencing factors which affected the therapeutic prognosis for injuries were analyzed by using multi-ordinal-categories Logistic regression model .

  5. 多分类有序反应变量logistic逐步回归分析在上海市医疗保险调查中的应用

    Logistic Stepwise Regression Analysis on Polytomous Ranked Response Variable and Its Application in Survey Study of Medical Insurance in Shanghai

  6. 多分类有序反应变量Logistic回归及其在国家医师资格考试研究中的应用数据挖掘中多分类有序变量间距差异分析及应用

    Polytomous Logistic Regression for Ordinal Response and Its Appliance The Analysis and Its Application for the Differences Between Categories of the Ordinal Data in Data Mining

  7. 对总体和样本运用灰色预测、多分类有序反应变量的logistic回归、多指标综合评价和数据包络分析等方法进行统计分析和经济学评价。

    Grey forecast , ordinal logistic regression analysis , multi-index comprehensive evaluation and data envelopment analysis ( DEA ) were applied for statistical analysis and economic evaluation .

  8. 方法多分类有序反应变量的logistic逐步回归分析、SAS统计分析、现场调查、问卷调查等方法被采用。

    Methods Logistic stepwise regression on polytomous ranked response variable , Statistical Analysis System ( SAS ), Field survey and questionnaire survey were employed .

  9. 上海市嘉定区农村居民就诊单位选择的影响因素分析&决策树和多分类无序反应变量的logistic回归相结合的方法

    Researches on the Factors Influencing the Outpatients ' Choice of Selecting Care Providers in Jiading District of Shanghai : a Method of Combining Decision Tree Model with Multinomial Logistic Regression

  10. 在双反应变量重复测量资料模型构建过程中,使用SAS的MIXED过程,将重复测量数据间的相关性分为变量之间的相关与重复测量个体值之间的相关两部分。

    In modelling the bivariate repeated measurement data , using the PROC MIXED of SAS , the correlation between data could be cut into two parts : between variables and between multiple measurements .

  11. 在样本例数相对不足、阳性率较低的情况下,MonteCarlo模拟方法对反应变量有序分类资料所建模型预测的实用性评价具有较好的效果。

    The monte carlo simulation is a good method for assessing the utility of the cumulative models based on the ordinal response data when the sample size is not enough and the event rate is rather low .

  12. 对近年发展起来的多分类有序反应变量Logistic回归进行了补充和完善,设计出对样本数据的应用条件做χ2检验的方法,证明了比数比在分析自变量作用中的实际意义。

    Polytomous Logistic regression for ordinal response was perfected , the mothod of χ 2 test was designed for applicable conditions about sample data , and the effect of independent variable to response variable by odds ratio was proved .

  13. 多项有序分类反应变量的Logistic回归分析显示,对转归有利的因素为抢救成功次数、手术、住院天数,不利的因素为抢救次数。

    The results of Logistic regression indicated that the beneficial factors for the outcomes were " succeed in rescue ", " surgical " and " length of stay ( LOS )", and the adverse factor was " number of rescue " .

  14. 多反应变量重复测量的混合效应模型及其应用

    Mixed Models for Repeated Measure Data with Multiple Responses and Their Application

  15. 知觉网络质量与服务内容,将影响情感反应变量在模型中。

    The perceived Web quality with service contents would influence affective reaction variables in the model .

  16. 同模型下数据缺失时线性回归模型反应变量均值的经验似然置信区间

    Empirical Likelihood Confidence Intervals of the Mean of the Response Variables for the Same Linear Regression Model with Missing Data

  17. 目的:探讨离散型反应变量多水平统计模型在问卷信度研究中的应用价值。

    Objective : to explore the applicability of multilevel statistical models for discrete response in research to reliability of questionnaire ;

  18. 三类累积模型要求资料反应变量为有序分类且样本量较大、阳性率不太低。

    The data must be ordinal response , enough sample size and not too low event rate for the cumulative models .

  19. 医学研究中,常常会遇到反应变量与解释变量之间存在着非线性关系,或者关系相当复杂等难以建立反应变量与解释变量之间确切函数关系的情况。

    In medical research , we often encounter that response variables and explanatory variables show non-linear relationship or impossible to establish the exact function of them .

  20. 对于数据的分析,我们通常的目的是:一、找到与反应变量有关的解释变量;二,在此基础上若能建立适当的数学模型,是我们更希望得到的。

    Second , as to data analysis , we hope to find the explanatory variables related to response variables , then find an appropriate model based on it .

  21. 在五个反应变量指标中,发现飞行员在对运动客体的方向控制上好于对照组,表现在快速掌握方向控制操作并及时调整客体的运动方向。

    Among the five reaction variable indices , results indicated that compared with the control-group members , airline pilots were better at controlling the directions of moving dots , which could be reflected in the rapid mastering of direction control and the prompt adjustment of dot-moving-directions .

  22. 工作倦怠、工作压力、工作满意度的结构方程模型,基本能够反应各个变量之间的相关关系。

    Structural equation modeling of job burnout , work stress and job satisfaction basically responses the correlation between various variables .

  23. 即以超额收益率作为衡量市场反应的变量,在同一横截面上比较两组价值信息披露水平不同的样本组合的市场反应。

    Specifically speaking , it chose the excess earning rate as the variable to measure the market reaction , and compare the market reaction of two groups of samples in the same cross section , which have different disclosure level of value information .

  24. 对BZ反应3D模型变量变化率脉冲反馈混沌控制的理论研究

    Pulses Feedback Control of Chaos for the System Variables Rate in 3D Model of BZ Reaction

  25. 对影响反应的不同变量和参数进行了研究,建立了两种荧光光谱法测定LEV的新体系:(1)CL体系,线性范围为0.06~3.6μg/mL,检出限为0.02μg/mL;

    Different variables and parameters affecting the reaction were studied and optimized . Two fluorimetric systems were proposed . One is the system of CL , the linear range is 0.06 ~ 3.6 μ g / mL and the detection limit is 0.02 μ g / mL.

  26. 脱木素反应的多变量推断控制系统研究

    Multi - variable Inference Control System Based on Soft Sensing Technology

  27. 基于合成氨反应器多变量动态模型的仿真

    The simulation of multi-variable dynamic model based on ammonia synthetic tower

  28. 催化裂化装置反应深度多变量预测控制

    / multivariable prediction control for fluid catalytic cracking units

  29. 该公式反应了各变量之间的关系,可用于电磁缓速器结构设计和性能分析的参考。

    Meanwhile , the formula can be used as a reference for the structure design and function analysis of electromagnetic retarder .

  30. 从对药物反应有关的变量中分析出基因多样性或遗传标志与药物反应表型的连续性的和预测性的联系可能是将来的一项不可能完成的任务。

    Separating a consistent , predictive association between a SNP or other genetic marker and a drug response phenotype from all the other variables that play into drug response can be next to impossible .