
  • 网络electric traction
  1. IGBT在电力牵引机车斩波回馈制动中的应用

    Application of IGBT in Chopped Wave Feedback Brake of Electric Traction Engine

  2. 大功率GTO逆变器用于铁路电力牵引,其PWM控制与一般工业领域中的变频调速系统的PWM控制有很大不同。

    High power GTO inverter is used for railway electric traction . Its PWM control is significantly different from variable frequency drive system in conventional industrial area .

  3. 英国电力牵引公司的股票报收于207便士,比报出价格略涨1.5便士。

    BET shares closed just above the offer price , up 1.5p at 207p .

  4. 单神经元PID在直流电力牵引调速系统中的仿真研究

    Simulation of Single Neuron PID Control for a Speed Control System with DC Power Traction

  5. 本论文的任务是实现基于DSP电机控制开发平台,为3KW异步电动机调速和电力牵引交流传动控制系统提供一个良好的调试和实验的环境。

    The task of this article is to make a DSP platform on motor control , so that can debug DTC system and exchange transmission system better .

  6. 第一部分介绍了交流调速技术的发展,电力牵引技术的发展,分析了异步电机直接转矩控制的基本原理,推导了u-i、i-n两种磁链模型。

    In the first part , the paper presents the developments of AC speed regulation technology and electric traction . It also analyzes the principle of induction motor direct torque control .

  7. 电力牵引负荷串联混合型滤波系统分析

    Analysis on series Hybrid Power Filter System on Electric Traction Load

  8. 电力牵引网数字式保护及故障测距综合微机系统

    A Microcomputer-Based protection and Fault Locating System for AC Traction Networks

  9. 带串联电容补偿装置的电力牵引网故障测距研究

    Research on fault locating of power traction system with series compensation

  10. 高速铁路电力牵引电磁干扰影响的防护

    Protection of High Speed Railway Electric Traction Against Electromagnetic Interference

  11. 信号轨道电路与电力牵引系统间的电磁兼容研究

    Study on EMC Problems Between Signalling Track Circuit and Electrical Propulsion System

  12. GB12971.1-1991电力牵引用接触线第一部分:一般规定

    Trolley and contact wires for electric traction-Part 1 : General

  13. 我国电力牵引用接触线的发展与展望

    Development and forecast of the contact wires for electrical traction in China

  14. 电力牵引变电所电容器微机保护装置的研制

    Development of Computer Preventing Devices for Capacitors Used in Electric Locomotive Substations

  15. 基于间接磁场定向的电力牵引系统的研究

    Development of electric traction system based on indirect field-oriented vector control scheme

  16. 铁路电力牵引供电接触网技术体系及主要技术标准的探讨

    Study on Technology System and Main Technical Standards of Electrified Railway OCS

  17. 电力牵引负荷特性数据采集系统硬件开发

    The Hardware Development of Data Acquisition System of Electrified Traction Load Characteristic

  18. 大功率直流斩波技术在矿山电力牵引中的应用

    Application of power DC chopper technics in the electric traction of mine

  19. 大力发展电力牵引提高铁路运输能力

    To enhance the railway transportation capacity by promoting electric traction

  20. 电力牵引接触网系统可靠性模型研究

    A study on the reliability model of the contact system in electric traction

  21. 随着电气化铁道的快速发展,电力牵引负荷有了快速增长。

    With the development of electrified railway , electric traction loads increase quickly .

  22. 中国电力牵引用接触线(电车线)的发展

    Development of Contact Wire ( Trolley Wire ) for Electric Traction in China

  23. 能量反馈式电力牵引试验系统研究

    Research on Electrical Power Traction Experimental System with Feedback-Energy

  24. 电力牵引列车运行的计算机模拟

    Computer Simulation on Movement of Trains Driven by Electricity

  25. 复线电力牵引网微机故障测距原理及实现

    Principle and Realization of Multiprocessor Based Fault Location for Double-Line Electric Traction System

  26. 交流电力牵引对通信信号的影响

    Effects caused by AC electric traction system on communication and railway signal equipments

  27. 仿真分析对于电力牵引传动系统的设计开发具有重要意义。

    Simulation and analysis have important significance for designing electric traction drive system .

  28. 复线电力牵引网瞬时与永久性故障识别方法

    Detecting Methods of Transient Faults and Permanent Faults for Multiple Line Traction Network

  29. 电力牵引供电系统主电路研究

    A study of the main network for electric rail traction power supply system

  30. 轨道车辆电力牵引与电气制动模拟运行控制软件的开发

    Simulation Control Software Development of the Electrical Driving and Braking on Railway Vehicle