
  1. 与微波通信技术相比,空间量子通信具有很大的优势。

    Compared with microwave communication , space quantum has more advantages .

  2. 微波通信技术的迅猛发展要求微波介质材料具有更优异的介电性能。

    The rapid development of microwave communication technologies requires the microwave dielectric materials with better dielectric properties .

  3. 结合铁通通信城域网建设的实际情况,提出了数字微波通信技术在城域网建设中应用的方案。

    Combined with practical situation of CRC 's MAN Construction , Schema for applying digital microwave communication technique in MAN Construction was set forth .

  4. 随着微波通信技术的发展,通信系统对终端器件的要求也变得越来越苛刻。

    With the development of the Microwave communication technology , the requirement of the terminal device for communication system has become more and more strict .

  5. 随着微波通信技术和新材料工艺的发展,小型化成为波导滤波器新的发展方向。

    With the development of microwave communication technology and new materials technology , miniaturization has become the new direction of development of the waveguide filter .

  6. 近年来,随着微波通信技术的发展,介电材料已成为当前电子材料领域的研究重点。

    In recent years , with the development of microwave communication technology , dielectric materials have become the current focus of research in the field of electronic materials .

  7. 只有在微波通信技术出现以后,才能在原电缆传输占主要地位的领域中大规模采用无线技术。

    It was only after the advent of microwave communication technology that it became possible for radio technology to be applied in full scale to the field where cable transmission had been dominant .

  8. 现有的光纤通信技术和微波通信技术由于成本高、铺设周期长或载波带宽限制等因素,越来越难以满足人们不断增长的网络需求,急需发展新的通信技术。

    Because of the high cost , the long building period , the restriction of bandwith and other disadvantages , the fiber communication technology and the microwave communication technology are falling behind of the increasing demands in networks .

  9. 二线式电力微波通信接口技术

    Double-lined interface technique of electric power microwave communication

  10. SDH数字微波通信的关键技术及其应用

    The Key Technologies and Application of SDH Digital Microwave Communication

  11. 卫星光通信与微波通信之转换技术研究

    Interlinkage between Intersatellite Laser Communication and Microwave Communication

  12. 微波与数字通信技术国家重点实验室

    State Key Laboratory of microwave and digital communications

  13. 中国微波通信行业的技术中心&邮电部第四研究所

    The Fourth Research Institute of the Chinese Ministry of P T The Technical Center for Microwave Communication Industry in China

  14. 移相器在相控阵雷达、微波通信、卫星技术等众多领域都具有非常广阔的应用前景。

    The phase shifter has very extensive application in many fields such as Phased Array radar , microwave communication , satellite technology and so on .

  15. 目前,相对于高速发展的微波波段无线通信技术以及成熟的光波波段有线通信技术,太赫兹波作为一个介于微波与光波之间的全新频段尚未被完全开发。

    At present , relative to the rapid development of microwave band wireless communication technology and sophisticated lightwave band wired communication technology , terahertz , as a whole new band between microwave and lightwave , has not yet been fully developed .

  16. 同时,根据采油五厂地理位置特点,灵活运用光纤、微波、WLAN等通信技术构成有线/无线混合的三级Ethernet网络,实现多业务综合接入。

    At the same time , according to geographic features of No. 5 oil refinery , the communication technologies such as optical fiber , microwave , WLAN , etc. are used to form wired / wireless mixture three-level Ethernet network , achieve multi-service access .

  17. GB/T13503-1992数字微波接力通信设备通用技术条件

    Generic specification for digital microwave radio relay communication equipment

  18. 无线激光/微波双链路通信控制技术研究

    Study on Communication Control Techniques of an Optical / Microwave Dual Transmission Links System

  19. 光纤、数字微波和卫星通信的技术经济比较

    Comparison for Optical Fiber , Digital Microwave and Satellite Communication in Technology and Economy

  20. 射频微波电路在现代通信技术中的应用趋势是平面化、小型化、集成化。

    The application trend of RF and microwave circuits in modern communication technologies is planarization , miniaturization , and integration .

  21. 微波通信新进展-SDH数字微波通信技术

    On The Digital Microwave Communication Technology Digital Microwave

  22. 以钛酸锶钡为代表的新型微波调谐铁电材料的研究对现代雷达和微波通信技术的发展有着重要意义。

    Research works on the novel tunable ferroelectric materials are extremely significant to modern radar and microwave communication technology .

  23. 微波介质材料已经广泛应用于航空航天、微波通信、隐身技术、生物医学、电磁兼容等各领域,在研发、生产和使用微波介质材料时都需要测试其电磁特性参数。

    Microwave dielectric materials have been widely used in aerospace , microwave communication , stealth technology , biomedical , electromagnetic compatibility and other fields ; however , their electromagnetic characteristic parameters always need to be tested while in development , production and using .

  24. 本文论述了数字微波应用于SDH网的一些问题以及SDH数字微波通信系统的关键技术。

    This Paper Presentes some aspects of radio relay system used in SDH based networks and its key techniques .

  25. 数字微波通信部分是本文的另一个重点,通过对数字微波通信技术的研究,在物理层上设计了微波天线高度,保证了微波信号的强度;

    The part of digital microwave communications is another emphasis in this paper , so digital microwave technology is studied . Through designing the heights of the microwave antennas , the intensity of signals is ensured .

  26. 回顾了微波通信的发展历史,介绍了我国数字微波通信的发展和主要技术,特别介绍了微波扩频通信技术。

    The paper discussed the development history of microwave communications , introduced the main technologies in the digital microwave communications in China , especially in the microwave spectrum communications .