
  • 网络in-depth tour
  1. 迪尔曼举了旅行杂志《Afar》为例,表示奢华型消费者更期望“深度游”。比如香槟公司VeuveCliquot在法国的兰斯有一家只有获得邀请才能入住的酒店,名叫L’HotelduMarc。

    Dillman pointed to Afar Magazine , saying that luxury consumers will look to " travel deeper . " For example , The champagne company VeuveCliquot runs an invitation-only hotel in Reims , France , L'Hotel du Marc .

  2. 马达加斯加丛林是地球上真正独有的一个地方,而在旅途中,你将跳上一辆越野车并进行马达加斯加丛林的深度游。

    On safari , you 'll hop aboard an off-road vehicle and travel through the depths of Madagascar 's jungle , a truly unique place on earth .