
  • 网络Lead frame;leadframe
  1. IC引线框架材料概述

    Summarization on the Materials for IC Lead Frame

  2. IC铜合金引线框架材料的氧化失效及其机理

    Oxidation Failure and Mechanism of Lead Frame Copper Alloys for IC Package

  3. 引线框架冲裁级进模工步排样CAD系统

    A Strip Layout CAD System for Lead Frame Blanking Progressive

  4. 安装ABS感知器线到支架。双列直插式引线框架

    Install ABS sensor wires into brackets . dual in line lead frame

  5. 铜镀层对IC引线框架表面抗氧化失效的作用

    The Role of Surface Electroplated Cu on Oxidation Failure of Lead Frame for IC Package

  6. 34工位IC引线框架级进模设计

    34-Multistage Die Design for IC Lead Frame

  7. 粘片机是用于将IC芯片粘结到引线框架的半导体器件生产专用装备。

    Die Bonder is manufacturing equipment which binds IC chip onto Lead Frame in semiconductor production .

  8. 基于优化准则的IC引线框架级进模工序设计

    Study of strip layout in progressive die CAD for IC lead frame based on optimizing rules

  9. 引线框架用Cu-Al2O3复合材料的研究进展

    Development of Researches on Cu-Al_2O_3 Composites for Lead Frame

  10. KFC引线框架材料组织性能研究

    Microstructure and Capability Research of KFC Lead Frame

  11. KFC合金是具有代表性的高导电引线框架材料之一。

    KFC copper alloy is one of the representative lead frame materials with good electric conductivity .

  12. 本文着重介绍集成电路引线框架材料目前的应用状况及发展趋势,叙述了IC的发展对框架材料的要求;

    The application and development tendency of varieties of IC frame materials and the technical requirments for the lead frame materials according to the IC development are introduced .

  13. 引线框架用Cu-Cr-Zr合金的研究现状

    Research progress of Cu-Cr-Zr Alloy for Leading Frame

  14. 系统地介绍了电子封装中所涉及的各种电子电镀技术,并阐述了IC引线框架及无铅化电镀技术方面的应用情况、存在问题及今后的发展趋势。

    Various electronic electroplating technology in electronic packaging were systematically discussed . Moreover , the applications , existing problems and development trends of IC lead-frame and lead-free electroplating technology were illustrated .

  15. 介绍了IC引线框架级进冲模的特点并着重讲述了其排样设计中的整形工位和模具结构中的卸料、微调和安全机构,可供精密级进冲模设计参考。

    The traits of progressive die for IC lead frame have been introduced with emphasis on the ironing stage in layout design and stripping micro-adjustment , safety setup of the structure .

  16. 键合机引线框架夹持传送机构的设计与开发PHC管桩穿越软弱夹层桩身破损及施工对策

    The Design of Holding Feed Mechanism of the Die Bonder Damage of PHC Pipe Pile in Penetrating Soft Soil Interlayer and Construction Countermeasures

  17. 引线框架用铜合金与Sn-Pb共晶焊料界面组织研究

    Study on the Microstructures of the Interfaces between Copper Alloys for Lead Frame and Sn-Pb Solder Alloys

  18. 本文对引线框架铜合金表面氧化物生长动力学、形貌、成分及铜合金与环氧树脂模塑料(EMC)黏结强度进行了研究。

    The growth dynamics , morphology , composition of oxide on copper alloys are investigated , the adhesion shear strength of mound component on copper alloys is also studied .

  19. 引线框架材料Cu-Fe-P合金试制产品分析

    Analysis on Cu-Fe-P Alloy Trial Production for Lead Frame Materials

  20. Cu-Fe-P合金引线框架材料残余应力的有限元分析

    Finite Element Analysis on Residual Stress of Cu-Fe-P Alloy For Lead Frame

  21. Cu-Fe-P系合金是广泛应用的制造集成电路引线框架的材料。

    Cu-Fe-P alloys are widely used as lead frame materials .

  22. Cu-Ni-Si系引线框架用铜合金成分设计

    Design of Cu Ni Si copper alloy for lead frame

  23. 引线框架材料Cu-Fe-P合金的析出相研究

    Study of Precipitated phase in Lead Frame Material Cu - Fe - P Alloy

  24. 随着IC向高密度、小型化、低成本方向的发展.对引线框架材料提出了高强度、高导电、高导热等多方面性能上的要求。

    With the development of IC to high density , miniaturization 、 low cost , the count of I / O increased , lead pitch decreased , which demand high strength 、 high conductivity for lead frame meterials .

  25. 第七章以一个具体的产品&IC引线框架为例,阐述PPDCS系统中模具的整个设计过程。论证系统的实用性与开放性。

    In chapter 7 , based on PPDCS , a practical part design process is demonstrated .

  26. 10-SIP引线框架冲切模具设计及工艺

    Blanking die design and manufacturing process for 10-SIP lead wire frame

  27. 不同固溶方式对引线框架Cu-Cr-Sn-Zn合金时效组织和性能的影响

    Effects of Different Solution Processes on Microstructure and Properties of the Aged Cu-Cr-Sn-Zn Alloy Used in Lead Frame

  28. 研究了C72500铸态铜合金引线框架材料的微观组织和性能。

    The microstructure and performance of lead-frame copper alloy of C72500 as-cast was studied .

  29. Cu-Fe-P合金因其优良的导电导热性能以及机械性能等特点在引线框架材料应用中占据极大份额。

    Cu-Fe-P alloys have taken up a large proportion in the use of lead frames materials due to their good electrical and thermal conductivity and low cost .

  30. 运用弹塑性有限元方法的平面应变分析模型,依据引线框架Cu-Fe-P合金精轧后表面起皮剥落处的显微组织特征,研究了Cu基体和Fe相颗粒界面附近的应力应变场分布。

    Based on the characterization of microstructure at surface flaking in Cu-Fe-P lead frame copper alloy of finish rolling , the stress and strain distributions of the interface between Cu matrix and Fe particle was analyzed using plane strain model by elastoplastic finite element method .