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xiāng sī
  • lovesickness;be lovesick;yearning between lovers
相思 [xiāng sī]
  • [lovesickness;yearning between lovers] 互相思念,多指男女彼此思慕

相思[xiāng sī]
  1. 她自从得了相思病而益发憔悴。

    She has pined away since she got lovesickness .

  2. 相思病无药医。

    No herb will cure lovesickness .

  3. 他表现得像个害单相思的少年。

    He was acting like a lovelorn teenager .

  4. 你别单相思了!

    Forget your unrequited love !

  5. GodzillavsKong《哥斯拉大战金刚》在拳台的一头是曾在1933年定格动画真人电影中饱受相思之苦,然后在2017年电影《金刚:骷髅岛》中重生的大猩猩。

    In the red corner : a lovelorn ape that came to stop-motion life in 1933 , and was revived in 2017 's Kong : Skull16 Island .

  6. 单相思如同一只贪婪的水蛭,吸走了我的时间和欢笑。

    One-side love like a greedy leech absorbed my time and my mirth .

  7. 慢慢地,她由于单相思而日渐憔悴;最后,除了声音之外,她已经一无所有。

    Slowly she became weak for despised love , until at last nothing remained of her except her voice .

  8. 当听说一对情侣身处两地,彼此间隔11个时区,很久才能相聚时,我们很自然地会为他们的相思之苦表示同情。

    When we hear that a couple live 11 time zones apart and can afford to come together only once in a long while , it ’ s natural to offer sympathy for the pain .

  9. 研究结果表明P缺乏是马占相思中龄林生长的主要限制因子。

    Results indicate that P deficiency was a main limit for the plantation productivity .

  10. 综合评分与PCA在直干大叶相思选优中的应用

    Application of PCA & Multiple-scoring in Selecting Plus-tree of Straight - stem Acacia

  11. 2013年云雾之湾(CloudyBay)产长相思,32欧元

    and 2013 Cloudy Bay Sauvignon Blanc , EUR32

  12. RP-HPLC法同时测定鸡骨草药材中的相思子碱和下箴刺桐碱

    RP-HPLC simultaneous determination of abrine and hypaphorine in Abrus cantoniensis

  13. 5种不同品系相思木材的化学性质I.木材化学组成及差异性

    Study on the Difference of Chemical Properties among Five Acacia Species Woods I.Study on the Difference of Chemical Composition

  14. 采用不同剂量(3000、5000、7000Rad)(60)Co-r辐照肯氏相思种子,选育出诱变化株(M1),以M1的种子(M2)扩种试验。

    M1 mutant was selected from the seeds of Acacia cunninghamia by ( 60 ) Co-r irradiation .

  15. 不…Diego,我的好基友,相思病了.哦我知道了…爱情.

    No. .. Diego , my friend , is in love . Oh yeah ... Love .

  16. 打浆对相思木漂白KP浆导管形态的影响研究

    Effect of Beating Levels on the Morphology of Vessel Cell in Bleached Acacia Kraft Pulp

  17. 然而,你的朋友可能警告你“nottowearyourheartonyoursleeve”。换句话说,不要轻易让其他人看到你患相思病。

    Your friend may , however , warn you " not to wear your heart on your sleeve . " In other words , do not let everyone see how lovesick you are .

  18. 结果表明:气体污染物引起附近林地土壤pH值、有机质、全氮、碱解氮含量下降,台湾相思林在污染环境下改良土壤化学性质极为明显。

    Results showed that the polluted air caused the nearby forest decline of soil acidification , the content of soil organic matter , the total N and available N. The Acacia confusa stand could improve the soil chemical characteristics evidently .

  19. 肯氏相思~(60)Co-r辐照诱变研究

    Induction of Mutations of Acacia cunninghamia by ~ ( 60 ) Co-r Irradiation

  20. 相思根瘤菌和解磷菌培养基优化及解磷能力研究一株土生克雷伯氏杆菌(k.pneumoniae)溶磷能力的初步研究

    Medium Optimization of Acacia Rhizobia and Phosphobacteria and the Study of Phosphate-dissolving Ability

  21. 用台湾相思更新木麻黄防护林使土壤pH值呈上升趋势,这与台湾相思林分土壤中水解性总酸度、交换性总酸度和交换性铝含量降低有关;

    PH value showed the trend of declination in soil of Acacia confusa plantation compared with the first and second generation of Casuarina protection forest , and it was related to the declination of hydrolytic acidity , exchangeable alkalini , and exchangeable aluminum ;

  22. 2生长预测模块本系统在福建省马占相思人工林调查资料的基础上,采用Monte-Carlo方法进行样地模拟,共模拟4000块样地。

    2 , Growth predict module , this system on the basis of the surveys of Fujian , adopting Monte-Carlo method to carry on plot simulation , each plot simulates 2000 pieces of simulation .

  23. 她故乡的韩国食品,饱含丰富的味道,需要清新酸爽富有变化的葡萄酒,如长相思(SauvignonBlanc)或一支果味黑比诺。

    Her native Korean food , packed with a range of flavours , demands versatile wines with refreshing acidity such as Sauvignon Blanc or a fruity Pinot Noir .

  24. Historic:有历史性的crushonsb.:喜欢上某人century:世纪Penelope从20世纪起就对他长相思了,tight:紧密的,亲近的break:打破既然你和Nate那么熟,也许她可以打破单相思了。

    Girl : Penelope 's only had a historic crush on him since the 20th century . - Hazel : Since you and Nate are so tight , maybe you can break that .

  25. 同时本课题对相思根瘤菌三个菌株进行了16Srdna基因序列测定与分析,以确定它们与其它根瘤菌的亲缘关系。

    Sequencing and analysis of 16S rDNA gene of three strains of Acacia Rhizobium was also included in the study to make certain the phylogenetic relation of them to other type strains of all known rhizobia .

  26. 借助表达蛋白带有6×His标签的特性,采用固相化Ni-NTA亲和层析柱对重组相思豆毒素A链(rABRaA)蛋白进行一步纯化,洗脱峰中目的蛋白的纯度高达98%左右。

    The recombinant protein ( rABRaA ) was one-step purified by Ni-NTA metal-affinity chromatography , and its purity is up to 98 % .

  27. 研究了2株相思根瘤菌在4种培养基中的生长情况,并在此基础上应用正交实验L9(34)对相思根瘤菌进行优化培养基研究,筛选出相思根瘤菌优化培养基配方。

    The growth behavior of Acacia Rhizobium ( MZ and YM2 ) in four mediums were studied in this paper . Accordingly , their optimized mediums were obtained from L_9 ( 34 ) orthogonal test .

  28. 相思属(Acacia)共有1200多种,广泛分布于世界各地,其中一些种是出色的短周期工业用材树种,具速生、耐瘠薄、固氮改土等优良性状。

    As an excellent short-rotation species for industrial utilization , Acacia , with about 1200 species , characterized by fast growing , low soil fertility tolerance , nitrogen fixation , and soil amelioration , distributes widely along the world .

  29. 方法:研究了相思根瘤菌MZ和AJ018在含不同浓度的抗生素的固体培养基和液体培养基的生长情况,并用碱裂解方法对其质粒组成进行检测。

    Methods : The growth behavior of Acacia Rhizobium ( MZ and AJ018 ) in solid and liquid mediums of different concentration of antibiotic and the plasmid of Acacia Rhizobium ( MZ and AJ018 ) were studied in this paper .

  30. 回家之后,Keir饱受相思之苦,于是在Facebook上建了一个群。回顾这一段时间的心路历程,他说:“上周从Cardiff回Bristol的火车上,一个漂亮女孩的出现让我眼前一亮。”

    Onboard he saw a girl with a blue hair band , sparking the beginning of the search 。 Chronicling his quest on the website he wrote : " On the train back to Bristol from Cardiff last week , a gorgeous girl in my carriage really caught my eye . "