
  • 网络reaction turbine;reaction water turbine
  1. 反击式水轮机导叶密封的结构问题

    The Constructional Problems of Wicket Gate Seal of Reaction Water Turbine

  2. 将竖轴布置的反击式水轮机即正装水轮机进行倒装布置变成倒装水轮机,除了可以改善反击式水轮机的汽蚀性能之外,还可以获得许多正装水轮机所不及的优越性。

    To change vertical axis reaction turbine upright turbine to upside down reaction turbine can not only improve the performance of the reaction turbine but also obtain many advantages that vertical turbines do not possess .

  3. 反击式水轮机调速器动作过程的优化设计

    Design Optimization of Operational Process of Governor for Reaction Turbine

  4. 本文提出一种改进的反击式水轮机选型方法。

    This article proposes an improved mehodof selecting the desirable type and parameter for a reaction turbine .

  5. 减少反击式水轮机导叶全关后的漏水量是改善水轮机结构性能的重要课题之一。

    To decrease the leakage of full closed wicket gate of reaction turbine is an important subject of improving the constructional characteristic of water turbine .

  6. 计算结果表明它适用于任何一种型式的反击式水轮机转轮中的三维空化流场分析。

    The calculating results show that the present method is possible forthe analyses of 3D cavitation flow field of all types of the reactive turbine runner .

  7. 浅谈小型反击式卧式水轮机安装

    Brief discussion on installation of small size of reaction horizontal type of turbine