
  • 网络modem;modulation;Modulation and Demodulation
  1. 基于DSP硬件设计的软件无线电调制解调技术研究

    Research of Software-defined Radio Modem Technology Based on the DSP Hardware Design

  2. 一种FSK信号调制解调电路的设计

    A Method of Design for FSK Modem

  3. 基于SYSTEMVIEW仿真的单边带调制解调系统

    The Modulation and Demodulation Systems of the Single Sideband on the Basis of the System View Emulate

  4. 基于Visualc和PC的软件水声调制解调系统

    Software defined underwater acoustic communication system based on Visual C and PC

  5. 用离散傅里叶变换方法实现n路移频键控调制解调

    An Implementation Method of n-channel FSK Modem with DFT

  6. π/4D-QPSK基带调制解调的DSP实现

    PSP realization on π / 4 D-QPSK base-band modulation and demodulation

  7. 低压PLC信道特性研究与新型调制解调算法探讨

    Investigation of the Channel Characteristics on Low-voltage PLC and New Modulation Algorithm

  8. 软件无线电中AM调制解调算法的DSP实现

    DSP Realization of Modulation & Demodulation Algorithm of AM in Software Radio

  9. 用DSP实现单边带调制解调的算法实现及性能比较

    The SSB Modulation and Demodulation Algorithm with DSP and Their Performance Comparation

  10. 一种基于DSP的软件无线电调制解调实验平台

    A Software Radio Modem Experiment Device Based on DSP Board

  11. 水声跳频调制解调系统的DSP实现

    The DSP implementation of frequency hopped modem system for underwater acoustic channels

  12. 移动通信中的π/4QPSK调制解调技术及DSP实现

    π / 4QPSK Modulation & Demodulation Technology in Mobile Communication and Implementation of DSP

  13. 基于VHDL语言的ASK调制解调模块的实现

    Implementation of ASK Modulation and Demodulation Modules Based on VHDL

  14. OFDM无线通信系统调制解调模块的实现

    Realization of modulator and demodulator in OFDM mobile communication system

  15. 基于FPGA的单边带调制解调系统

    FPGA-based single-sideband modulation and demodulation system

  16. 基于DSP和FPGA的OFDM系统硬件设计与调制解调技术研究

    The Hardware System Design Based on DSP FPGA and the Study on Modulation Demodulation Technology of OFDM

  17. 基于DSP的基带MSK信号的调制解调

    The Modulation and Demodulation of Baseband MSK Signal Based on DSP

  18. 本文主要研究了CDMA技术中调制解调方法的选取与比较。

    This thesis studied the modulation and demodulation technology of CDMA by comparing several technologies .

  19. 基于声卡和DSP的PSK信号软件调制解调的研究

    The Research of PSK Soft-Modulation and Soft-Demodulation Based on Audio-Card and DSP

  20. 本文利用MATLAB和SYSTEMVIEW对选用的π/4QPSK数字调制解调算法和整个数字调制解调系统进行了仿真验证。

    The π / 4QPSK . digital modulation and demodulation algorithm and the digital modulation and demodulation system were simulated and validated using the software MATLAB and System View .

  21. PWM在几种模拟通信信号数字调制解调中的应用

    The application of PWM in digital modulation and demodulation for analog communication signals in several modulation modes

  22. 一种改进的CCK调制解调方案与FPGA实现

    An Improved Option of CCK Modulation and Demodulation and Its Implementation with FPGA

  23. 用DSP实现基于802.16a的OFDM调制解调

    The Implementation of OFDM Modulation and Demodulation Based on 802.16a by Using DSP

  24. 数字调制解调技术是3G移动通信系统中空中接口标准的重要组成部分。

    Digital modulation and demodulation techniques are important parts of air interface standards in 3G mobile communication systems .

  25. OFDM系统就是正交频分复用系统,它是一种特殊的多载波调制解调系统。

    OFDM system is orthogonal frequency division multiplexing system , it is a special multi-carrier modulation and demodulation system .

  26. 大气激光通信PPM调制解调系统设计

    Design of PPM for Laser Communication in Atmosphere

  27. 传统的DSP芯片由于其固有的串行处理特性,越来越难以满足现代调制解调技术的硬件需求。

    Traditional DSP chip is increasingly difficult to meet the hardware needs of modern modulation-demodulation technology because of its inherent characteristics of serial processing .

  28. HART调制解调芯片的设计

    Design of Modem Chip Based On HART Communication Protocol

  29. 船载AIS中GMSK基带调制解调的实现

    The Realization of GMSK Modulation and Demodulation on Ship-borne AIS

  30. 本课题的任务就是研究π/4-DQPSK调制解调技术并在FPGA中用全数字化的形式将其实现。

    The task of the paper is to study the π / 4-DQPSK modem and realize it in the form of all-digital using FPGA technology .