
  • 网络micro-arc oxidation
  1. 微弧氧化技术国内外研究进展

    Current Status and Progress of Study on Micro-Arc Oxidation Technology

  2. 微弧氧化技术是在阳极氧化基础上发展起来的一门新的表面处理技术。

    Micro-arc oxidation is a new surface treatment technology based on anodicoxidation .

  3. 在硅酸钠和氢氧化钠电解液中利用微弧氧化技术在LY12铝合金表面生成陶瓷膜层。

    Ceramic coating was obtained by micro-arc oxidation on LY12 aluminum alloy in sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide electrolyte , and examined by SEM and TEM .

  4. 其中微弧氧化技术是一种可操作性较强的金属表面处理技术。

    Micro-arc oxidation is a good manipuility method for metallic surface treatment .

  5. 微弧氧化技术的特点、应用前景及其研究方向

    Characteristics , applications and research direction of micro-arc oxidation technology

  6. 微弧氧化技术的发展现状和存在问题分析

    Analysis on Recent Development and Problems of Micro-arc Oxidation Technology

  7. 微弧氧化技术能够有效提高镁合金的耐蚀性。

    Micro-arc oxidation can improve effectively the corrosion resistance of magnesium alloy .

  8. 微弧氧化技术在消防车发动机活塞上的应用

    Application of Micro-arc Oxidation in Engine-piston of Fire Engine

  9. 钛合金表面微弧氧化技术的研究进展

    Progress in Micro-arc Oxidation Technology for Titanium Alloy

  10. 微弧氧化技术在摩擦副表面处理中的应用

    Application to Friction Pair of Micro-arc Oxidation

  11. 根据微弧氧化技术要求,研制了一种基于高频变换的全数字化大功率微弧氧化电源。

    A high-frequency digital controlled power source is developed for the specification of Micro-arc oxidation .

  12. 等离子体微弧氧化技术是一种直接在有色金属表面原位生长陶瓷膜层的材料表面改性技术。

    Effect of phosphate on structure and anticorrosive properties of ceramic film grown on Ti alloy by micro-plasma oxidation ;

  13. 目前,采用不对称的交流或双向不对称脉冲工作模式的电源是微弧氧化技术的重要发展方向。

    At present , asymmetrical AC and pulse with two polarities mode power supply is an important developing direction of the technology .

  14. 微弧氧化技术作为一种新兴的金属表面处理技术,可以直接在工件表面原位生成与基体紧密结合的陶瓷膜层。

    Micro oxidation technology is a rising machining technique of metal surface . This technology can generate ceramic film in the metal surface .

  15. 但是和其他表面改性技术方法一样,膜厚不均匀性也是微弧氧化技术要解决的问题之一。

    Of course just as other surface modification technologies , the nonuniformity of MAO coating thickness is one of the most important questions to be resolved .

  16. 所以研究低能耗微弧氧化技术具有十分重要的意义,也是今后微弧氧化技术发展的重要方向。

    It is of importance to research the Micro-arc Oxidation technology of low energy consumption , which is also an important development direction of MAO technique .

  17. 目的探讨采用微弧氧化技术在钛表面注入钙、磷离子进行表面改性及其对成骨细胞早期附着和铺展的影响。

    Objective To study the method for modifying titanium surface with calcium and phosphorus ions using micro-arc oxidation technique and observe osteoblast attachment to the modified surface .

  18. 微弧氧化技术由于电解液的稳定性而需要进行配方改进。镁合金微弧氧化-化学镀镍复合涂层的结构与性能

    The formula of micro arc oxidation technology needs to be improved for its electrolyte stability . Structure and Performance of Electroless Nickel Plating Combined with Micro-arc Oxidization on Magnesium Alloy

  19. 微弧氧化技术因其工艺简单、绿色环保等优势克服了一些传统表面处理技术的缺陷,是国外研究的热点之一。

    Owing to simple process , environmental protection and other advantages , Micro-arc oxidation technology overcome some of the shortcomings of traditional surface treatment technology become the hot foreign research .

  20. 在国内微弧氧化技术主要应用于铝合金,应用于镁合金研究较少而对于稀土镁合金研究就更少了。

    In the domestic , micro-arc oxidation technology is mainly used in aluminum alloys , magnesium alloys used in less research and for study of rare earth magnesium alloys even less .

  21. 微弧氧化技术是一种在金属表面原位生长陶瓷膜的先进成型技术,是镁合金表面处理技术的重点发展方向。

    Micro-arc oxidation ( MAO ) is an advanced surface protective treatment technology of forming ceramic coatings on the metals . It is a development direction of magnesium alloy surface treatment technology .

  22. 微弧氧化技术是在铝、钛、镁及其合金表面原位生成陶瓷膜的新技术,是在阳极氧化技术上发展起来的。

    Micro-arc oxidation that is developed based on anodic oxidation is a new technology that grows ceramic membrane by in-situ on the surface of aluminum , titanium , magnesium and its alloys .

  23. 指出电参量的控制以及电解液成分和浓度的调整是将来铝合金微弧氧化技术的研究重点。

    It was pointed out that the control of electric parameters and adjustment of composition and concentration of electrolyte would be the study emphases of MAO technique for aluminum alloys in the future .

  24. 通过研究缸体的内径变化、陶瓷层的粗糙度和台架试验探讨将微弧氧化技术应用于铝制小型汽油机缸体的内表面处理的可行性。

    The feasibility of the application of microarc oxidation technique to the treatment of inner surface of steam cylinder was studied by measuring the change of inner diameter , roughness and bench test .

  25. 同时指出微弧氧化技术虽具有广泛的应用前景,但在理论研究和生产成本控制等方面仍存在不足之处。

    It was pointed out that there still exist some disadvantages in the related theoretical research and production cost control of the micro-arc oxidation technology , though it has a promising application perspective .

  26. 本论文利用微弧氧化技术,采用自制的微弧氧化装置,在钛材表面制备了含钙、磷的生物活性陶瓷涂层,研究了不同工艺参数对涂层的影响;

    Based on Micro-arc Oxidation technology , the coating of bioceramic that it has calcium phosphate compound was fabricated on the surface of titanium alloy substrate with the facility of Micro-arc Oxidation made by ourselves .

  27. 其中,微弧氧化技术是从传统阳极氧化发展而来的一种较新的表面处理技术,是一种在镁合金表面处理具有应用前景的技术。

    Among them , the Micro-arc oxidation ( MAO ) is a relatively new surface treatment technology of magnesium alloy developed from the traditional anodization , which has promising prospects in the surface treatment of magnesium alloy .

  28. 提出关于微弧氧化技术的研究将会集中在设备产能和能源利用、膜层颜色多样性以及表面光泽度和粗糙度问题这3个方面。

    The research on micro-arc oxidation technology will focus on such aspects as the production capacity of equipments and energy utilization , the diversity of film ' color , and the brightness and roughness of film surface .

  29. 这些结果表明:本试验为微弧氧化技术在消防车发动机活塞上的应用提供了理论依据及实践经验,具有很大的可行性。

    The results offer the theoretical basis and the practical experiences of the application of the micro-arc oxidation in the engine-piston of the fire engine . And the results show that it is viable to apply this technology .

  30. 详细介绍了微弧氧化技术的发展历史和研究现状,微弧氧化的基本原理、基本工艺过程以及膜层的性能特点,并对这种陶瓷膜层的应用予以展望。

    The development history and the research status of micro-arc oxidation technique , the basic principle and producing process of micro-arc oxidation and structure and properties of the ceramic coatings were reviewed . Finally , the applications of this kind of ceramic coatings were prospected .