
  • 网络microwave food;microwavable food
  1. 颗粒冷水溶胀淀粉在微波食品中的应用

    Application of Granular Cold - Water Swelling Starch in Microwave Food

  2. 微波食品包装材料中非挥发性紫外吸收物质的迁移量检测分析

    Determination of Nonvolatile Ultraviolet Absorption Migration in Materials for Microwave Food Package

  3. 几年前我便知道,人们所担心的,不是微波食品的放射性,而是它破坏了食物的DNA,身体无法认识它。

    I have known for years that the problem with microwaved anything is not the radiation people used to worry about , It 's how it corrupts the DNA in the food so the body can not recognize it .

  4. 微波食品风味理论与风味强化(综述)

    Theory and intensification of microwave foods flavor ( summary )

  5. 微波食品阻水性能研究

    Study on the Property of Water-holding Capacity of Micro-food

  6. 微波食品包装技术的研究分析

    Research and analysis of packaging technology for microwave food

  7. 我要你做微波食品给我吃。

    I want you to make me hamburger helper .

  8. 微波食品&油炸三丝的加工工艺

    Manufacture of fried three strips for microwave food

  9. 微波食品塑包容器家族日益繁荣

    Development of Plastic Packaging Containers for Microwave Food

  10. 微波食品的开发及其技术应用

    Development and Technical Application of Microwave Food

  11. 微波食品与包装的开发动向

    Development of microwave food and its packaging

  12. 我穿着一件新衣服,而且正在吃微波食品。

    And I 'm wearing a new dress . And I 'm eating out of plastic .

  13. 微波食品的开发技术

    Development and technology of microwave food

  14. 制冷与微波食品

    Refrigeration and Microwave Food

  15. 不过,似乎有越来越多英国成年人开始转向简单处理就可食用的即食餐点,让英国成为欧洲微波食品的最大消费者。

    But more British adults , it seems , are turning to easy to prepare ready meals than ever before , making Britain the largest consumer of microwave meals in europe .

  16. 介绍了碳水化合物、蛋白质、脂肪等食物组分对微波食品风味的影响,同时提出如何利用美拉德反应增强微波食品的风味。

    This paper introduces how some food ingredients , carbohydrate , protein , fat and so on affected microwave food flavor , and how to improve microwave food flavor with Millard reaction .

  17. 微波在食品中的应用及发展

    Application and prospect of microwave technique in the food industry

  18. 微波对食品微生物的非热生物效应与微波杀菌技术

    Non-thermal biological effect of microwave on food microorganism and technology of microwave sterilization

  19. 微波专用食品塑料容器有害物质总迁移量的测定

    Determination of Overall Harmful Matters Migrated from Plastic Container Special for Use in Microwave to Foodstuffs

  20. 利用嫩化了的牛肉,开发出具有较好发展前景的牛肉微波方便食品和牛肉速冻方便食品。

    Beef microwavable convenient foods and beef quick-frozen convenient foods were developed with tendered beef , which had a promising prospect .

  21. 随着微波在食品工业、医药工业和农产品加工等方面越来越广泛的应用,微波干燥设备已经开始被人们重视起来。

    Following with the application of microwave in the food industry , medication industry , and agricultural processing industry more and more widely , the researcher has begun to pay attention to the microwave drying device .

  22. 本研究是对微波肉类食品的一个基础性研究,主要是研究牛肉在微波处理后,品质发生的变化,这为以后开发微波牛肉类食品提供了一个可靠的依据。

    This research is a basic research of microwave meats food , mainly studies the beef after microwave processing , the quality has had these changes , this has provided a reliable basis for later development microwave beef class food .

  23. 结果表明,在102℃的杀菌温度下90s即可完全杀菌,从而验证了微波杀菌在食品开发中应用的效果。

    The result shows that bacterium can be completely killed at 102 ℃ within 90 s and validates the effect of microwave sterilization in food tapping .

  24. 微波技术在食品水分检测中的应用

    The application in analysis of food water content by microwave technology

  25. 微波消解测定食品中金属元素的方法探讨

    Discussion on the microwave digestion method for determination of metals in foods

  26. 国外微波炉方便食品及其包装容器的动向

    The Trend of Instant Food of microwave Stove and its Container abroad

  27. 鮟鱇鱼皮微波膨化休闲食品的工艺研究

    The Technology of Recreation Foodstuff Produces of Anglerfish Skin by Microwave Puffing

  28. 微波法研制食品用新型沸石干燥剂

    Microwave Irradiation Preparation of New Zeolite Drier and Its Application in Food Preservation

  29. 微波能在食品工业中的应用与发展

    Application and Development of Microwave Energy in Food Industry

  30. 微波萃取在食品化学中的应用

    The application of microwave-assisted extraction technique in Food Chemistry