
  • 网络Intelligence collection;information acquisition
  1. 本文设计实现了一种Web信息检索系统,面向有特定需求的特殊用户群,采用基于web站点处理的情报采集策略。

    The paper studies a Web information retrieval system facing the special users , which applies a sensitive - site - processing policy .

  2. 企业竞争情报采集是企业竞争情报系统(ECIS)的入口,采集的竞争情报的质量的高低将对最终的分析结果产生重大的影响。

    Corporation competitive intelligence collection is the entrance of ECIS , the analyzing result would be greatly influenced by the quality of corporation competitive intelligence collection .

  3. 主要模块设计中介绍了图像采集卡CA6300的开发和透明菜单的设计、彩色图像JPEG压缩算法以及电子地图和情报采集数据库。

    In the design of main modules , we discuss the development of image-grabbing card ( CA6300 ), the design of the transparent menu , the JPEG compressing algorithm of color image , the electronic map and the information reception database .

  4. 企业竞争情报采集与反应的博弈分析

    Game Analysis on Collecting and Response of Enterprise Competitive Intelligence

  5. 面向主题的网络竞争情报采集系统

    Topic-focused Web Competitive Intelligence Acquisition System

  6. 因而对于驯养员来讲,训练乌鸦在激光灯或者地面标记物的指引下飞到特定的地点并非难事,因而乌鸦可以飞到人类放置好的检测器上进行“情报采集”。

    It was therefore a simple matter to teach ravens to fly to a certain location indicated with a laser pointer and deposit objects , including surveillance devices . Ravens could even be trained to take pictures with a special camera carried in the bird 's beak .

  7. Web环境下竞争情报自动采集初探

    Study on Automated Gathering of Competitive Intelligence in the Web Environment

  8. 基于Multi-Agent的竞争情报智能采集模型研究

    Research on the Model of the Competitive Intelligence Collection Based on Multi - Agent

  9. 基于串口通讯的情报数据采集系统的开发

    The Development of Data Collection Systems Based on Serial - port Communication

  10. 该系统由情报信息采集分系统、情报信息处理分系统、战场情报显示分系统、群指挥控制分系统、分群指挥控制分系统、连射击指挥分系统和网络通信分系统等组成。

    This system is composed of seven sub-systems , which are intelligence information collecting sub-system , intelligence information processing sub-system , battlefield intelligence demonstrating sub-system , general commanding sub-system , individual commanding sub-system , company firing commanding sub-system and network communication sub-system .

  11. 建立以主流媒体为核心的治安防控情报信息的采集和传播系统;建立对闲散、不良和违法犯罪青少年的社会帮教系统;

    Establish the peace order preventive and control information collecting and spreading system with the mainstream media as the core , establish social help and instruction system of idle , bad and the transgressing juveniles ;

  12. 随着科技的不断发展,影像技术在社会各个领域的应用越来越普及,也使警务情报工作运用影像技术手段进行情报的采集、存储、分析和判研有了可以依赖的技术(物质)基础。

    With the development of technology , the image technology has been more and more widely used in all the fields of our society .

  13. 首先,本文简要介绍了论文研究的背景和课题来源,通过介绍国内外竞争情报分析软件或平台的现状,说明了竞争情报采集系统的特点&具有搜索引擎与检索对接的特点。

    It not only introduces the intelligence analysis software of both domestic and international competition or platform status , but also shows the characteristics of competitive intelligence collecting system & docking with the search engines and search features .

  14. 本文介绍了上海市化工科学技术情报研究所开发建设的基于垂直搜索技术的竞争情报采集系统的设计与实现过程。

    This article describes the development and construction of vertical search technology based on the competitive intelligence collecting systems design and implementation of the project by Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of Shanghai Chemical Industry . First , this article briefly introduces the background and sources of the issue .

  15. 通过比较分析国内外著名竞争情报软件,构建了一个基于数据挖掘的企业竞争情报智能采集模型。

    Through comparing and analyzing famous competitive intelligence software , the paper constructs and intelligently gathering model of competitive intelligence based on data mining .

  16. 还给出了适用于图书情报系统的信息融合模型,以及信息融合技术、图书情报信息采集、数字图书馆信息内容优化和为图书馆工作提供可靠的技术支持和决策管理支持中的应用。

    Also , this paper describes a model of information fusion for the library intelligence system , and applications in the collection of library intelligence , in optimization of the digital library collection , and in technology and management support for library .