
tiáo jié cān shù
  • tune parameter
  1. 火电厂氧量PID调节参数的自整定

    Self-regulation of oxygen PID regulating parameters at thermal power plant

  2. 在自适应RED算法的基础上,提出了一种以流量变化趋势为依据,以平均队列长度的变化幅度大小为调节参数的RED算法。

    The algorithm tune the parameter based on both the tendency of the traffic load and the change rate of the average queue length .

  3. 设计的二自由度PID控制器有两个调节参数,一个调整系统的位置跟随性能,另一个主要用来调整系统的干扰抑制特性和鲁棒性。

    The controller has two adjustable parameters , one adjust the position tracking , the other adjust disturbances and robustness of the system .

  4. 详细分析了电励磁双凸极电动机的角度提前控制方式和数字PI调节参数的整定。

    Angle-advance control mode of the novel motor and parameter regulation of digital PI control are analyzed in details .

  5. 仿真波形和实验数据验证了简化数学模型和PI调节参数设计方法的正确性。

    The simplified mathematic model and the proposed PI regulation parameter design methods are verified by simulation and experiments .

  6. Matlab仿真结果表明,该方案易于调节参数、动态性能好、系统容量大。

    Matlab simulation result shows that this scheme is easy to modify parameters , and have the feature of better dynamic performance and higher system capacity .

  7. 常规的PID控制对于这样的系统的控制效果不是很理想。这是因为常规PID不能根据现场的情况进行在线自我调节参数。

    The conventional PID control system was not very suit for this type of system , because the conventional PID control can 't accomplish online auto-tuning PID parameter adjust .

  8. 与常规的PID控制器相比,避免了手动调节参数过程的繁琐以及在环境变化时参数不能及时变化以满足系统要求的弊端。

    Compared to PID controller , the fuzzy PID controller can avoid the drawbacks of manual adjustment parameter and not timely changing the parameter to meet the system requirements .

  9. 结果表明,该模型具有调节参数少、运算速度快、结果稳定、预测精度高等优点,可以根据燃煤特性以及各操作参数准确预报锅炉在不同工况下的NOx排放和效率。

    The model can predict the NOx emission and boiler efficiency simultaneously with fast calculating speed and high accuracy under various operating conditions .

  10. 对于少量样本的分类问题,SVM具有调节参数较少,运算速度快等优点。

    As for the classification of a small amount of samples , SVM has many advantages , such as a few adjusted parameters and fast arithmetic speed , etc.

  11. 传统的航向控制普遍采用常规的PID控制器,以确定的船舶数学模型为基础,但它不能根据船舶的动态特性自动调节参数,经常偏离最佳工作状态;

    Traditional heading control routine used conventional PID controller , which based on the certain mathematic model . But the traditional PID controller can not adjust the parameter based on the dynamic characteristics ;

  12. PWM加相移(PPS)控制的双向DC-DC变换器有两个可调节参数&占空比D和相移角度φ。

    PWM plus phase-shift ( PPS ) control bidirectional DC-DC converters have two regulating parameters , that is duty cycle D and phase-shift angles Φ .

  13. 使用编写的程序结合训练样本建立温州市台风降雨预测BP神经网络模型,调节参数以使其达到最佳效果。

    The sample will be divided into training and test samples . Using the BP neural network model of typhoon rainfall prediction in Wenzhou , adjust the parameter so as to achieve the best effect .

  14. 因此,在水轮机调速器中直接输入控制系统权矩阵代替常规的PID调节参数,能够根据人为要求实现期望的时域性能指标。

    Therefore , direct input of a weight matrix of control system replaces the normal PID regulating parameters for hydraulic turbine governors . The time domainal performance index will be expected according to the demands .

  15. 提出了一种基于2自由度PID控制,用于伺服系统,能够根据系统所要求的性能指标自动设计并调节参数的智能运动控制器的设计方法。

    A design method of intelligent drive based on two-degree-of-freedom PID controller is proposed in this paper , which can design and adjust the parameters of the controller automatically according to the performances targets required .

  16. 其次,关于指纹图像增强的降噪方面,论文提出了基于不完全Beta函数的自适应灰度变换模型,该模型有两个调节参数。

    Secondly , a self-adaptive greyscale transformation module is proposed based on uncomplete Beta function about fingerprint image denoising , and there are two adjusting parameters in this module .

  17. 现今,对双向DC-DC变换器的建模方法主要是状态空间平均法,且都是对一个调节参数的系统进行建模。

    Recently , the main modeling technique for bi-directional DC-DC converters is state-space average technique and the modeled system are all one regulating parameter controlled system .

  18. 针对随机早期检测(randomearlydetection,RED)主动队列管理机制的参数依赖问题,提出一种以网络流量优化理论中价格的变化为依据,自适应调节参数的RED改进算法。

    To alleviate the parameter dependence problem of random early detection ( RED ) algorithm , an improved method is proposed . The main idea is to adaptively adjust the parameter according to the changed price presented in the network traffic optimization theory .

  19. KL距离随着曲线的进化而变化,因此能够自动调节参数,使其适应于能量函数中的同质性平衡。

    Because KL distances change along with the change of curve , parameters can automatically adjust to homogeneity balance in the energy function .

  20. 常规PID控制其增益参数不能随工况的变化而改变,不能适应现代电力系统的要求,这就要求人们研究调节参数能随运行工况自动调整的智能PID控制。

    General PID 's parameters can 't change with the running points , can 't adapt to the modern power system . Intelligent PID control which can automatically change it 's gain parameters with different running points should been study .

  21. 通过仿真,研究分析了PI调节参数的变化对于三相逆变电源特性的影响,并确定了PI参数以及系统的其他参数,从而得到了一个较理想的三相逆变电源的模型。

    The influence of the variation of the PI regulation parameter on the three - phase inverter is analysed . A better module of three phase inverter is gained by using appropriate PI parameter and other parameters .

  22. 在此基础上加以改进,形成通过简单调节参数和虚拟函数改写(override)即可自由定义所需物体形状的粒子系统。

    Then being improved based on this , a particle system which could be used to define its figure freely by adjusting the parameters and overriding the virtual functions easily is constructed .

  23. 在现有模型参考自适应控制(MRAC)方案的结构下,不可能通过设计调节参数规律来增强对平衡点一致渐近稳定(u.a.s.)

    Under the existing structures of MRAC schemes , it is no longer possible to design parameter adaptation laws to make the u. a. s.

  24. 并以WS小世界模型为例进行了仿真,仿真结果表明,网络的稳态密度的值ρ随着调节参数α的增大而减小了。

    Then we take WS small-world network model for example , and the results of simulations show that the value of density p in stable state decreases as the value of modulating parameter α increases .

  25. 硬件在回路仿真(HIL仿真)也称半实物仿真,是一种特别有效的仿真,其仿真测试可在实验室环境下,用来测试硬件的可靠性,系统的闭环性能以及调节参数。

    Hardware in the loop ( HIL ) simulation can be used to test the UAV autopilot hardware reliability , the closed loop performance of the overall system and tuning the control parameter .

  26. 根据Polanyi吸附势理论,以初始吸附热表征的亲和力系数作为调节参数,对测定的吸附平衡数据进行了关联,实验数据均落在一条特征曲线附近,得到了满意的结果。

    All the experimental data obtained in this work can be fitted as a generalized characteristic curve of Polanyi adsorption potential theory by using the parameter of the initial heat of adsorption , which is estimated reasonably .

  27. 儿童及青少年代谢综合征的诊断指标及危险因素研究2.儿童T1DM不同病期胰岛素用量相关调节参数的研究

    Study on Diagnostic Indexes and Risk Factors of Children and Adolescence with Metabolic Syndrome 2 . Study on Insulin Dosage Adjustment and Related Indexes in Different Period of Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus in Children

  28. 通过调节参数,在CPCU上实现了18FMISO的自动化合成,合成时间约为55min,放化产率46.2%(EOS),放化纯度>99%。

    ~ ( 18 ) FMISO is synthesized automatically on CPCU by adjusting the parameters . The synthesis time is 55 min ; The radiochemical yield and purity are 46.2 % ( EOS ) and > 99 % , respectively .

  29. 基于免疫遗传算法的水机调节参数优化与仿真

    Optimization and Simulation of Hydroturbine Governor Parameters Based on Immune-Genetic Algorithms

  30. 20辊轧机轴向调节参数的研究

    The study of the parameters of axial adjustment for 20-high rolling mill