
shēn shuǐ ɡǎnɡ
  • Deep water port;deepwater port
  1. 中国对于让巴基斯坦充当从海湾地区进口能源的陆上供应通道极有兴趣,很可能在更大程度上参与相关项目,如濒临阿拉伯海的瓜达尔(gwadar)深水港。

    China is deeply interested in Pakistan as an overland supply route for energy from the Gulf and looks likely to become more involved in projects such as the deepwater port at Gwadar on the Arabian Sea .

  2. 结合洋山深水港某区段陆域大面积吹填后地基加固处理工程实例,分析该区段厚约30m冲填土的堆载预压效应,指出地基处理设计过程中应注意的问题。

    According to an engineering practice of ground treatment in Yangshan Deepwater Port after hydraulic fill , this paper analyzes the loading preconsolidation effect of dredger fill with about 30 m thickness , and points out some questions which shall be paid attention to during foundation treatment design .

  3. 东方大港的探讨&利用GIS对宁波深水港的分析

    On Oriental Grand Port ── analysis of Ningbo port with GIS

  4. 洋山深水港一期C标码头工程桩帽支模施工工艺

    Formwork Support Technology of Pile Cap at Sea Engineering for Wharf Works , the Section C of Yangshan Deep-Water Port Project Phase I

  5. 第四,对上海洋山深水港建设时期海事支持VTS系统、巡航与搜救系统、综合服务系统进行详细描述;

    Fourthly , elaborate maritime support VTS system , cruising and searching system , comprehensive service system during the project ;

  6. DZF-120型便携式防汛抢险打桩机动力学性能优化研究洋山深水港一期C标码头工程桩帽支模施工工艺

    Investigation upon the optimization of the dynamic performance of DZF-120 portable pile driver used for flood prevention Formwork Support Technology of Pile Cap at Sea Engineering for Wharf Works , the Section C of Yangshan Deep-Water Port Project Phase I

  7. 此外,中国还在皎漂(KyaukPhyu)建设一个深水港,距印度开发的实兑港不远。

    It 's also building a new deep-water port at Kyauk Phyu , not far from India 's development at Sittwe .

  8. 河口港城市深水港址的选择研究

    Study on Site Selection of the Deep-Water Ports in River-Coastal-Port Cities

  9. 天津港深水港池泥沙淤积的分析计算

    Analysis and Calculation of the Sedimentation in Deepwater Basins of Tianjin Port

  10. 瓜达尔深水港项目采取分期建设。

    Gwadar Deep Water Port shall be built in phases .

  11. 洋山深水港船舶航行模拟研究的船型研究

    A Study of Ship Form through Simulation Tests for Shanghai Deep Port

  12. 福州港深水港址选择刍议

    Discussion on the Selection of Deep Water Harbour Location , Fuzhou Port

  13. 深水港港址选择的定量综合评价

    A quantitative and comprehensive evaluation on choice of deep water port site

  14. 洋山深水港大型集装箱船舶的引航操纵

    Pilotage Operation of Large Container Ships in Yangshan Deep-Water Port

  15. 上海洋山深水港建设的地域空间作用分析

    Analysis on Regional Space Affect of Shanghai Yangshan Deep-Water Port

  16. 卫星遥感与数字化地形信息结合在港口工程中应用&以茂名深水港选址为例

    Composition of satellite remote sensing and digital topography applied in port projects

  17. 如东海岸的建港优势与深水港建设的可行性

    Particular advantages of Rudong Coast and feasibility of the construction of deep-water harbor

  18. 洋山深水港东海大桥基岩标结构设计试论大西洋两岸的结构语言学的源流

    Structural Design of Bedrock Bench Mark for Donghai Bridge of Yangshan Deep-water Port

  19. 中国为巴基斯坦在濒临印度洋的瓜达尔建造了一个深水港。

    China built Pakistan a deepwater port at Gwadar on the Indian Ocean .

  20. 集装箱深水港交通需求预测方法研究

    Research on Forecast of Traffic Demand in Container Harbor

  21. 空压机反气吸泥法在洋山深水港工程中的应用

    Application of Reversed Mud-Suction Method by Air Compressor in Yangshan Deepwater Port Project

  22. 福州深水港建设问题探究

    A Discussion about the Building of the Port of Fuzhou as a Deep-water Port

  23. 深水港斜顶桩驳岸结构后高回填桩土相互作用研究

    Study on Pile-Soil Interaction Under High-Filling Behind Inclined Pile Bulkhead in Deep Water Port

  24. 洋山深水港建设的投融资体制研究

    Research on the Investing and Financing System in the Yang Shan Deep-water Port Construction

  25. 某深水港岸坡桩基码头设计方案有限元分析

    Application of FEM to Analyzing Pile-groups Design of an Dock Structure in a Harbour

  26. 江苏北部废黄河口水下三角洲稳定性和深水港建设

    The old Yellow River underwater delta in the North Jiangsu and the seaport building

  27. 洋山深水港开港

    Huludao Harbor in Blooming Yangshan Deepwater Port Opens

  28. 杭州湾航道试挖和上海深水港建设

    Trial dredge of a waterway in Hangzhou Gulf and construction of Shanghai Deep Water Port

  29. 深水港建设涂料防护设计

    Deep water harbor construction paint protection design

  30. 洋山深水港南北闸桥工程主拱施工技术

    Construction technology for main arch of South-North Gate Bridge Project in Yangshan deep water port