
guàn liú shì shuǐ lún jī
  • tubular turbine;through-flow turbine
贯流式水轮机[guàn liú shì shuǐ lún jī]
  1. 灯泡贯流式水轮机水力振动的形成及其影响

    Formation and Influence of Hydraulic Vibration in Bulb Type Tubular Turbine

  2. 转轮叶栅参数对贯流式水轮机性能的影响

    Effect of Blade Cascade Parameters on Tubular Turbine Characteristics

  3. 采用常规PID控制的贯流式水轮机调节系统在孤立运行时难以稳定。

    The straflo turbine regulating system controlled by normal PID is not stable when it is isolated operating .

  4. 10MW灯泡贯流式水轮机的现场试验

    Field Test Results of 10MW Bulb Turbine

  5. 本文采用黏性三维湍流流动分析法,通过Fluent软件分析了重力场对灯泡贯流式水轮机流场分析和水力性能预估的影响。

    The software FLUENT for3D viscous turbulent flow is used to analyze the influence of gravity on flow field analysis and hydraulic performance evaluation of bulb turbine .

  6. 贯流式水轮机的比转速ns比混流式水轮机的高,在相同水头和相同直径的条件下,能通过较多流量,发出较大的功率。

    Because the specific speed of bulb turbine is higher than that of the francis turbine , the discharge and power of bulb turbine are larger when head and the diameter is same .

  7. 多喷嘴水轮机专用调速器灯泡贯流式水轮机(Ⅰ)

    Special governor for multi - jet type turbine Bulb Turbine (ⅰ)

  8. 贯流式水轮机基本力特性的解析表达式

    Analytical Expressions of Basic Force Characteristics of Bulb Hydraulic Turbines

  9. 灯泡贯流式水轮机装置甩负荷过渡过程计算方法

    Numerical Method for Calculation of Transients of Load Rejection in Bulb Turbines

  10. 大型灯泡贯流式水轮机管型座装焊新工艺

    New Technology for Assembling and Welding Stay Cone of Large Bulb Turbine

  11. 利用灯泡贯流式水轮机特性泄水的研究

    A Study on the Utilization of Flood Discharging Characteristics of Bulb Units

  12. 贯流式水轮机三维定常湍流计算及改型设计90°方截面弯管的湍流计算

    Calculation of turbulent flow in 90 ° elbow pipe with square cross-section

  13. 竖井贯流式水轮机进出水通道的流动损失

    Vertical & shaft Tubular Turbine Flow Losses in Inlet and outlet Conduits

  14. 贯流式水轮机水润滑轴承的设计与运行

    Design and operation on water - lubrical rearing of horizontal shaft turbine

  15. 竖井贯流式水轮机的可逆特性及经济效益

    Reversibility and Economic Benefit of Vertical & Shaft Bulb Turbines

  16. 大中型灯泡贯流式水轮机结构简介

    Brief Introduction of Structure for Large and Medium Bulb Turbine

  17. 轴伸贯流式水轮机的新型尾水管&S型尾管研究

    Study on New Type Draft Tube of Half-tubular Turbine & S-type Draft Tube

  18. 贯流式水轮机外导水环球面的加工

    The Method of Machining Spherical Surface of Outer Guide Ring for Tubular Turbine

  19. 高水头贯流式水轮机性能分析

    The performance analysis of high - head tubular turbine

  20. 轴伸贯流式水轮机性能分析与技术改造

    Performance Analysis and Technical Transformation of Tubular Turbine

  21. 贯流式水轮机锥形导水机构运动图计算机计算与绘图

    Computing and Plotting the Motion Diagram of Taper Distributor for Tubular Turbine With Computer

  22. 从安居水电站机组选型论灯泡贯流式水轮机的优越性

    Type Selection Analysis for Anju Power Station and Discussing the Advantage of Bulb Tubular Turbine

  23. 灯泡贯流式水轮机灯泡体与引水管间流场的有限元计算

    Calculation of Flow Field between Bulb and Conduit of Bulb Tubular Turbine Using Finite Element Method

  24. 文章介绍了轴伸贯流式水轮机的结构和性能;

    The paper gives a detail introduction to the structure and performance of shaft-extension tabular Turbine .

  25. 灯泡贯流式水轮机水力损失分析

    Hydraulic Loss Analysis in Bulb Turbine

  26. 对于超低水头水电站应优先选用三叶片贯流式水轮机。

    As to ultra-low head hydropower stations , it is preferable to select three-blade tubular turbines .

  27. 灯泡贯流式水轮机是开发低水头水力资源的优良机型。

    Bulb Tubular Turbine - Generator is the eximious type that develops the hydraulic resources of low headwater .

  28. 该方程组适用于贯流式水轮机装置的稳定工作过程和过渡过程状态的分析与计算。

    This system can be used for analyzing and calculating the steady working process and the transient conditions of bulb turbine installations .

  29. 本文阐述了如何应用间隙流动的数值模拟来分析解决贯流式水轮机的一些实际问题。

    In this paper , it shows how the clearance flow numerical simulation is used to analysis and settle down the practical problem of tubular turbine .

  30. 本文从理论上讨论了贯流式水轮机转轮叶栅稠密度对水轮机水力效率的影响,模型试验结果也说明了这一点。

    The affect of the cascade solidity to the efficiency of tubular turbine is discussed theoretically . It is also explained by the model test result .