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xìng qì
  • personality;temperament;disposition
性气 [xìng qì]
  • [personality] 性情脾气

性气[xìng qì]
  1. 制备了引起常见鱼病的6株运动性气单胞菌的兔抗血清,建立了检测运动性气单胞菌的Dot-ELISA法。

    Dot ELISA was developed to detect 6 strains of motile Aeromonas species from fish .

  2. Dot-ELISA快速检测鱼类运动性气单胞菌的研究

    Rapid Detection of Motile Aeromonas Species in Fish by Dot ELISA

  3. 由条形柄锈菌(Pucciniastriiformisf.sp.tritici)引起的小麦条锈病,是一种重要的世界性气传病害,其大面积暴发常常造成小麦产量大幅度下降,甚至绝收。

    Stripe rust , caused by Puccinia striiformis f. sp. tritici , is one of the most serious air-borne diseases in wheat worldwide .

  4. 在改性气相法白炭黑填充NR胶料中加入粘合剂RH,研究粘合剂RH用量对胶料性能的影响,并与偶联剂Si69/气相法白炭黑胶料进行对比。

    The effect of the additional level of adhesive RH on the properties of NR / modified fumed silica compounds was investigated and these properties were compared to those of NR / Si69 / silica compound .

  5. 疏水性气凝胶(TG-DTA)的热稳定性测定从25&1200℃进行了研究,研究表明:气凝胶的疏水性能维持到500℃;

    The thermal stability of the hydrophobic aerogels was studied from 25 to 1 200 ℃ . The hydrophobic nature of the aerogels could be maintained up to around 500 ℃ .

  6. 青海南翼山E32气藏是柴达木盆地一非常规裂缝性气藏。

    Nanyi Mountain E32 gas reservoir in Qinghai is an unconventional fractured gas reservoir in Chaidamu Basin with high clay content .

  7. 结果17例VALI中包括气胸5例,系统性气栓塞4例,急性肺损伤4例,弥漫性肺损伤4例。

    Results In 17 cases , pneumothorax occurred in 5 cases , systemic gas embolism in 4 cases , ALI in 4 cases , and diffuse lung injury in 4 cases .

  8. 致密砂泥岩地层中裂隙性气藏的预测

    Prediction of gas reservoir from fractured zones in compact sand-mudstone formation

  9. 多层裂缝性气藏越流问题的数值模拟研究

    Numerical Simulation Study of Over-Flow Problem about Multi-Layer Fractured Gas Reservoir

  10. 医用间隙性气圈在压疮护理中的应用

    Applying of Interval Air Cushion for Medical Use for Bedsore Nursing

  11. 宁波市贝(甲)壳类海产品中致病性气单胞菌的分布

    Incidence and Distribution of Pathogenic Aeromonas in Shellfish in Ningbo City

  12. 鱼类致病性气单胞菌诊断试剂盒的研制

    Preparation and application of Diagnosis Kit for Pathogenic Aeromonas in Fishes

  13. 结果:5例张力性气颅病人,经锥孔置管排气引流后,转危为安,痊愈出院。

    Results : All patients were recovered after trepanation and drainage .

  14. 限制性气调冷藏嫩茎花椰菜的研究

    Study on Effects of Controlled Atmosphere Cold Storage of Broccoli

  15. 碳酸盐岩裂缝性气藏钻井工艺技术的特殊对策

    Special Countermeasures of Drilling Technology for Fractured Carbonate gas Reservoirs

  16. 外伤性气颅45例临床分析

    The Analysis of Treatment for Traumatic Pneumocrania with 45 Cases

  17. 高含硫裂缝性气藏流体渗流规律研究进展

    New advancement of percolation study on fractured acid gas reservoir

  18. 离体胆汁稳定外源性气核的作用

    The action of bile stabilizing external source nuclei in vitro

  19. 裂缝性气藏气井储量测试

    Reserve Test of a Well in Fractured Gas Reservoir

  20. 张力性气颅21例分析

    The analysis of Chen 21 patients with tensive pneumocrania

  21. 一种可喷涂于包装材料上水性气相防锈涂料的研制

    The Development of Water-based Volatile Corrosion Inhibiting Paint Applied to Various Packing Materials

  22. 在改性气调包装中结合新的杀菌技术

    Using New Sterilizing Technology in Modified Atmosphere Package

  23. 这些研究内容也是国家自然科学基金项目(高含硫裂缝性气藏流体相变与气液固耦合综合模型研究)的主要研究成果。

    The thesis belongs to the main harvest of state nature and science fund project .

  24. 多分量资料在碳酸盐岩裂缝性气藏气水识别中的应用研究

    Application of the multicomponent seismic data in distinguishing gas from water in fractured carbonate reservoirs

  25. 水溶性气相转移印花油墨的研讨

    Study of Hydrosoluble Transfer Printing Ink

  26. 对于低渗透性气藏,改进等时试井是最常使用的方法。

    The modified isochronal test is a most commonly used method for low permeability gas reservoirs .

  27. 目的:分析慢性硬膜下血肿钻孔术后并发张力性气颅的诊断与治疗。

    Objective : To analyse diagnosis and treatment of chronic subdural hematomas with postoperative tension pneumocephalus .

  28. 甲鱼、河蟹致病性气单胞菌的分离鉴定及其卫生评价研究

    Isolation Identification and Hygienic Evaluation on Pathogenic Bacteria of Aeromonas from Soft-Shelled Turtle and River Crab

  29. 低渗致密裂缝性气藏整体压裂模拟模型的建立与求解

    Setting-up and solution acquisition of the bulk fracturing simula tion model for low-permeability tight fractured gas reservoir

  30. 可燃气与隋性气的混合气爆炸极限的计算方法。

    The method for calculating the explosion limit of the mixture of flammable gas and inert gas .