
  • Microwave spectral line;microwave line
  1. 研究微波谱线有两个原因。

    There are two reasons for wanting to study them .

  2. 到目前为止,人们已经通过微波谱线探测出约180种分子成分。分子绕其化学键旋转时,分子能级会发生改变,从而产生微波谱线。

    So far about 180 types of these molecular ingredients have been detected in space from their microwave spectra - the energy produced when molecules rotate around their chemical bonds .

  3. 利用微波-射频多量子跃迁对单量子微波跃迁谱线强度的影响,我们在实验上找到了一种在光抽运实验中观察射频共振的灵敏的新方法。

    By making use the influence of microwave-r. f. multi-quantum transition on the spectral line intensity of single quantum microwave transition , a new sensitive method for detecting r.