
  • 网络offshore cage
  1. 我国深水网箱养鱼产业化发展前瞻

    Development Prospects for Industrialization of Offshore Cage Fish Farming in Our Country

  2. 论深水网箱鱼类养殖技术

    A Discussion on Fish Farming Technique in Offshore Cage

  3. 国产HDPE升降式深水网箱下沉关键技术的研究

    Study on key techniques for submergence of HDPE submersible deep-sea cage

  4. 本文对HACCP体系及其在深水网箱鱼类养殖的研究和应用现状进行了简要介绍,并结合实际将HACCP体系初步应用于深水网箱鱼类养殖产业中。

    This essay uses the current situation to make a brief instruction to HACCP system and studying at home and abroad , is it apply HACCP system large yellow croaker offshore cage cultivate industry tentatively actually to combine .

  5. 通过实物试验,报道了圆台形囊网在流速0.45-0.75m·s-1时的外形设计、配重及制作方法,为强流下的深水网箱囊网制作提供参考。

    By practical tests , this paper reported the form design , sinker weight and making method of the truncated cone cod-end under current velocity of 0 . 45 - 0 . 75 m · s-1 , and provided reference for cod-end making of deep-water net cage at strong current .

  6. 深水网箱圆台形囊网的设计与制作

    Design and making of truncated cone cod-end of deep-water net cage

  7. 浙江沿海深水网箱养殖模式的研究

    Study on the deep sea-cage culture patterns in Zhejiang coastal waters

  8. 深水网箱养鱼产业化的特点与技术关键

    Characteristics and Technical Key for Farming Industry of Deep Sea Cage

  9. 深水网箱养鱼业的现状与发展趋势

    Current situation and development tendency of deep sea cage fish culture

  10. 多通道数据采集与处理系统在深水网箱鱼群监测中的应用

    Application of Multi-channel Sampling and Processing System in Fish Cage Monitoring

  11. 深水网箱网衣防污剂筛选试验

    Anti - fouling agent selection of sea - cage net - piece

  12. 深水网箱养殖海域营养盐状况分析研究

    Monitoring and Analysis of Nutritive Salts in Sea Area of Net-cage Culturing

  13. 深水网箱发展现状与水流影响初探

    Research on Status and Current Effect of Offshore Sea Cages

  14. 深水网箱养殖在我国起步较晚。

    Deep-water net cage culture started relatively late in China .

  15. 深水网箱网衣破损监测系统设计

    Design on Cage Net Crack Detecting System of Sea Cage

  16. 舟山深水网箱拟养海区环境本底状况及养殖容量

    Ecological Environment Background and Carrying Capacity of Deepsea-cage Planed-culture Areas in Zhoushan

  17. 深水网箱需求式自动投饵装置的初步研究

    Preliminary study on the needed automatic feeding equipment in sea-cage

  18. 基于水声多波束技术的深水网箱鱼群状态远程监测仪研究

    Remote monitoring system for offshore fish cage based on underwater acoustic multi-beam technique

  19. 几种深水网箱养殖鱼类行为习性的观察

    Study on the behavioral characteristics of fishes in the deep water sea cage

  20. 深水网箱养殖海域水质状况评价

    The Evaluation on the Quality of Seawater in Culturing Area of Offshore Cage

  21. 深水网箱鱼群监测仪中数据采集系统的研究

    Study of a Data Acquisition System for Shoals Monitor in Net-cage of Deep Water

  22. 深水网箱养殖技术浅析

    Primary Analysis on Technique of Sea Cage Fanning

  23. 深水网箱的分类及性能

    Classification of offshore fish cages and their performances

  24. 深水网箱中鱼群监测仪发射信号源的设计

    Design of an Emitting Signal Generator of Shoals Monitor in Net-cage of Deep Water

  25. 深水网箱养殖对海区水质影响研究

    The Reason of Water Quality Variety in Sea Area of Deep Water Net-cage Culturing

  26. 大鹏湾深水网箱养殖区的污损生物研究

    Fouling organism in marine cage culture area in Dapeng Bay , South China Sea

  27. 深水网箱圆柱形囊网与圆台形囊网的性能浅析

    Performance analysis of the column cod-end and truncated cone cod-end of deep-water net cage

  28. 深水网箱纤维绳索的选用

    Selection of Fiber Ropes for Offshore Cage

  29. 欧洲深水网箱养殖对我们的启示

    Inspiration from European Deep Sea Cage Aquaculture

  30. 大型抗风浪深水网箱养鱼发展现状与趋势

    The Status and Respective for Technique of Fish Farming in the Large Net-Cage with Heavy Sea Resistance