
  • 网络microwave generator
  1. 论文提出了一种Ku波段低磁场过模慢波结构高功率微波发生器。

    A Ku-band overmoded high power microwave generator with slow wave structure operated at low magnetic field is put forward in this thesis .

  2. DW-1型微波发生器

    Model DW-1 Microwave Generator

  3. 复合处理,在用γ射线辐照之后,再用VFL&14型微波发生器处理5~15min。②在氮气条件下辐照干种子。

    ( a ) multiple treatment , i. e. gamma irradiation and then VFL-14 type microwave oscillator for 5 ~ 15 minutes , ( b ) irradiating the dried seeds under the condition of nitrogen gas and ( c ) immersing in rapeseed-dipping solution , then irradiation after drying .

  4. 虚阴极高功率微波发生器的粒子模拟

    PIC Simulation of the High-Power Virtual Cathode Microwave Generators

  5. 大功率正交场微波发生器

    High Power Microwave Generators of the Crassed-Field Type

  6. 双电子束微波发生器的理论分析

    Theoretical analysis of two - REB microwave generators

  7. 安装在灯泡底座的一个小微波发生器轰击惰性气体,使其发热。

    A small microwave generator at the base of the bulb bombards the inert gas , heating it .

  8. 解调器解调接收的反射信号,该信号叠加在微波发生器产生的微波信号上。

    A demodulator demodulates the received reflected signal , which has superimposed on it the microwave signal which originates from the microwave generator .

  9. 同时,结合实验研究,利用淀粉测试出实际微波发生器内的电磁场分布,结果与模拟吻合。

    Meanwhile , with experiment study , electromagnetic field distribution of cavity was tested by starch . So the simulation results coincided with the experimental .

  10. 箱型干燥单元包括微波发生器的选择及其放置位置的确定,谐振腔尺寸确定及通风排湿装置设计。

    Tunnel shaped drying unit includes the choosing of microwave generator and its position , the size of cavity and the design of ventilation / wet vent equipment .

  11. 光电导开关具有极其优良的特性,在超宽带电磁波源、高功率微波发生器、宽带通信等领域具有广泛的应用前景。

    Photoconductive Semiconductor Switches ( PCSS ) have a very broad prospect of applications in numerous fields such as the source generating high power ultra-wideband electromagnetic wave , high power microwave oscillator and broad-band communication because of their excellent characteristics .

  12. 通过对微波发生器的合理选择、安装和微波场场型的特殊设计,克服了多模腔微波烧结炉中微波场均匀性差的缺点,使多模腔微波烧结炉达到了好的烧结效果并降低了成本。

    We overcome the shortcoming of bad quality in multimode microwave sintering furnace by means of rational choice and fixing of microwave tube and special design of microwave field type . Through these ways , not only do we get a good sintering result but also reduce the cost .

  13. 基于微波光子发生器的ROF技术研究

    Study of ROF Technology Based on Microwave Photonics Generator

  14. 在微波等离子体发生器(MPT)的基础上,借鉴传输线法与空间波法的测量电介质的实验方案,开展了等离子体喷流与电磁波相互作用的实验研究。

    Based on MPT , the experimental research on the interaction between plasma and radio wave is made with the plan of permittivity testing of transmission line method and space-wave method .

  15. 自动微波信号发生器

    Automatic microwave signal generator

  16. 这里,主要是进行了雷达舱模拟件中的等离子体电子数密度的实验测量以及关于磁增强型微波等离子体发生器是否能提高性能的理论和实验研究。

    Here , we diagnosed the electron density of plasma inside the simulacrum of the radar-dome and did research on improving the capability of the magnetic microwave plasma production .

  17. 基于光学方法的微波信号发生器可以弥补电子学方法的不足,具有功耗低、结构简单、抗电磁干扰等优点。

    Generating microwave signals with optical methods can overcome the shortage of the electronic methods . It has the advantage of low loss , simple structure and immunity to electromagnetic interference .

  18. 高质量微波信号源发生器的研制

    Design High-performance Microwave Signal Source Generator

  19. 微波光子滤波器及发生器是构成ROF系统的关键器件,在未来宽带移动通信系统中具有广阔的应用前景。

    As the key devices in ROF system , microwave photonic filter and generator have potential applications in the future wideband mobile communication system .

  20. 微波扫频信号发生器

    Microwave sweep signal generator

  21. 这种高能微波武器采用高能微波发生器来制造高能微波脉冲,工作原理与核爆炸产生高能微波有本质区别。

    Non-nuclear high-power microwave weapon , different from nuclear weapon , generates microwave pulse by high-power microwave source .

  22. 目前,提高微波能的转换效率、研制大功率微波发生器和设计高效的反应器,仍是微波工业化应用的关键。

    The conversion efficiency of microwave energy , high power microwave generator and designing efficient reactor are key problems to be overcome for improving industrial applications .