
  • 网络muck
渣土 [zhā tǔ]
  • (1) [muck]

  • (2) 挖土方或采矿时除去的土石料

  • (3) 含有废渣的土

  1. 城市渣土车目前主要存在的问题有交通安全、环境卫生、噪音污染。

    City muck cars are currently the main problems of traffic safety , environmental health , noise pollution .

  2. 建筑渣土作为路基填料的改性试验研究

    Experimental study on modification of architecture sediment used as roadbed filler

  3. 碱渣土强度和变形的室内试验研究

    Laboratory Research on Strength and Deformation of Soda Residue Soil

  4. 碱渣土的真空-电渗联合排水固结特性试验研究

    Experimental Investigation into Draining Consolidation Behavior of Soda Residue Soil Under Vacuum Preloading-Electro-Osmosis

  5. 建筑渣土夯扩桩复合地基在某住宅楼的应用

    Application of multiple foundation with rammer expanding pile using architecture sediment to building

  6. 碱渣土工程性能的试验研究

    Test Study on Engineering Performance of Alkali Residue Soil

  7. 工业废料碱渣土工程特性的试验研究

    Test and Research of Engineering Characteristics of Industrial Waste Alkali - Slag Soil

  8. 渣土桩在加固地基中的应用

    The application of residue earth pile in foundation stabilization

  9. 城市渣土运输车大多由自卸车改装而成。

    Dregs transportation vehicles in the city were mostly modified from self-unloading vehicles .

  10. 钻孔深层夯扩渣土挤密桩施工事故及教训

    Construction accident and lesson drawn from sediment ramming - squeezing - deeply Bored Piling

  11. 盾构机密封舱渣土非线性本构模型参数反演

    Parameters Identification of Nonlinear Constitutive Model of Soil in Head Chamber of Shield Machine

  12. 渣土车的管理必须要高度重视,切实加强组织领导。

    Management of sediment car must pay much attention to strengthening the organization and leadership .

  13. 渣土车辆的出现和增长快速的解决了建筑垃圾的运送问题。

    The emergence and growth of sediment vehicle fast solves the transport problems of construction waste .

  14. 加强建筑渣土运输、堆放和利用管理。

    Management of the transportation , piling-up and utilization of the construction wastes will be strengthened .

  15. 建筑垃圾和工程渣土管理存在过两种管理模式。

    There are two administrative mode presented about the construction trash and the project soil containing waste matter .

  16. 各地区、各地方政府都有重要领导亲自过问,对渣土车的管理作出批示。

    Regions , local governments have an important leadership personally intervene in the management of sediment car to instructions .

  17. 通过碱渣土配合比说明均匀设计在配合比中的应用,表明均匀设计在配合比中的应用是成功的。

    An example is given about mix proportion of soda residue soil to support the application of uniform design .

  18. 以扫描电镜为手段,对皂化渣土微观结构和其强度形成机理进行了研究。

    The microstructures of the mixture are studied by the scanning electron microscope , with which the strength formation mechanism is discussed .

  19. 介绍了建筑工程中采用渣土桩处理软弱地基的施工方法,用实测数据分析其地基处理效果,说明该方法有一定的实用和推广价值。

    Application of refuse soil pile for soft subgrade treatment in a project is introduced , and its effect are illustrated by test .

  20. 为防止黏性地层掘进的泥饼现象及富水地层掘进的喷涌现象的发生,研究相应的渣土改良技术。

    In order to avoid mud in clay strata and water gushing in water-enriched geology , the technique of sediment improvement is studied .

  21. 而后通过室内试验和现场试验,从宏观角度进一步认识碱渣及碱渣土的物理力学性质,研究了碱渣土在强度和变形方面的规律。

    By the laboratory experiment and site experiment , property of alkali residue soil in the field of the intensity and deformation having studied .

  22. 各渣土车运输单位、渣土车驾驶人员、建设单位和施工单位相关工作人员应该做好各自的相关工作。

    Car transport unit of the sediment , sediment car drivers , the construction units and construction units relevant staff should do their own related work .

  23. 在这种模式下,各区的建筑垃圾和工程渣土运输价格由政府指导,一区一价,并通过公开招投标确定了一个建筑垃圾和工程渣土运输处置专营企业。

    An administrative division uses one kind of price . Government chooses a construction waste disposal franchise business transport company through an open bidding for a project .

  24. 堆山造景工程是一项利用建筑渣土,在坑塘上进行堆载的市政工程。黎塘碳酸盐岩红土风化壳形成的地球化学过程演绎


  25. 国土资源部称,在过去的两年里,渣土和建筑垃圾一直被堆放在当地的这座山上。

    The Ministry of Land and Resources said a mountain of earth and construction waste had been piled up against the local hill during the past two years .

  26. 在这片巍峨壮丽的建筑群下,衣着入时的男女乘坐无噪音的运输工具穿梭往来。加强建筑渣土运输、堆放和利用管理。

    Beneath their imposing mass , smartly dressed men and women zip about on noiseless transit systems . Management of the transportation , piling-up and utilization of the construction wastes will be strengthened .

  27. 通过对建筑渣土物理成分和力学指标的分析,提出建筑渣土经石灰改性作为路基填料的实用性和可行性。

    Based upon analysis of the physical ingredients and mechanical properties of architecture sediment the practicability of the modification of architecture sediment with lime is presented , which can be used as roadbed filler .

  28. 另外,渣土车辆本身的质量管理未做好,导致车辆本身质量安全性能差,也是造成运输管理问题的原因。

    In addition , the sediment quality of the vehicle itself is not good , leading to poor performance , quality and safety of the vehicle itself , but also result in transport management problem .

  29. 通过对我国目前在建筑渣土管理和处置中所存在问题的分析,提出解决城市建筑渣土处置问题的对策。即建立完善的建筑渣土管理法规体系;

    On the basis of analyzing the problems in managing and disposing the building trash , the paper bring forward that the laws and regulations should be perfected for the effective management of the building trash ;

  30. 随意偷倒、乱倒渣土,车辆超载、未做好密闭措施造成渣土飞扬、撒落,严重污染城市道路环境卫生的现象在城市中也是一个重要问题。

    Free to steal down , Dumping sediment , vehicle overloading , caused by sediment measures are not well sealed flying , scattered , severe pollution , the phenomenon of urban roads in urban sanitation is also an important issue .