
  • 网络campomelic dysplasia
  1. MRI检查在显示肿瘤侵袭范围方面与组织学检查结果相似,优于X线和CT检查。方法报告2例胸廓窒息性发育不良患儿X线和CT影像改变,并结合临床表现和有关文献加以讨论。

    The aggressive extension on MRI was similar to that on histologic exmination , and were more accurate than that on X-ray film and CT . Methods X-ray film and CT findings of twin infants were studied meanwhile relative literature about ATD was reviewed .

  2. 肠神经元性发育不良病理学特征临床意义的探讨

    Clinical Significance of the Pathologic Features in Intestinal Neuronal Dysplasia

  3. 肠神经元性发育不良的病理形态学研究

    Investigation on the pathological morphology of intestinal neuronal dysplasia

  4. 早期黑素瘤和获得性发育不良黑素细胞痣患者可检出人乳头状瘤病毒基因型

    Presence of high - risk mucosal human papillomavirus genotypes in primary melanoma and in acquired dysplastic melanocytic naevi

  5. 多囊性发育不良肾也称为多囊肾发育不良,切开发现,大小不等的囊肿取代了肾实质。

    A multicystic dysplastic kidney ( also known as cystic renal dysplasia ) has been sectioned to reveal the variably sized cysts that replace the renal parenchyma .

  6. [讨论]移动盲肠综合征及肠系膜上动脉压迫综合征与先天性发育不良、后天性体质、神经因素有关,其疾病的发作有一定的因果关系。

    DISCUSSION The mobile cecum complex and the superior mesenteric artery constriction complex are related to congenital aplasia , acquired body condition and nerve disorders and the onset of this disease has a causality .

  7. 结果肠神经元性发育不良(B型)肠壁肌间神经节细胞数明显增多,神经节细胞密度增高,81.25%的病例可见巨神经丛,50%的病例可见孤立或异位神经节细胞。

    Results In IND ( B ) cases , the numbers of ganglion cell were increased in myenteric plexuses . The giant ganglia ( 81.25 % ) and isolated ganglion cell ( 50 % ) were observed .

  8. 发育性髋发育不良的三维CT分析

    Three-dimensional computed tomographic analysis of developmental dysplasia of hip

  9. 50例性分化发育不良患者的SRY基因分析

    Analysis of SRY gene in 50 cases of sexual abnormal differentiation and development

  10. 西格蒙德•弗洛伊德(SigmundFreud)把它归结于性心理发育不良,当然是在口腔期。

    Sigmund Freud blamed it on arrested psycho-sexual development , at the oral stage ( of course ) .

  11. Bernese手术治疗先天性髋臼发育不良

    Bernese Osteotomy for the Treatment of Congenital Acetabular Dysplasia

  12. 目的:介绍Bernese截骨术治疗先天性髋臼发育不良。

    Objective : To introduce the Bernese osteotomy for the treatment of congenital acetabular dysplasia .

  13. 其中1例因弥漫性HV发育不良而转外科手术,1例术后死于急性心功能衰竭。10例HV阻塞患者中8例成功施行经右颈静脉HV再通成形术。

    Operation was performed in 1 patient because of the diffuse HV dysplasia and 1 case died of acute cardiac failure in 8 of 10 performed with HV occlusion . The HV angioplasty was successfully performed .

  14. 3例灶性皮肤发育不良(Goltz综合征)

    Three cases of focal dermal hypoplasia ( Goltz syndrome )

  15. 目的:探讨我国多发性骨骺发育不良患者中软骨寡聚物基质蛋白(COMP)基因的突变情况。

    Objective : Our aim was to study the characteristics of mutation of cartilage oligomeric matrix protein ( COMP ) gene in Chinese patients with multiple epiphyseal dysplasia ( MED ) .

  16. 刮除术和光动力疗法治疗局灶性真皮发育不良(Goltz)综合征伴外生肉芽组织1例

    A case of focal dermal hypoplasia ( Goltz ) syndrome with exophytic granulation tissue treated by curettage and photodynamic therapy

  17. 多发性骨骺发育不良患者软骨寡聚物基质蛋白基因突变的研究

    Mutations of Cartilage Oligomeric Matrix Protein Gene in Multiple Epiphyseal Dysplasia

  18. 一种治疗先天性拇指发育不良的新手术方法

    A New Method for the Treatment of Congenital Thumb Aplasia

  19. 多发性骨骺发育不良髋关节病变的诊治

    Diagnosis and treatment of multiple epiphyseal dysplasia in the hip

  20. 先天性牙根发育不良致病相关基因的克隆研究

    The Genetic Studies on Causative Gene for Congenital Hypoplasia of Teeth Root

  21. 不同病理类型的局灶性皮质发育不良的磁共振及临床特征分析

    MRI and Clinical Characteristics of Different Pathological Subtype of Focal Cortical Dysplasias

  22. 11例先天性肺发育不良的临床分析

    Clinical Analysis of 11 Cases of Congenital Pulmonary Hypoplasia

  23. 泪点影像在观察儿童发育性髋发育不良的应用

    Interpretation of the Teardrop Shadow of the Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip in Children

  24. 常规排泄式膀胱尿道造影术对新生儿单侧多囊性肾发育不良无诊断意义

    Routine voiding cystourethrography is of no value in neonates with unilateral multicystic dysplastic kidney

  25. 人工全髋关节置换治疗发育性髋发育不良继发晚期骨关节炎

    Total hip replacement for patients with end-stage osteoarthritis secondary to developmental dysplasia of the hip

  26. 先天性肾发育不良合并单输尿管异位开口的诊治

    Congenital renal dysplasia with single ectopic ureter

  27. 结论:青春前期过度肥胖与性器官发育不良有着一定的联系。

    Conclusion : Massive obesity is associated with the maldevelopment of sex organs in prepuberty .

  28. 髋臼上缘翻转造盖术治疗先天性髋臼发育不良

    Treatment of Congenital Dysplasia of Acetabulum with Turn-over Shelf Operation on the Upper Margin of Acetabulum

  29. 结果脊髓纵裂病理因素有5个方面:①先天性神经发育不良;

    Results 5 pathological phenotypes were showed as follows : ( 1 ) congenital nerve dysplasia ;

  30. 遗传性关节发育不良此处石英砂岩垂直节理十分发育,与岩层层面正交。

    Vertical bedding joints in quartz sandstone are well developed , perpendicular to the plane of the formation .