
  • 网络deep acupuncture;deep needling deep insertion;deep puncture
  1. 深刺局部穴治疗三叉神经痛疗效观察

    Therapeutic effect of deep acupuncture at local acupoints on trigeminal neuralgia

  2. 大肠俞深刺为主治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床观察

    Dachangshu Deep Acupuncture Treatment of Lumbar Disc Herniation Clinical Observation

  3. 深刺组疗效优于常规针刺组(P0.05)。

    The therapeutic effect in the deep needling group was better than that in the routine needling group ( P0.05 ) .

  4. 结论:深刺风池穴治疗偏头痛有较好疗效,针刺深度可以达到45~55mm,注意进针方向和手法。

    Conclusion Deep needing at Fengchi ( GB 20 ) has a better therapeutic effect on migraine , and the depth of needling may reach to 45 ~ 55 mm and the needling direction and manipulation method should be paid attention to .

  5. 天枢穴深刺治疗结肠慢传输型便秘的疗效评价

    Evaluation of Treatment of Colonic Slow Transit Constipation with Deep Acupuncture at Tianshu

  6. 深刺组患者耳鸣程度分级显著降低。

    The tinnitus grades of deep needling group are decreased significantly . 4 .

  7. 深刺哑门穴的几点体会

    Some experiences in deep needling of Yamen point

  8. 孙思邈对急症的认识和处治深刺头针区上及敏感处治脑血栓偏瘫探讨

    Investigation of cerebral thrombosis hemiplegia treated with head acupuncture of upper area and sensitive pionts

  9. 常规针刺与深刺太阳穴治疗血管神经性头疼疗效观察

    Clinical Observation on Therapeutic Effects of Common Needling and Deep Needling " taiyang " point

  10. 无尽的悔恨,像一支利箭,深刺心间。

    His remorse , which was like a sharp arrow , struck deeply into his heart .

  11. 耳周三穴深刺为主治疗主观性耳鸣临床疗效良好。

    The clinical effect of mainly deep needling three periodic acupoints to cure subjective tinnitus is fine .

  12. 结论深刺组疗效优于浅刺组。

    Conclusion The therapeutic effect of the deep needling group is better than that of the shallow needling group .

  13. 目的:探讨腰段经验穴腰突穴深刺法治疗腰椎间盘突出症的安全深度与角度。

    Objective To probe the safe depth and angle of needling the point Yaotu for treatment of prolapse of intervertebral disc .

  14. 深刺天枢穴治疗结肠慢转运性便秘疗效及安全性评价

    Evaluation of Therapeutic Effect and Safety of Deep Acupuncture at Tianshu ( ST 25 ) for Treatment of Slow Transit Constipation

  15. 结论针刺治疗三叉神经痛,局部穴位深刺加循经远取手足阳明经穴位,能明显提高疗效。

    Conclusion Deeply needling local acupoints plus acupuncture at distal acupoints along the Hand-and Foot-Yangming Channels can increase significantly the therapeutic effect on trigeminal neuralgia .

  16. 方法将90例原发性三叉神经痛患者随机分为深刺组(45例)、常规针刺组(45例)。

    Methods Ninety cases of primary trigeminal neuralgia were randomly divided into a deep needling group and a routine needling group , 45 cases in each group .

  17. 方法采用长针深刺颈夹脊穴为主治疗神经根型颈椎病45例,同时设温针组35例进行对照观察。

    Method 45 cases of cervical spondylosis of nerve root treated by deep acupuncture cervical paravertebral point with long needle . 35 cases treated by warm needling therapy .

  18. 方法:72例偏头痛患者以门诊号为序,随机分为深刺组、常规针刺组、西药对照组3组。

    Methods 72 cases were randomly divided into 3 groups , deep needling group , routine needling group and western medicine group , and their therapeutic effects were compared .

  19. 结论:火针治疗卵巢囊肿疗效确切,且深刺组疗效优于浅刺组。

    Conclusion Fire needle therapy has a definite therapeutic effect on ovarian cysts , and the therapeutic effect of the deep needling group is better than that of the superficial needling group .

  20. 结论:以深刺次髎穴为主综合治疗腰椎间盘突出症临床效果明显优于常规取穴,且复发率低。

    Conclusion The clinical effect of deeply needling Ciliao ( BL 32 ) as main therapy is significantly better than that of the routine selection of acupoints , with a lower recurrence rate .

  21. 介绍武连仲教授在多年针灸临床工作的基础上,总结出的风池穴的4种刺法&斜刺法、平刺法、深刺法、横刺法的操作要求及其不同的临床应用验案。

    The paper introduces the manipulation and different clinical application examines of the 4 needling methods , oblique needling , horizontal needling , deep needling and transversal needling summarized by Prof. WU Lian-zhong on the basis of many years 's clinical work .

  22. 结论:睛明穴进针应避免向后上斜刺或偏上方深刺,以免刺破筛前动脉引起眶内出血;同时直刺进针深度一般不超过30·36mm,以免损伤视神经管前极。

    Conclusion To avoid bleeding caused by injuring the anterior ethmoidal artery , acupuncture at Jingming ( BL 1 ) should avoid deeply inserting needled back-upwards and upwards , and the needling depth should not exceed 30.36 mm to avoid injury of the optic nerve tunnel frontal point .

  23. 刺伤-非常短、深的划伤或刺入到玻璃内的刺伤。

    A very short deep scratch or puncture in the glass surface .