
  • 网络Relay System;Trunk System;trunking system;DRRS
  1. IPv6中继系统一致性测试系统的设计

    Design of IPv6 relay system conformance test system

  2. 然后给出了在频率选择性信道衰落情况下,两跳非并行双AF型中继系统中,考虑直达径时的最优功率分配算法。

    Then this thesis gives optimal power allocation scheme for dual-hop two amplify-and-forward relay system in which the direct path has been taken into consideration .

  3. OFDM中继系统的中继子载波对选择和功率分配

    Subcarrier Pair Selection and Power Allocation in OFDM Relaying System

  4. 通过应用割集定理,推导得到了半双工中继系统中采用连续转发(SuccessiveRelaying,SUR)策略时系统可达速率的上界。

    The expression of the upper bound for the achievable rate in Successive Relaying ( SUR ) protocol is derived by using the cut-set theorem for half-duplex systems .

  5. 本文在保证服务质量(QoS)的条件下,以提高能量效率为目标,对物理层网络编码在双向多中继系统、多用户多播系统和OFDM/OFDMA系统中的传输技术展开研究。

    This thesis studies the energy efficiency transmission technologies of PNC in two-way multi-relay system , multi-user multicast system as well as OFDM / OFDMA systems , when the Quality of Service ( QoS ) is guaranteed .

  6. 结合了OFDM技术的无线中继系统中的资源优化分配问题变得更加复杂,需要把子载波和功率资源联合地分配给系统中的各跳节点,以求最大限度地提高系统吞吐量。

    The problem of resource optimization becomes more complicated in OFDM based wireless relay system where the subcarrier and power resources are required to be jointly allocated to each hop for the maximization of system throughput .

  7. 研究了双向中继系统在应用物理层网络编码(PNC)时的功率分配与中继选择问题。

    We discuss the power allocation and relay selection strategy for two-way relaying systems using physical-layer network coding ( PNC ) .

  8. 在采用解码前传(DF)协议的双跳中继系统中应用基于SVD分解的自适应MR-MQAM,能够进一步提高系统的性能。

    The application of adaptive MR-MQAM scheme based on SVD in dual-hop relaying transmission systems employing decode-and-forward ( DF ) protocol can further improve system performance .

  9. 通过仿真进一步验证了本文所提算法相比于传统算法的性能优势。其次,本文研究了OFDMA中继系统中的资源调度算法。

    Simulation results verify that the proposed algorithm can achieve better system performance compared with its counterparts . Secondly , this dissertation studies the scheduling algorithms in relay based OFDMA systems .

  10. 第三章对LTE-A中继系统中的关键技术进行了介绍,包括多址技术、链路自适应技术、无线资源划分技术和接入切换技术,其中重点研究了无线资源划分技术。

    In the third chapter , we researched on the key techniques in LTE-A relay system , including multiple-access technique , link-adaptive technique , and resource-allocation technique .

  11. MPLS技术将网络层分组的网络层转发和链路层交换相结合,不仅有助于提高中继系统的分组转发能力,而且可以对提高网络路由系统的可扩展性起到一定的作用。

    MPLS combines network layer packet forwarding with link layer frame switching for L3 packet relaying . This technology not only greatly improves the packet forwarding capability in intermediate systems , but also enhances the network layer routing system 's scalability .

  12. 本文探讨数字光纤中继系统中的抖动积累问题,具体分析谐振槽路(RC)作定时提取时的抖动积累特性,并给出适于工程估算抖动积累特性的简化公式。

    This paper inquires into the jitter accumulation in digital optical fiber regenerative transmission systems . Jitter accumulation properties with the resonant circuit as the timing circuit are discussed , and a simplified formula for the jitter accumulation that adapts to that estimation in engineering is given .

  13. 本文基于分布式MIMO的概念,在协作多中继系统的各节点装配多根发射天线,结合循环延迟分集技术和差分编码技术,旨在提高系统误码性能并且能够降低检测复杂度。

    In this thesis , based on the concept of distributed MIMO , all nodes of the collaboration relay system have many transmitting antennas assembly , combined with the cyclic delay diversity and different coding technology , designed to improve the system ber performance and reduce the detection complexity .

  14. 本文主要针对基于OFDM调制Relay系统中的信道估计算法进行了理论和仿真研究,主要工作有以下三方面:1、针对放大转发(AF,Amplify-and-Forward)中继系统的信道估计算法研究。

    In the thesis , the main work is about the research on the channel estimation algorithms in Relay OFDM based systems , and this thesis achieves the following three part results . 1 、 Research on channel estimation in Amplify-and-Forward ( AF ) relay systems .

  15. 在利用该工具测试IGMP协议的过程中,搭建了自动化测试环境并选择了适合中继系统的远程横断测试方法,对IGMP协议进行了功能性测试。

    In the process of testing IGMP with this tool , the author firstly builds automatically test environment and selects long-distance cross-section test method suitable for the relay system , and then performs the function tests for IGMP .

  16. RTSP中继系统虽然只是视频点播系统中的一个子系统,但它实现了流媒体控制中继、流媒体中继以及与会话制御系统的接口等功能,在整个视频点播系统中起到一个中枢的作用。

    While the RTSP relay system is a subsystem of video on demand , but it implements streaming media control relay , streaming media relay and the interface to session control system , it plays a central role in the whole video on demand system .

  17. 仿真表明,所提协议能提高双向中继系统中端到端的吞吐量性能,其中RT-ARQ协议能获得更好的性能,尤其是在低传输速率时,能极好地接近性能上界。

    In addition , simulation results reveal that the proposed protocols can im-prove the end-to-end throughput performance , and the RT-ARQ protocol has the best performance and can best approach the upper bound under low transmission rate among all proposed protocols .

  18. 无源中继系统在网络覆盖中的应用

    Discussion on Application of Passive Relay System to Network Signal Coverage

  19. 铁路无线通信便携式话音记录与中继系统设计

    Design of Railway Wireless Communications portable voice recording and Relay System

  20. 蜂窝中继系统的无线资源分配算法与切换机制研究

    Research on Radio Resource Allocation Algorithm and Handoff for Relay-based Cellular Systems

  21. 基于不同信道状态信息的两跳中继系统最优功率分配

    Optimal Power Allocation for Two-Hop Relaying System with Different Channel State Information

  22. 船舶危险区域无线电通讯中继系统的设计与安装

    Design & Installation Marine Radio Repeater System at Danger Zone

  23. 译码转发中继系统中继节点选择及性能分析

    Relay Selection and Performance Analysis in Systems with Decode-and-Forward Relays

  24. 基于选择性分集技术的无线中继系统性能

    Performance of Wireless Relaying System Based on Selection Diversity Techniques

  25. 数字光纤中继系统的抖动积累特性

    Jitter Accumulation Properties in Digital Optical Fiber Regenerative Transmission Systems

  26. 弱电场射频直放中继系统参数分析

    Parameter Analysis for the Radio Frequency Direct Amplification Relay System of Weak Field

  27. 多跳中继系统中子载波与功率的分配

    Subcarrier and Power Allocation in Multihop Relay System

  28. 群时延特性对卫星高速数传中继系统的影响

    Impact of Group Delay on BER Performance in High Data Rate Satellite Relay Systems

  29. 基于最大信号干扰噪声比的无线再生中继系统合并方案

    Maximum Signal-to-Interference-and-Noise-Ratio Combiner for Wireless Regenerative Relaying Systems

  30. 前向放大协作中继系统中的优化功率分配

    Optimal power allocation for amplify-and-forward cooperative relaying system