
  • 网络prediction;Performance Prediction
  1. 基于联合压力测试的Web应用程序性能预测方法

    Performance prediction method of Web application based on combined stress testing

  2. 基于性能预测和Agent的网格负载平衡的实现

    Implementing Grid Load Balance Based on Performance Prediction and Agent

  3. FAST反射面促动器声学性能预测及分析

    Acoustical character prediction and analysis of actuators under reflecting surface of FAST

  4. 多晶X射线线形傅氏分析方法在合金材料力学性能预测上的应用

    Application of X-ray profile Fourier analysis to predict mechanical properties of alloys

  5. 基于改进BP神经网络的路基材料性能预测

    Forecast of properties of roadbed material based on improvable BP nerver network

  6. 基于BP神经网络的压缩机性能预测模型的建立

    Model of Compressor Performance Prediction Based on Error Back-propagation Artificial Neural Network

  7. BP神经网络在热轧中厚板力学性能预测中的应用

    Application of BP Neural Network in Prediction of Mechanical Properties of Hot Rolled Plate

  8. 基于改进BP神经网络的复合叶轮离心泵性能预测

    Performance Predicting of Centrifugal Pumps with Compound Impeller Based on Improved BP Neural Network

  9. 基于RBF神经网络的织物透气性能预测研究

    Application of RBF neural network in predicting fabric air permeability

  10. 基于CFD的空调用轴流通风机性能预测及试验对比

    Performance Prediction and Experiment Comparison of Flow Field in Axial Fans of Air-conditioner Based on CFD

  11. 本课题运用CFD数值模拟技术对潜水泵全流道进行数值模拟与性能预测。

    This topic used CFD simulation technology for numerical simulation of the full port and performance prediction .

  12. 气泡周围流场的PIV测定和浓度场研究旋流泵三维流场数值模拟及性能预测

    PIV Measurement of Flow Field and Study of Concentration Field around Bubble

  13. 在取得足够的实验数据的基础上,应用BP神经网络和灰色系统建立性能预测和影响因素量化分析模型。

    Based on enough experiment data , BP Neural Networks is applied to predict concrete performance and a quantitative model is setup to analyse factors .

  14. 为此尝试将贝叶斯MLP神经网络引入到IP承载网进行性能预测。

    To do this , Try touse Bayesian neural network I to forecast performance IP bearer network .

  15. 用于IGCC的燃气轮机技术方案与性能预测

    Technical scheme and performance prediction for the gas turbine adopted in IGCC

  16. 利用计算机模拟进行TMN性能预测研究

    Research of TMN Performance Measure by Computer Simulation

  17. PDC钻头的力学分析是钻头工作性能预测分析的基础。

    PDC bit mechanics analysis is the foundation of the working performance prediction and analysis of the bit .

  18. 利用BP神经网络建立套料钻性能预测模型,通过比较实际误差梯度值与给定误差梯度值,来确定BP网络是否处于局部极小状态;

    The presented GA-BP algorithm uses BP neural networks to generate GA-BP model . By computing error gradient and checking it with given error , local minimum position is identified .

  19. 本文主要针对WES牵引性能预测系统在砂土上的应用进行了考察,首先用试验的方法阐明了圆锥指数在砂土上应用的正确性。

    This paper is aimed to research the application of WES tractive performance prediction system .

  20. 文章提出了一种改进的BP算法以优化神经网络连接权,并把它应用于路面性能预测系统中,对路面性能进行预测。

    In this paper , a improved BP algorithm is introduced to optimize the linking weight of the Artificial Neural Network . It is applied into the forecasting_system of the road surface property .

  21. 刚性驱动轮在松散沙土上重复通过时的性能预测利用PAM防治松散扰动沙土风蚀效果的风洞试验研究

    Prediction of the Multi-Performance of a Rigid Driven Wheel in Sand Wind tunnel experiment on the impacts of polyacrylamide on wind erosion of loosen soil materials

  22. 神经网络采用径向基函数(RBF)网络,能够取得较好的仿真效果,训练代价适中,适用于压缩机的性能预测和故障的在线诊断。

    Neural networks use RBF networks , the simulation can achieve better results , the moderate cost of training , applied to forecast the performance of compressors and fault-line diagnosis .

  23. 具有开放、分布式、不协作、异构、无中心控制等特点的Internet复杂巨系统的管理、容量规划、新一代网络体系结构设计与分析和性能预测都离不开对网络行为的充分理解。

    Internet has become a complex gigantic system that has open , distributed , uncooperative , heterogeneous , non-center-control characteristics . To manage and scheme Internet , and design new generation network architecture and anal-yse and performance forecast is need to perceive network behavior .

  24. 通过对实际USB系统射频部分的建模和仿真,探讨利用工具软件进行电磁兼容性预测分析&性能预测。

    This paper discusses the predictive analysis of electromagnetic compatibility-performance prediction by use of a tool software through modeling and simulation for the RF part of a real unified S-Band ( USB ) system .

  25. 以试验为基础,针对常用BP算法的不足采用动量因子与自适应学习速率相结合的BP改进算法建立神经网络保护渣性能预测模型。

    In light of deficiency of the normal BP algorithm , a neural network predictive model for the mould flux properties is established on the basis of the improved BP algorithm in combination of momentum factor and self-adaptive learning rate .

  26. 6108G型柴油机机体虚拟改进设计及性能预测

    Virtual Improving Design and Performance Prediction for 6108G Diesel Engine Block

  27. 基于SA-BP算法的小波神经网络在喷射器性能预测中应用

    Application of Wavelet Neural Networks Based on SA-BP Algorithm in Forecasting the Performance of Ejectors

  28. 随着注塑模具计算机辅助工程技术(CAE)的发展,注塑模具数值模拟的最终目的已不再仅停留在成型过程的分析上,它还要朝着产品的力学、光学等性能预测的方向发展。

    As a consequence of the development of computer aided engineering ( CAE ), the ultimate aim of numerical simulation of injection molding process is not only to analysis the process stage but also to calculate the mechanical 、 optical properties of the products .

  29. 超高强Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr-Ag合金时效性能预测的人工神经网络模型

    An Artificial Neural Network Model for the Prediction of Ageing Properties of Ultra High Strength Al-Zn-Mg-Cu-Zr-Ag Alloy

  30. 以两矩阵的乘法为例说明了如何借助BSP并行程序性能预测工具,利用两阶段BSP并行程序设计方法进行BSP并行程序的设计和开发。

    At last a useful parallel programming method based on the BSP model was presented : the two phase method of BSP parallel program design . An example was given to illustrate how to make use of the above method and the BSP performance prediction tool .