
  • 网络potential reference point
  1. 在目前电场计算的文献中,限于计算电位参考点和各带电体间的电位差均为已知时的带电系统中的电场分布。

    In current literatures methods of electric field calculations are only applicable to the case , where the potential differences between charged objects and the potential reference point are known .

  2. 为免除采用电位积分式计算电场能量时,电位参考点选取的困惑,明确指出该公式的使用条件为静电独立系统。

    To free from the puzzle of electric potential reference point selection during calculating electric field energy by integral equation of electric potential , it 's needed to point out explicitly that the condition of using this integral equation is electrostatic stand-along system .

  3. 研究表明,边界元方程中[H]矩阵是奇异的,所以Neumann问题的解有个待定常数,这就是通常所谓电位参考点问题。

    It is seen that [ H ] in the BEM equation is a singular matrix . Hence the solution of Neumann problem has an undetermined constant , it is known to be reference potential .

  4. 静电场中电位参考点的选取

    Choosing the Reference Point for Potential in Electrostatic Field

  5. 方法:基于真实头模型的等效源技术,建立了由以头表某点或平均电位为参考点的实际记录近似得到以无穷远点为参考的记录的方法。

    Methods : Based on the equivalent source model for a realistic head model , we found an approach to obtain approximately the potential with a reference at infinity from that with a scalp point reference or with the average reference .