
  • 网络electrolytic industry
  1. 21世纪伊始铝电解工业的新进展

    Development of Aluminium Electrolytic Industry at the Beginning of the 21 st Century

  2. 本论文综述了电解工业中电极材料的作用,电解工业中常见的电极材料的优缺点和应用以及这些材料的发展过程,特别是钛基涂层电极和其它基体涂层电极的发展。

    A comprehensive description of recent research on the electrode material including its function , application , developing process , the advantage and disadvantage of the common electrode material in the electrolytic industry . Specially the development of titanium base and other substrate coating electrodes was summarized .

  3. 中国铝电解工业加入WTO后面临的风险及其风险电价

    The Risk to Be Faced and Critical Power Price of Our Aluminum Industry After the Entry of WTO

  4. 总结了40年来DSA在电解工业中的应用概况。

    The general situation of application of DSA in electrolysis industry for forty years was summarized .

  5. 分析了分子比、LiF添加量和CaF2添加量对这两种性质的影响规律,为铝电解工业选择适宜的电解质成分提供了具有可比性的科学的理论依据。

    The effects of bath ratio , concentration of LiF and CaF 2 were discussed . It can provide the scientific theoretical basis for choosing suitable aluminium electrolyte composition .

  6. 简要介绍了我国铝电解工业的发展现状,指出了我国预焙铝电解槽寿命短的弊端;并分析了电解槽早期破损的原因和采用TiB2阴极涂层技术提高电解槽寿命的机理;

    The status of primary aluminum industry in China is introduced , points out the cause of short service life of pre-baked anode reduction cell and the mechanism of TiB_2 cathode painting technology to improve the service life of cell .

  7. 富士晶闸管整流电源在电解工业中的应用

    The Application of FUJI Thyristor Rectified Power Supply in Electrolytical Industry

  8. 铝电解工业区儿童氟斑牙调查

    Investigation on Dental Fluorosis Among Children in Industrial Area of Aluminum Electrolysis

  9. 我国铝电解工业现状及发展策略

    Present situation and development strategy of domestic aluminium electrolysis industry

  10. 钛镀铂作为不溶性阳极、阴极,已广泛应用于电解工业。

    Infusibility anode arid cathode of platinum-plated is applied in electrolysis industry .

  11. 修饰电极及其在有机电解工业中的应用

    Modified Electrode and its Application in Organic Electrolysis Industry

  12. 我国铝电解工业面临着巨大的节能减排压力。

    In China , aluminum industry is facing tremendous pressure to save energy .

  13. 在所谓的电解工业的过程中,它转化成化学能。

    In an industrial process called electrolysis , it changes to chemical energy .

  14. 浅议盐化电解工业提高电流效率的经济技术途径

    Economic and Technological Approach of Current Efficiency

  15. 从新型工业化角度看铝电解工业的发展

    Looking at the development of aluminum electrolysis industry from the new industrialized point of view

  16. 有机合成电解工业的进展

    Development of organic electrolytic synthesis industry

  17. 中国铝电解工业迈入21世纪的新发展

    Prospects for the new developments of Chinese aluminium industry in the 21 ~ ( st ) century

  18. 目的了解铝电解工业区儿童氟斑牙患病情况。

    Objective To explore the prevalence of dental fluorosis among children in an industrial area of aluminum electrolysis .

  19. 本文依托铝电解工业现场,设计研发了基于无线射频技术的数据监控系统。

    The data monitoring system based on RF technology is designed and developed which is relied on aluminum industrial field in this paper .

  20. 研究者们进行了大量的研究和尝试力图寻求符合铝电解工业应用的惰性阳极材料。

    A lot of research work and trials have been done to seek appropriate inert anode materials , which can be used in production aluminium .

  21. 电极在电解工业中占着非常重要的地位,电解过程中的电化学反应都是在电极表面与电解液之间的界面上进行。

    Electrodes in electrolysis industry account for a high important position . The electrochemical reaction of electrolytic processes arise the interface of electrode surface and electrolyte .

  22. 论述了铝电解工业中使用惰性阳极的意义,提出惰性阳极应符合的标准并对惰性阳极的优缺点进行了分析。

    This paper discussed the significances of using anodes in the process of aluminum electrolysis and pointed out that the inert anodes should meet the standards .

  23. 涂层钛阳极在阴极保护、氯碱生产、废水处理、电解工业、电镀等工业中具有广阔的应用前景。

    Dimensionally stable anodes ( DSA ) were widely used in cathode protection , chloric-alkali production , waste water treatment , electrolysis and electroplating sectors , etc.

  24. 我国的铝电解工业正处在空前的繁荣昌盛时期,然而,国内的铝电解槽的槽寿命较国外普遍偏低。

    Though the reduction aluminum industry of China is in an unprecedented booming age , the life of aluminum reduction cells is totally shorter than that abroad .

  25. 电解工业的发展促使金属阳极的用量越来越大,而阳极钝化后的回收与修复工作也显得更加重要。

    With electrolysis industrial development , metal anode is more and more used far and widely , and return and mending of blunt anode are very important .

  26. 提出了一种基于连通分支的聚类分析算法,用以解决铝电解工业生产中槽况的分类问题。

    This paper presents a new clustering method based on connected components that is to resolve the categorized problems of tanks status in industry production of aluminum electrolysis .

  27. 目前,随着市场需求的变化和对产品质量要求的提高,铜电解工业过程亟需采用高新技术加快发展。

    Nowadays , along with the changes in market demand and the improving of product quality requirements , copper electrolysis need to be accelerated development using high-tech industrial .

  28. 铝电解工业过程运行的控制系统必须采用多种控制方法相结合,以实现在半闭环的工业生产过程的优化控制。

    The control system of Aluminum electrolytic industrial processes must use the combination of a variety of control methods to realize optimal control in the semi-closed-loop process of industrial production .

  29. 铝电解工业的迅猛发展对炭素材料的性能提出了越来越高的要求,优质的煤沥青粘结剂是制备优质炭素材料的保障。

    High-performance carbon materials are demanded due to rapid development of aluminum electrolysis industry . Coal tar pitch binder is one of key in process of preparing high-performance carbon materials .

  30. 在铝电解工业初期,采用分子比3.0左右的电解质,电解温度高达1000℃;

    At the first period of aluminium industry , the cryolite ratio of electrolyte was about 3.0 ( in mol ), and the temperature of electrolysis was about 1 000 ℃ .