
  • 网络hypericum perforatum;St John's wort;St. John's wort;Hypericum perforatum L;hypericum perforatum linn
  1. HPLC法测定不同干燥方法的贯叶连翘中黄酮类化合物的含量

    Determination of flavonoids in Hypericum perforatum processed by different methods of drying by HPLC

  2. RP-HPLC法测定贯叶连翘片剂中有效成分金丝桃素和金丝桃苷的含量

    Determination of Effective Compounds Hypericin and Hyperoside in Hypericum perforatum Tablets by RP-HPLC

  3. 贯叶连翘提取物中金丝桃素的初步HPLC测定

    Preliminary Determination of Hypericin in Hypericum perforatum Extract by HPLC

  4. 贯叶连翘薄膜片中金丝桃素和金丝桃素类化合物的HPLC和UV测定

    Determination of Hypericin and Hypericins in Hypericum perforatum Film-coated Tablets by HPLC and UV

  5. 2,4-二氯苯氧乙酸(2,4-D)有利于促进贯叶连翘愈伤组织的形成;

    2,4 D could promote the formation of the callus of Hypericum perforatum .

  6. 研究结果表明,在饲喂贯叶连翘4周时间内,除E添加水平能使蛋壳厚度降低之外,其它各添加水平均未引起蛋品质的降低。

    The results also showed that the egg qualities were not influenced during 4 weeks feeding except that the E level can reduce the thickness of eggshell . 3 .

  7. 贯叶连翘提取物对慢性应激抑郁大鼠行为及脑内5-HT、NE表达的影响

    Effects of Hypericin on Behavior and Expression of 5-HT and NE in Brain of Depression Rat with Chronic Stress

  8. 目的:研究贯叶连翘提取物对抑郁大鼠行为学及脑内5-羟色胺、去甲肾上腺素(noradrenaline,NA)表达的影响。

    AIM : To study the effects of hypericin on the behavior and expressions of 5-hy droxytryptamine ( 5-HT ), noradrenaline ( NA ) in the brain of rats with depression .

  9. 建立了贯叶连翘中金丝桃素的测定方法,利用HPLC法和分光光度法测定贯叶连翘浸膏中金丝桃素的含量,检测波长为590nm。

    The use of HPLC and Spectrophotometric Determination was to get the content of hypericin in the Hypericum perforatum extract . And detection wavelength was 590 nm .

  10. 以贯叶连翘的叶片和茎段作为外植体,培养在含有不同种类及浓度激素的MS基本培养基上,进行愈伤组织、丛生芽、根的诱导实验,并进行试管苗的移栽。

    The stem and leaf of the Hypericum perforatum were used as explants , and cultured in basic MS medium supplemented with different kinds and concentrations of hormones . The callus , the buds and roots were induced , and cultivation of the tube seedling were carried out .

  11. 方法:1.利用超临界C02流体萃取技术提取金丝桃素(贯叶连翘提取物的主要活性成分),并用高效液相法测定其含量。

    Use supercritical CO2 fluid extraction technology to extract hypericin ( the main active ingredient of TEHP ) and determine its content by HPLC .

  12. 目的:对贯叶连翘提取物(600mg/kg)和维生素B2(6mg/kg)、维生素B6(80mg/kg)复方(以下简称复方,thecomplex)的镇痛、抗炎作用进行研究。

    AIM : To study the antinociceptive and anti inflammatory effects of the compound of extraction of Hypericum perforatum Linn ( EHPL )( 600 mg / kg ), vitamin B2 ( 6 mg / kg ) and B6 ( 80 mg / kg )( named the complex below ) .

  13. 结果:贯叶连翘提取物(250mg/kg)对小鼠脑组织内的MAO-B活性的抑制率为12.6%,500mg/kg对MAO-A和MAO-B活性的抑制率分别为13.2%和18.8%。

    RESULTS At 250 mg / kg , the hypericum extracts showed an inhibition of 12.6 % on MAO B activity , and the activities of MAO A & B were decreased to about 13.2 % and 18.8 % of the control level by 500 mg / kg .

  14. 国外对贯叶连翘抗抑郁疗效的临床验证

    Discussion on clinical efficacy of Hypericum perforatum for depression abroad

  15. 贯叶连翘总提取物对金黄色葡萄球菌的抗菌作用

    Antibacterial Effect of the Total Extract of Hypericum perforatum on Staphylococcus aureus

  16. 贯叶连翘提取物对单胺氧化酶与单胺递质的影响

    Effect of Hypericum Extracts on Monoamine Oxidase and Monoamine Neurotransmitters

  17. 金丝桃素是从贯叶连翘中提取的有效活性成分之一。

    Hypericin from Hypericum perforatum extract , one of the effective active ingredient .

  18. 陕北石油秩序贯叶连翘挥发性化学成分研究

    Chemical Constituents of Volatile Essential Oil in Hypericum perforatum

  19. 正交试验优选贯叶连翘中金丝桃素超声波提取工艺

    Optimization of ultrasonic wave extraction technique of hypericin in Hypericum perforatum by orthogonal test

  20. 贯叶连翘对大鼠离体肝灌流中非索非那定肝处置的影响

    HPL 's effect on the disposition of fexofenadine in the isolated perfused rat liver

  21. 土贝母、贯叶连翘组织培养及其有效成分分离提取的研究

    Study on tissue culture and effective component separation and extraction of Bolbostemma Paniculatum ? and Hypericum perforatum

  22. 建立免疫性心肌炎模型,研究贯叶连翘提取物对免疫性心肌炎的治疗作用。

    To establish autoimmune myocarditis model in study the effect and mechanism of TEHP . Results : 1 .

  23. 方法:采用小鼠尾悬挂试验、小鼠强迫游泳试验抑郁模型对三种贯叶连翘组药用植物醇提物的抗抑郁作用进行研究。

    Hypericum medicinal plants . Methods : The forced swimming test and mouse tail suspensions in mice were used .

  24. 结论贯叶连翘种子为需光种子,其需光性与赤霉素和乙烯利有关。

    Conclusion The seed of H. perforatum is light-dependent seed , its light-dependence is related to gibberellin and ethephon .

  25. 结论胡黄连和贯叶连翘可以抑制蛋白质的非酶糖基化,可能与其抗氧化作用有关。

    CONCLUSION The two drugs can inhibit the protein non-enzyme glycosylation , which is probably related to their anti-oxidation function .

  26. 本文综述了贯叶连翘的生药显微鉴定特征、有效成分的研究、药理和临床试验等方面的研究进展。

    Some recent progress of Hypericum perforatum were reviewed including the microscopic structural characters , active compositions , pharmacological effects etc.

  27. 现代药理学的研究也证实贯叶连翘有抗抑郁、抗菌、镇痛、止血及退热等功效。

    Modern pharmacology study confirmed Hypericum perforatum an antidepressant , anti-bacterial , analgesic , hemostatic , and fever and so on .

  28. 贯叶连翘提取物对流感病毒感染小鼠肺中IFN-γ·TNF-α的影响

    Influence of Hypericum perforatum Extract on IFN - γ, TNF - α of Lung Tissue of Mice Infected with Influenza A Virus

  29. 贯叶连翘在欧洲用于治疗创伤有着悠久的历史,同时它也是目前国际市场上很重要的抗抑郁植物原料。

    It was used to treat trauma for a long history . Currently it is also a significant raw material for antidepressant .

  30. 小鼠口服贯叶连翘提取物的最大给药量为24g/kg。

    The oral maximum dosage of TEHP was 24 g / kg , the toxic action of it is very low . 3 .