
  • 网络context aware
  1. 情景感知计算:情景感知计算作为一种新的计算形态,与普适计算、移动计算和智能计算密切相关。

    Context Aware Computing : As a new computing form , context aware computing is closely related to pervasive computing , mobile computing and intelligent computing .

  2. 与此同时,越来越多的情景感知应用也被开发出来。

    Meanwhile , more and more context aware applications have been developed .

  3. 情景感知服务(Context-AwarenessServices)被认为是移动商务应用发展的主要方向之一。

    Context-Awareness Services is considered one of the main directions of mobile business applications .

  4. 基于情景感知的N-gram改进预测模型研究

    Improved N-gram Prediction Model Research Based on Context-Aware Environment

  5. 本课题着眼于普适计算环境下,基于WSN的物理特点和应用特性,围绕情景感知的若干关键技术问题展开相应的深入研究。

    Thus , based on the physical characteristics and application characteristics of WSN in pervasive computing environments , we focus on a number of key technical issues of context-awareness to carry out our in-depth study .

  6. 针对移动商务用户接受问题研究状况进行了综述,在技术接受模型(TAM)的基础上结合情景感知服务的特性,提出了情景感知服务的用户接受模型。

    This paper does a literature review on mobile commerce user adoption . Based on technology acceptance model ( TAM ), this paper proposes a user adoption model for context-aware services combining the characteristics of the service .

  7. 基于情景感知的移动接入模式挖掘及预测研究

    Mining and Prediction Research for Mobile Access Pattern Based on Context Awareness

  8. 情景感知正是这样一种新兴的的移动商务应用模式。

    That is context awareness service , an emerging type of mobile commerce .

  9. 惠普的战略围绕着无缝的、安全的以及情景感知的体验来进行。

    Banerjee : HP 's strategy is around seamless , secure , context-aware experiences .

  10. 第二章:情景感知服务。

    Chapter 2 is Context awareness service .

  11. 第三部分是从价值链角度对情景感知业务进行分析研究。

    The third part analyzes and studies Context-Awareness Services from the perspective of the value chain .

  12. 情景感知服务的用户接受模型研究

    User Adoption Model of Context-Aware Services

  13. 人们在感知世界时,倾向于将情景感知为一个完整的整体,这就是完型组织法则。

    Gestalt Laws of Perceptual Organization are principles people tend to obey when they perceive the world .

  14. 情景感知应用可以更好的过滤信息。

    Apps that are aware of the context in which they are being used will serve up better filtered information .

  15. 目前,国内外很多研究机构、大学对情景感知相关理论展开研究。

    At present , many domestic and foreign research institutes , universities , began to study the related theory of Context-Awareness Services .

  16. 情景感知是未来泛在网络发展中的一个非常重要的特征,基于情景感知的移动业务也拥有着非常广阔的发展空间。

    Context-Awareness Service ( CAS ) is a very significant character of Ambient Ubiquitous Network , with a very bright future in long-term development .

  17. 第二部分是对情景感知相关研究进行综述,了解现在情景感知研究的方向和现状。

    The second part is the overview of the study of Context-Awareness ; the purpose is to understand the current research direction and status about Context-Awareness .

  18. 最后,本文根据影响因素的实证分析结果,针对情景感知服务提供商提出增强其竞争力的营销建议。

    Finally , author based on the empirical analysis of impact factors proposes some marketing suggestions that can help context-aware services providers to enhance their competitiveness .

  19. 情景感知业务需要运营商、SP/CP提供商、地图提供商、软件开发商等大量的环节共同参与才能为用户与商家提供有效的服务。

    Context-Awareness Services needs operators , SP / CP providers , map providers , software developers , etc. to participate in together in order to provide effective services for users .

  20. 社会公理是个体以判断两个实体或概念间关系的形式给出的、个体对于自己、对社会及物理环境或精神世界的坚定认识,它对个体日常生活中的情景感知与行为选择有重要影响。

    Social axioms are generalized statement beliefs about oneself , the social and physical environment , or the spiritual world . Social axioms are believed to have important impact on individuals ' perception and behaviors .

  21. 基于情景感知的移动商务产业链各成员间的竞争冲突、利益分配、以及激励机制问题是将来的一个研究重点。

    It has been regarded as a core topic , to research a solution of the problems on competition conflict , benefit allotment and incentive mechanism between mobile commerce industrial chain partners based on context awareness .

  22. 由于普适计算、协同计算、计算智能化和虚拟现实等前沿研究方向都可以归为情景感知计算,这使得情景感知计算具有广阔的研究前景与应用领域,成为了未来发展的重要方向。

    Generally speaking , research frontiers such as pervasive computing , collaborative computing , intelligent computing and virtual reality are all context aware . This makes context aware computing a promising research area with vast applied prospects .

  23. 随着传感网、物联网、嵌入式系统、通信网络、分布式计算和移动计算等技术的发展,情景感知计算受到国内外专家学者和业界的广泛关注。

    With the developments of the Internet of things , sensor network , embedded system , communication network , distributed and mobile computing , context aware computing has drawn much attention from researchers both domestic and abroad .

  24. 情景感知服务作为移动商务中提供个性化服务的关键性环节,近年来吸引国内外大批研究人员在对情景信息的定义、获取及如何利用它为用户服务等方面都作了大量研究工作。

    Context-aware service has been a key enabler for providing users with customized services in mobile commerce . In recent years , researchers at home and abroad have done a lot of researches on context information definition , retrieval and it is used to improve the services .

  25. 二是教师对当下教育情景的感知、辨别与顿悟。

    The second one is teachers ' perception , discrimination and sudden realization of current educational situation .

  26. 多媒体系统能把语言文化知识形象地呈现给学生,给学生提供了理想的在真实情景下感知语言与文化的环境,使文化知识更加具体、全面而真实。

    Multimedia system makes knowledge more specific , general and authentic by means of presenting language and culture vividly , and providing a satisfactory environment that can help students experience language and culture in a real situation .

  27. 心理素质是影响运动员运动技战术水平的重要因素,良好的心理素质表现为运动员对比赛现实情景的观察感知、瞬时的思维判断与决策意向,以及准确合理的行动应答。

    Psychological impact of athletes is an important factor in technical and tactical movement , good performance for the athletes of the psychological game of observation a realistic scenario perception , instantaneous judgments of thinking and decision-making intention , as well as accurate and reasonable response to the action .

  28. 不同情景下教师所感知的校长领导行为的差异性分析;

    Analysis of the differences in teachers ' perception of principal 's leadership behavior .

  29. 情景教学要求教师在课堂上借助各种教学手段,通过创设接近自然真实的情景,充分调动学生各种感官、帮助学生利用情景感知、理解和掌握学习内容,激发学生的思维,培养语言交际能力。

    Situation Teaching Model requires teachers to create a situation close to nature through a variety of teaching methods to help students by using situational awareness , understanding and mastering learning content , stimulating students ' thinking , and developing communicative skills .

  30. 通过RFID/GPS等技术和情景模型对包括时间、地点等初级用户情境进行获取和识别。其次,本文在引入用户兴趣模型的基础上加入了对用户情景兴趣的感知。

    Through RFID / GPS technology and scenario models including primary user time , place and other situations is acquired and identified . Secondly , on the basis of user interest model is introduced on added interest to the user perception of the scene .