
qíng yì
  • ties of friendship;ties of comradeship;ties of friendship, comradeship, etc.;debt
情义 [qíng yì]
  • [ties of friendship,comradeship, etc.] 人情与义理;亲属、朋友、同志间应有的感情

  • 今日违情义。--《玉台新咏.古诗为焦仲卿妻作》

  • 姐姐待他很有情义

情义[qíng yì]
  1. 姐姐待他很有情义。

    His elder sister is very affectionate towards him .

  2. 五彩缤纷的世界,只有情义最珍贵。

    Multi-colored world , only then the friendship is most precious .

  3. 关于你-你的美负我情义。

    Thine , by thy beauty being false to me .

  4. 很少能找到个有情义的大公司。

    It 's rare to find a large company with a heart .

  5. 虽然游戏是虚拟的,但兄弟情义是真的。

    The game was virtual but the brotherhood was real .

  6. 她喜欢聪明,有才华,有情义的人。

    She prefers the intelligent , talented and affectionate man .

  7. 做生意要有买卖不成情义在的气度。

    When we do Business we should remain friendly even if the Business fails .

  8. 不知道这么重情义的你为什么喜欢把别人跟你说的话抓图呢?

    Hospitable so do not know why you people like to say you capture it ?

  9. 他妻子对他毫无情义。

    His wife walks all over him .

  10. 你对我那位可怜的妹妹情义太重,我再也不能不感激你了。

    I can no longer help thanking you for your unexampled kindness to my poor sister .

  11. 你是我有生以来的最好的朋友&我却辜负了你的情义!

    You , who have been the best friend I ever had in my life-Want gratitude to you !

  12. 情义已失去恩爱都失去我却为何偏偏喜欢你?

    Feelings have been lost and love already gone though , why shall I just still love you ?

  13. 那条流往北冰洋的河看重诺言和情义,也看重人的品质。

    That river puts great stock in promises and goodwill , and also in people 's moral qualities .

  14. 你们之间相期相许的情义、相扶相将的友爱,就是荔园盛开的诚信之花。

    The helpful and loving relationship between you and your schoolmates is actually a blooming flower of sincerity .

  15. 我相信这件事情,也应该是少数内部情义人知道的事情。

    I believe that this matter should also be internal friendship is one of the few people to hear .

  16. 《点晕》展现了法律与民间情义之间的冲突和较量。

    The novel , Dianyun , displays the conflict and the war between the law and the civil emotion .

  17. 暴力美学富于诗意的呈现方式,贯穿始终的情义主题,展现着中国传统的文化精神。

    The poetic manifestation of " violence aesthetics " cherishes the chivalry spirit and shows the traditional Chinese cultural spirit .

  18. 劳斯称:虽然飞兆经历了高潮和低谷,但这里曾有着一种非凡的同志情义。

    Mr Laws observes : Although it went through its ups and downs , there was an extraordinary feeling of camaraderie .

  19. 当兄弟姐妹懂得重视同胞的情义超过财物时,彼此就不会为了争取财物而产生怨恨。

    When ia value my familial ties more than property and belongings , no resentment will come between me and my siblings .

  20. 这听起来可能有些不近情义,但是大多数有礼貌的电子邮件甚至来自我不认识的人的都得到了回答。

    This may sound somewhat heartless , but most polite emails even from people I don 't know do get an answer .

  21. 《诗经》中的动物物象在先民的社会情感交流、政治化的情义沟通和幽默化的人生呈现中,扮演着重要角色。

    The animal in " The Book of Odes " expressed human emotion in Pre-Qin , whatever social , political or humorous individual exsitence .

  22. 她的小说生动形象的描述了日本普通民众情义与人情的冲突,并找出根源&家的观念,并怀疑传统的家族观念的价值。

    Her novels present the conflict vividly between human nature and human feeling in ordinary people and identified the root cause-the sense of family .

  23. 萧红作品中注重表现民间潜在的生命力、坚韧的生存意志以及民间原始情义的博大和仁慈。

    Her novels paid great attention to the displaying of potential vitality , persistent desire for existence as well as the original richness and beneficence .

  24. 他是个轻身重情义的好人,大家喜欢和他相处。

    He is a good man who is humble but thinks much of the ties of friendship , so people like to be with him .

  25. 我爱与人交往,唯此才能洞察伟大的人类品性:爱、宽厚、友情、奉献和手足情义。

    I like people because they are the key to the great human values : love , charity , friendship , sacrifice , and brotherhood .

  26. “我在马德里很开心,但我觉得自己需要偿还我欠下斑马军团的情义。”

    " I am happy in madrid , but I have a debt I owe to the Bianconeri tifosi that I feel I need to repay . "

  27. 事实上,真正的爱并非建基于利益、情义或血缘的关系上,而是建基于「没有任何关系」上。

    In fact , the true love is not established on benefit , friendship and loyalty or blood relationship . Instead , it is based on no relationship .

  28. 我们可以谈论容忍,不去干涉对方,或者互派传教士,但是不可能有兄弟情义。

    We can talk about tolerance , leaving each other alone , or my sending you missionaries and your sending me missionaries , but there cannot be brotherhood .

  29. 我们一起欢笑过,一起忧愁过,那种浓浓的情义,外人是无法真正体会得到的,因为那是只属于我们两个人的友谊。

    We have laughed heartily together , together sad , that kind of thick friendship , the bystander is unable to be able to realize truly , because that only belongs to our friendship .

  30. 金庸在其一系列作品中大力揄扬的义,与人民利益、社会公正连在一起,也与正义、情义紧密相连,故与江湖义气有本质的区别。

    This righteousness is connected with the good or benefit of the people and the society and associated with " emotion " and " justice ", which is quite different from the so called " Jianghu Yiqi " .