
  • 网络Questionnaire survey;Schedule Survey
  1. 用调查表调查病例和对照,收集有关研究因素资料,采用条件Logistic回归模型分析评价研究因素与维吾尔族男性不育症之间的关系。

    Then we analyzed the relationship of those factors and Uygur male infertility by means of conditional Logistic regression model .

  2. 方法以90例CP继发性功能减退患者为被试,用SCL-90及自编的一般情况调查表调查评定。

    Methods 90 patients with the secondary sexual function decrement caused by CP were investigated by SCL-90 and general questionnaires designed by us .

  3. 为了解住院脑器质性精神障碍病人的苯二氮(艹卓)类药物(BZD)使用情况,作者按自制的药物使用调查表调查243例病人。

    Authors had investigated 243 admitted patients with cerebral organic psychonosema with self-made drug use investigation scale to understand using condition of benzodiazepine ( BZD ) .

  4. 方法:采用QLQ-C30调查表调查49例卵巢恶性肿瘤患者的生活质量情况。

    Methods : The status of quality of life of49 patients with ovarian malignant tumor was assessed by applying QLQ-C30 questionnaire .

  5. 方法:采用症状自评量表(SCL90)、特质应对方式问卷、匹兹堡睡眠质量指数量表(PSQI)和自行设计调查表调查驻岛人员209名。

    Method : 209 subjects staying on island were investigated using symptom checklist 90 ( SCL 90 ), trait coping style questionnaire ( TCSQ ), Pittsburgh sleep quality index ( PSQI ) and self designed questionnaire about general information .

  6. 方法采用FACT-G调查表调查妇科肿瘤患者146例。

    [ Methods ] A prospective study was conducted including 146 gynecologic cancer patients . QOL data were collected using the general Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy ( FACT-G ) QOL questionnaire .

  7. 方法对样本单位进行调查表调查、院长访谈和员工座谈。

    Methods Investigate the sample hospitals with survey forms , interview leaders and employees .

  8. 明尼苏达多相个性调查表调查表明,年轻人的失业率下降了。

    The survey shows that there is a decrease in the number of young people out of work .

  9. 采用一般情况调查表调查患者的一般情况家庭经济状况、家庭关系,住院时间等。

    General condition scale was used to assess family economical state , family relationship , hospitalization time , etc.

  10. 调查表调查所有的主席他们的研究机构是否有对非急诊病人进行知情同意调查问询对规定。

    The survey asked chairpersons if their institutions had implemented informed consent guidelines for non-ER patients before they underwent CT exams .

  11. 方法采用方便取样的方法,以自编的调查表调查住院老人对跌倒的认知状况及跌倒者跌倒时的情况。

    Methods Used convenient sampling method and self - mode questionnaires to analysis the elderly people 's fall condition and the cognition of fall .

  12. 采用高原脱适应症状调查表调查部队返回平原第2天、4天、6天的高原脱适应情况,并计算出每天的总得分。

    We investigated the symptom of de-adaptation to high altitude with de-adaptation questionary on the2nd , 4th and6th day , and counted the sum of score .

  13. 两组观察对象均知情同意。采用自行设计的睡眠行为调查表调查两组睡眠行为指标,包括入睡困难、早醒、睡眠维持困难和睡眠过多。

    The self-designed sleep behavior inventory was used in both groups to investigate the indexes of sleep behavior , including difficulty in falling asleep , early wake-up , difficulty in sleep maintenance and excessive sleep .

  14. 设计调查表调查冠状动脉粥样硬化性心脏病危险因素,按下述标准定义:①原发性高血压按《2004年中国高血压防治指南》的标准定义和诊断。

    The risk factors of coronary artery disease were investigated with self-designed questionnaire , and defined with the standards as follows : ① Essential hypertension was diagnosed according to the standard definition and diagnosis of Commentary on the China Guideline for the Prevention and Treatment of Hypertension in 2004 ;

  15. 方法对91例接受肝叶切除的肝癌患者,采用癌症患者QOL调查表进行调查,并对结果进行分析。

    Methods Interviewed 91 patients who had accepted the liver resection by liver cancer patient quality of life scale , and then analyzed the datum .

  16. 方法用健康调查表SF-36调查社区康复期与住院精神分裂症患者,并设正常对照组。

    HEALTH Methods The community and in-patients with schizophrenia were investigated by using the SF-36 , who compared with normal control group .

  17. 方法随机选取无SARS临床症状的健康动物从业人员以及其它健康人员等545人作为调查对象,使用统一调查表对调查对象进行个案调查,同时采集调查对象的血清,用ELISA法检测SARS-CoV抗体。

    Methodes Randomly selected 545 healthy wild animal practitioners and other healthy subjects were investigated with the same questionnaire form , and their serum SARS-CoV antibodies examined by ELISA method .

  18. 方法对329例CFS患者和363例健康体检者分别采用疲劳评定量表、饮食行为量表和生活习惯调查表进行调查。

    Method : 329 patients with CFS and 363 health control subjects were investigated by use of fatigue scale-14 ( FS-14 ), dietary behavior scale and life habit scale .

  19. 方法用以SCL-90和CMI为基础修订的自评心理和躯体症状问卷及一般情况调查表,调查某软件企业来医院体检的青年职工450例。

    Methods 450 young employees of a soft-ware enterprise of Changsha who were taken routine health examination in the hospital were asked to fill a revised questionnaire based on SCL-90 and CMI .

  20. 方法:以182例老人为研究对象,应用老年抑郁量表(GDS)、家庭支持量表及老人一般情况调查表进行调查。

    Method : 182 old people were selected , and the Geriatric Depression Scale ( CDS ), Family Support Scale and the common status questionnaire were used to do the study .

  21. 方法以该校17~25岁的大学1~5年级学生共428人为研究对象,以班为单位整群抽样,采用SDS自评抑郁量表(SDS)和自编的心理健康影响因素调查表进行调查。

    Methods Four hundred and twenty - eight college students aged from 17 to 25 years were chosen from freshman to graduate by cluster sampling methed , and they were investigated with the influential factors of mental health questionaire and the self - rating depression scale ( SDS ) inventory .

  22. 方法:随机抽取603户农民,利用调查表入户调查。

    Method A sample of 603 households was selected randomly to conduct questionnaire survey .

  23. 方法调查问卷法,对排除下尿路病变,留有输尿管内支架的183例患者,于术后派发调查表进行调查。

    Methods The study included 183 patients who had recieved a double-J ureteric stent .

  24. 方法采用现场调查研究方法,用自编的护士信息意识情况问卷调查表进行调查。

    Methods Adopted the spot investigation , using the chart of information cognition of clinical nurses to study .

  25. 方法采用自拟的问卷调查表,调查了深圳市960名7~12岁小学生。

    Method Using self-prepared answer sheet to investigate 960 pupils between 7 ~ 12 years old in Shenzhen City .

  26. 方法多阶段随机抽样,调查蚌埠市居民422人。采用自拟的调查表入户调查。

    Methods 422 residents from two communities were investigated door by door with questionnaire adopting random sampling method of multistage .

  27. 方法利用社区精神卫生工作网络,用自行设计的调查表进行调查和统计分析。

    Method : Investigations and statistic analysis were based on the . self-designed questionnaires using the district psychiatric health working network .

  28. 此项研究的调查表包括调查研究对象整个生命周期职业和生活中溶剂、杀虫剂、铁、铜和锰的暴露史等。

    Subjects completed a questionnaire regarding their lifetime occupational and recreational exposure to solvents , pesticides , iron , copper and manganese .

  29. 采用自行设计的择期手术病人焦虑原因调查表,调查病人最担心的情况,有针对性地进行健康教育。

    A self designed questionnaire was conducted to understand what they worried most for the purpose of carrying out proper individual health education .

  30. 为探索服刑能力鉴定的相关因素,对102例服刑能力评定的案例进行分析研究,以自制的服刑环境适应调查表进行调查比较。

    In order to explore the factors influencing the evaluation of competence for serve a sentence , 102 cases of forensic psychiatric expertise were reviewed .