
  • 网络differential operator
  1. 主要原理是利用了微分算符有理式的一个重要的性质,以及算符系数的移动算符幂级数的收敛条件。

    The Main principle is the important properties of the rational expression of the differential operator and the convergence of the mobile operator power series .

  2. Oldroyd速率型本构方程显式化的微分算符形式

    On the explicit form of the differential operator for the Oldroyd rate type constitutive equation

  3. 二阶微分算符导出的定态扩散过程及其概率流

    The stationary diffusion processes generated by second order differential operators and their probability currents

  4. 原子模型势理论中径向微分算符矩阵元的计算

    The calculation of radial differentiation operator martix elements in the model potential theory of atomic structure

  5. 使用了有限差分方法处理微分算符,并对其进行二次量子化,从而得到了用算符表示的哈密顿量表达式。

    By using the finite difference technique and by introducing the second-quantized operator , the Hamiltonian is expressed in a compact form .

  6. 给出一个基本定理,提供了构造二阶线性常微分算符相应的阶梯算符的普遍适用的方法。

    A fundamental theorem is presented to provide a general method to construct ladder operators which correspond to second order linear ordinary differential operators .