
  • 网络Lulu;Zero;Ruru
  1. 我曾和小狗鲁鲁决斗,因为它抢了猫咪吉吉的小鱼

    Ionce dueled with puppy LuLu , because she robbed Ktten JiJi of a fish .

  2. 克劳斯:也许你可以教鲁鲁几个英语单词啊。

    Klas : Maybe you can teach Lulu some English words .

  3. 通常在我们的国家都是喜爱鲁鲁的!

    That 's strange , usually in our country we love Lulu !

  4. 我是鲁鲁,无敌战士!

    I am Luru the invincible !

  5. 牧羊人看见他勇敢地越过了通往圣多鲁鲁的一段崎岖难走的山路。

    He was seen by a shepherd , gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San doloroso .

  6. 在西北部大陆地区的波奴鲁鲁国家公园里,有一座三亿五千万岁的山丘,此山丘由砂岩凝结而成,高578米。

    In the northwestern region of the continent , the 350-million-year-old massif in the Bungle Bungles / Purnululu National Park is a condensed sandstone range that rises to 578 meters .

  7. 牧羊人看见他勇敢地越过了通往圣多鲁鲁的一段崎岖难走的山路。那吾鲁牧节哈萨克族的节日,农历正月举行。

    He was seen by a shepherd , gamely negotiating a particularly tricky section of the mountain road to San Doloroso . The festival is celebrated by the Kazak ethnic minority group , held in the fist lunar month .

  8. “别操劳过度了,路,”奇克先生说道,“要不然你就会发生痉挛而卧床不起了!托鲁鲁!托鲁鲁!哎呀,我忘了!我们今天还在这个世界上,明天就可能一命呜呼了!”

    Don 't you over exert yourself , Loo , ' said Mr Chick , ' or you 'll be laid up with spasms , I see . Right tol loor rul ! Bless my soul , I forgot ! We 're here one day and gone the next ! '

  9. 鲁丘鲁研究机构的历史教授纳塔姆·加斯巴表示企业也受到了M23叛军所带来的不安全感影响。

    Ntamu Gashamba , a history professor at Rutshuru Institute , said businesses also have been hurt by the insecurity brought by the M23 rebels .

  10. 猪在农场里呼鲁呼鲁和尖声地叫。

    Pigs were grunting and squealing in the farm .

  11. 大约是85年前的一个夏季,在美国阿拉巴马州的一个小城,争强好胜的假小子妮尔(Nelle)在镇上迎来了新来的邻居杜鲁。杜鲁穿着讲究,嗓音尖细,爱看书,是个会恶作剧的捣蛋鬼。

    One summer about 85 years ago in a small Alabama town , a scrappy tomboy named Nelle met her new next door neighbor , Tru , a bookish , dapper dresser with a high-pitched voice and a mischievous streak .