
  1. 低噪声UHF电子调谐器

    A Low Noise UHF Electronic Tuner

  2. 制作的UHF电子调谐器噪声系数为5.3分贝,自动增益控制能力达50分贝以上。

    The noise figure of the tuner is 5.3 dB , and the dynamic range of AGC control is more than 50 dB .

  3. 本文叙述采用双栅砷化镓场效应晶体管和高优值硅外延变容二极管实现UHF电子调谐器低噪声化的有关设计和实验结果。

    This paper reports the design and experiments of the low noise UHF electronic tuner consisting of a low noise dual-gate FET and a high merit silicon epitaxial varactor .

  4. 电子调谐器在视频点播系统机顶盒中的应用

    Application of electronic tuner in topset of video on demand system

  5. 黑白电视机电子调谐器的研究

    Study on Electronic Tuner of monochromic TV

  6. 多媒体电子调谐器的微机控制技术

    Microcomputer Control of Multimedia Electronic Tuner

  7. 片式元件国内主要市场是彩电用电子调谐器和大屏幕彩电的机芯。

    Chip components arc chiefly applied to electronic tuners for coulor receivers and large-screen coulor receiver chips on market of china .

  8. GB/T8496-1987电视广播接收机电子式调谐器基本参数及测量方法

    Basic parameters and methods of measurement on electronic tuner for receivers for television broadcast transmissions