
shēn suì
  • deep;profound
深邃 [shēn suì]
  • (1) [deep]∶深的;幽深

  • 深邃的山谷

  • 深邃的夜空,星汉灿烂。——《探索星空奥秘的年轻人》

  • (2) [profound]∶深奥的

  • 寓意深邃

深邃[shēn suì]
  1. 彼得深邃的目光长久地注视着他。

    Peter gave him a long deep look .

  2. 我脚下深邃阴沉的小湖将厄谢尔古屋的断垣残墙吞没了。

    The deep and dark Tarn at my feet closed over the fragments of the house of usher .

  3. 他用那双深邃的蓝眼睛凝视着我。

    He gazed at me with those intense blue eyes .

  4. 他的作品充满了有关人类境况的深邃见解和话外音。

    His work is full of profundities and asides concerning the human condition .

  5. 他被她的外表——高挺的鼻梁、深邃的双眸和浓密的秀发——迷住了。

    He was fascinated by her physiognomy — the prominent nose , brooding eyes and thick hair .

  6. 雅典并不位列在他脑中最深邃的背景中,然而一旦人类有了一个伟大而美好的想法,那就永不会消失。

    Athens was not in the farthest background of his mind , but once man has a great and good idea , it is never completely lost .

  7. 这些先锋派批评家所开辟的深邃彻底的思维景象(b阿瑟C.丹托)

    The deep and sweeping vistas these pioneering critics opened up ( bArthur C. Danto )

  8. 长206米、1970年通车的单孔大桥阿苏大桥(GreatAsoBridge)崩塌,坠入了下方黑川(BlackRiver)深邃的峡谷中,此次地震的破坏力可见一斑。

    In a graphic illustration of the earthquake 's power , the Great Aso Bridge - a single span of 206m opened in 1970 - collapsed into the ravine of the Black River below .

  9. 为了得到更加明确的结论,罗伯特森及同事打算利用WFC3更长时间地对准同一片天区,来拍摄太空更加深邃之处的图片。

    In order to get more certainty , he and his fellow authors want to use WFC3 to take even deeper pictures of space by pointing at the same patch of sky for longer durations .

  10. 她的声音,她洁白的身体,她深邃的眸。

    Her voice , her bright body . Her infinite eyes .

  11. 刘徽《九章算术注》中所蕴涵的科学思想可谓极其深邃。

    Some of Liu Hui 's scientific thoughts are extremely profound .

  12. 长路奉献给远方,远方因此而深邃;

    When the distance has far-reaching roads , it becomes deep ;

  13. 第四部分,孔子是伟大的政治家,而非思想深邃的思想家。

    Four , Confucius was a great politician rather than a philosopher .

  14. 碧空像深邃的大海。

    The clear blue sky looks like the deep sea .

  15. 他是神秘的,深邃的,他是个电影明星。

    He 's mysterious , brooding and a movie star .

  16. 我不得不移开视线,以逃避他深邃的目光。

    I had to look away from the intensity of his stare .

  17. 麦克白是莎士比亚对邪恶最深邃而成熟的想象。

    Macbeth is Shakespeare 's most profound and mature vision of evil .

  18. 她的眸子是深邃的,仿佛要对你说话似的。

    Her eyes were deep , and seemed to speak to you .

  19. 中庸之道:作为一种全面深邃的文化理想

    Golden Mean : As An Overall and Profound Cultural Ideal

  20. 是的,你的眼睛深邃明亮,让人不自觉为之着迷。

    Yes , your eyes profound bright , it fascinated people unconsciously .

  21. 社会的记录深邃的思考&读冰心的问题小说

    Social Record , Deep Thought & Reading Issue Novel by Bing Xin

  22. 在这种超越之上,随之而来的是小说文本所体现出来的更加深邃的艺术效果。

    By more profound artistic effect embodied by the text .

  23. 卡夫卡是深邃的思想家,也被看作是一位存在主义哲学家。

    Kafka was regarded as a deep thinker and an existentialism philosopher .

  24. 爱因斯坦的哲学思想丰富而深邃。

    Einstein 's philosophy thought is rich and profound .

  25. 你离开之后,放过烟火的天空依旧深邃的冷漠。

    You are gone , let off fireworks skies remained abstruse too cold .

  26. 我相信赵军先生的成熟经验、深邃洞察力和研究工作的执着精神。

    I believe in his maturity , insight , and commitment to research .

  27. 我只不过是个纯粹的商人,没有那么深邃。

    I am just a simple businessman , I am not that deep .

  28. 在深邃的星光点缀的蓝天。

    In the depths of the star lit sky ;

  29. 齐鲁文化,可谓积淀丰厚、博大深邃。

    The centuries-old Qilu culture is extensive and profound .

  30. 他看了我一眼,目光犀利而深邃。

    He gave me a pointed and pedantic stare .