
  • 网络APB;antiphase domain boundary;APBs
  1. 一些晶粒中存在反相畴界。

    Antiphase domain boundary also exists in some grains .

  2. 五磷酸钕晶体中的反相畴界掺钕聚苯乙烯(Nd/PS)及其性质研究

    The Study on Antiphase Domain Boundary ( APBS ) in Neodymium Pentaphosphate Crystal

  3. Cu3Au薄膜中的[001]方向反相畴界

    [ 001 ] antiphase boundaries in Cu 3 Au film

  4. FCC金属及合金的层错及反相畴界的理论分析

    A Theoretical Study about the Stacking Fault and Anti-phase Boundary in FCC Metals and Alloys

  5. (Co(78)Fe(22))3V中的层错和反相畴界

    Stacking Faults and Antiphase Boundaries in ( Co_ ( 78 ) Fe_ ( 22 )) _3 V

  6. L12结构Ni(74.5)Pd2Al(23.5)合金的反相畴界能

    The APB energies of ni_ ( 74.5 ) pd_2al_ ( 23.5 ) alloy with l1_2 structure

  7. FeAl合金中反相畴界的电子结构

    Electronic Structure of Anti Phase Boundary in FeAl Alloys

  8. 在本文中我们将采用嵌入原子法理论就FCC金属和合金的层错与反相畴界的结构和能量进行理论的研究。

    In this paper , we have made a theoretical study about the structure and energy of stacking fault and anti-phase boundary of metals and alloys by using the embedded atom method ( EAM ) .

  9. 因此,系统的研究FCC金属及合金中的层错与反相畴界的结构和能量将为掌握材料性质、实现材料改性和设计新材料提供理论基础和指导。

    Therefore , a systemic study of the structure and energy of stacking fault and anti-phase boundary of FCC metals and alloys will provide theoretical foundation and introduction for the mastery and transforming of material properties and designing new materials .

  10. 最后,本论文计算了NiAl金属间化合物的111反相畴界能、Peierls应力、不稳定堆垛层错能、塑性判据、解理能等。

    Finally , 111 antiphase boundary energy , the Peierls stress , the unstable stacking fault energy , the cleavage energy and the plasticity criterion of NiAl are calculated .

  11. 实验结果表明,微量Mg的加入能够明显提高γ′相的长程有序度和反相畴界能,因而有效地增加了γ′对位错运动的阻力。

    The experimental results show that the addition of trace Mg to the alloy will increase greatly the DLRO and the anti-phase domain boundary energy of γ′ - phase . As a result , the resistance provided by γ′ - phase to the dislocation movement can be increased .

  12. 用X射线衍射形貌法研究了NdP5O(14)晶体中的微观缺陷,主要有铁弹畴、反相畴界、生长区的界面、生长层和位错。

    The micro-defects in NdPP crystals have been studied by means of X-ray topography . It is found that the main defects in these crystals are ferroelastic domain , growth sector , growth layer , antiphase domain and dislocation .

  13. Al-Zr合金中位错的这种行为,是由于β′相的反相畴界能高和析出相的体积百分比低所致。

    This behavior of dislocations in the Al-Zr alloy can be explained in terms of the larger value of antiphase boundary energy and the smaller volume fraction of the β′ precipitated phase .

  14. γ-TiAl基合金块状组织中孪晶与反相畴界的相互作用

    Interaction between the Twins and the Anti-Phase Boundaries in Massive Transformation for γ - TiAl Alloys

  15. 给出了体系的电子态密度、原子间相互作用能和反相畴界能;

    The density of electronic state , the interatomic energy and the energy of APB have been presented .

  16. 结果表明,经退火的钯钇合金中存在有序相,出现了反相畴界。

    The results indicate that order phase and anti phase domain boundary exist in the alloys after annealing .

  17. 计算结果表明反相畴界的薄膜系统中的性质与在体材料中的不同。

    The computational results show that the antiphase boundaries in the film have different properties with antiphase boundaries in the bulk .

  18. 变形试样表面滑移线及位错组态、位错反相畴界研究结果都证实了这一点。

    This is confirmed by the investigation of the surface slip lines of deformed samples , dislocation configuration and antiphase boundaries of dislocation move trace .

  19. 反相畴界能则在合金材料的抗形变过程中起了重要作用,并会影响合金发生形变时的途径。

    And anti-phase boundary energy is an important factor in a alloy material 's resistance to deformation , and also affects the way deformation occurs .

  20. 利用透射电镜观察发现,反相畴界形态强烈影响合金的塑性。

    It is found by transmission electron microscope that the form of antiphase domain boundary has a strong effect on the ductility of ordered alloys .

  21. γ′相周围的较高应力场对位错运动的阻碍和γ′的较高反相畴界能使超点阵位错难于切割通过;

    The dislocation motion is prevented by strong stress field around γ ' and the superdislocation hardly cut up and pass through the γ ' with higher energy at antiphase domain boundary .