
  • 网络ambivalence;affective ambivalence
  1. 此外,正如弗洛伊德(Freud)的情感矛盾定律所说,人类非常复杂,他们可以同时对同一个事物又爱又恨。

    And , as Freud 's Law of Ambivalence stated , human beings are so complicated that they can love and hate the same object at the same time .

  2. 生活艺术论展示了周作人在中国现代这一特殊时代语境中产生的人生困境和情感矛盾。

    " Art of living " tells Zhou 's puzzles of life and sensibility contradiction in the special situation of modern china .

  3. 音乐的传统观念中古典与浪漫相互对立,表现为形式与情感的矛盾、理性与感性的冲突。

    Romanticism is opposed to Classicalism in traditional musical conception , which represents the conflict between " form " and " feelings ", " sensibility " and " reason " .

  4. 两部小说将事态变迁与自然季节变化紧密结合,使得景物描写与人物情感的矛盾纠葛描写有机融合。

    In the two novels , the evolution of things is combined closely with natural seasonal changes , leading to an organic combination of outside scenery with internal emotional conflicts .

  5. 在异彩纷呈的后现代语境下,艺术教育的审美品格呈现出多元化发展的态势:技术理性与情感的矛盾,使艺术教育中审美情感得以凸现;

    In the post-modernistic context , aesthetic quality of art education shows a tendency of plural development : the contradiction between technical rationality and emotion makes aesthetic emotion obvious in art education ;

  6. 命运问题还会在历史辩证规律下发生奇妙的轮转换位,历史与人伦的悖论转化成了社会统治意志与个人自由情感的矛盾,其表现形式是杀不死父母的肉体磨难。

    The fate of the tragic spirit was yet changed marvelously under the historical law , and turn the contradiction between the history and ethics into social willing suppressing the personal feeling , its expressions were the suffering with " been killed by the parents " .

  7. 商店的每一条通道都引发着情感上的矛盾。

    Controversy looms in every aisle .

  8. 其中,两类学校在情感表达、矛盾性、知识性因子上存在显著差异。

    There is a clear difference between the two kinds of school students in emotion expression , contradictoriness and knowledge factors .

  9. 但这一观点在理性和情感上不仅矛盾而且存在着巨大的对基督教本身的误读和误解。

    But on the rationality and emotion , this opinion was not only paradox but also huge misreading and misunderstanding for Christianity itself .

  10. 四,对臧克家诗歌创作思维方式的考察。思想与情感的复杂矛盾影响了臧克家建国前诗歌思维方式、写作技巧及风格特征的探索与演变。

    The complexity of his emotions and thoughts influences the development and evolution of the mode of thinking , writing skills and stylistic characteristics .

  11. 那么,在教育、教学中如何正确处理现代教育媒体和传统教育媒体、人与机器、班级授课与个别化学习、认知发展与情感发展等矛盾关系?

    How do we treat with those relationships between modern and conventional educational media , human and machine , classroom instruction and individualized learning , cognitive and emo-tional development properly ?

  12. 鲍曼一方面强调观光者的自由流动与自由选择,另一方面又不得不承认消费社会观光者受到控制,这显出他对观光者在认识上与情感上的矛盾性。

    On one hand Bauman emphasized tourists can flow freely and choose discretionarily . On the other hand he could not but admit that tourists in the consumer society have been controlled .

  13. 结论:家庭环境因素部分存在性别差异,家庭亲密度、情感表达、矛盾性和父亲文化程度可能是影响中学生情绪状态的主要的家庭环境因素。

    CONCLUSION : Part factors of family environment have gender differences , family cohesion , emotional expression , conflict and paternal education may be the main predictors of negative emotion in students of middle school .

  14. 第二部分具体分析了张天翼儿童文学作品的艺术世界中存在的矛盾,并论证了作品艺术世界的矛盾实际是作家心灵世界情感与理智矛盾斗争的外在显露;

    The second part analyze particularly the contradiction in his children 's literature works , meanwhile expound and prove that the contradiction in his works is the appearance of the confliction between his emotions and reasons .

  15. 结果男生和女生行为问题的发生与家庭环境的亲密度、情感表达、矛盾性、独立性、成功性、知识性、娱乐性的相关性有统计学意义(P<0.05)。

    Results The scores of affection , emotion expressiveness , contradictory , independence , achievement , knowledge and amusement in family environments for children with problem behavior were lower than those of controls ( P < 0.05 ) .

  16. 日常服务艺术由语言、行为、知人、情感、平息矛盾等5个方面的艺术能力组成,是搞好日常服务工作、提高服务水平不可缺少的;

    The former is composed of five aspects : the language , behavior , personal understanding , emotion and settlement of disputes , all of which are indispensable to the smooth provision of daily services and to the upgrading of the service level ;

  17. 三是情感与理智的矛盾。

    Thirdly , the contradiction between emotion and the rationality .

  18. 特里也直觉地感到了这一点,而且为自己这种显然非职业的情感感到沮丧和矛盾。

    Terry intuitively reciprocates and becomes frustrated and conflicted by his decidedly unprofessional feelings for her .

  19. 这部作品的主要社会性主题是物质利益和情感世界之间的矛盾冲突。

    The conflict of material interests and emotional world is the main social theme of this novel .

  20. 结论:管教方法粗暴、低情感表达和家庭矛盾性高是ADHD+CD的相关危险因素。

    Conclusion : Rude education methods , high expression and family conflict are the risk factors of ADHD + CD .

  21. 这两类新闻还应避免追捧明星、大款、网络红人,炒作个人隐私、情感纠纷或家庭矛盾。

    They should also avoid putting stars , billionaires or Internet celebrities on pedestals ; or sensationalizing private affairs , relationships or family disputes .

  22. 物欲横流,人情淡漠所引发的情感焦虑、夫妻矛盾、家庭纠纷等问题近年来迅速凸显。

    Materialistic , indifferent to human emotions triggered by anxiety , marital conflicts , family disputes and other issues quickly become prominent in recent years .

  23. 在谢朓内心,情感世界激烈的矛盾冲突是他精神世界的主要特点,而忧愁则是其情感的基调。情与理、善与恶的冲突&谈《雷雨》中的戏剧冲突

    The vigorous self-contradict clash is the main characteristics in world of his emotion , and worry is his affective keynote . Conflict between Sentiment and Sense , Mercy and Evil ── Talk on the Conflict of play in Thunder and Rain

  24. 而词汇又恰恰好是语言受外界环境影响变化最快的一环,词汇演变与文化背景、时间、地点、阶级情感、社会主要矛盾等等多种多样的因素的息息相关。

    Vocabulary is also good is a part of language is affected by changes in the external environment of the fastest , vocabulary and cultural background closely related factors of evolution , time , location , the class emotion , social contradictions and so on a variety of .

  25. 孔德遵循整体性和社会性的基本原则来解决个人情感与社会情感的矛盾,从而找到了构建和谐社会秩序的情感实证主义路径。

    Comte settled the contradiction between individual emotion and social emotion following holistic and social principia , so that he showed emotional positivism path to construct harmonious social order .