
  • 网络EDs;Electronic Data Systems
  1. 去年,由于电子数据系统公司竞价更高,克雷未能收购这家软件公司。

    Last year , Cray failed to take over the software company , when it was outbid by Electronic Data Systems .

  2. 联邦快递(FedEx)的弗雷德•史密斯、电子数据系统公司(EDS)的罗斯•佩罗特这些退伍老兵在二战、越南战争和朝鲜战争后都为各自公司的发展立下了汗马功劳。

    Ex-servicemen like Fred Smith at FedEx ( FDX ) and Ross Perot at EDS helped remake the corporate landscape in the years after World War II and the Vietnam and Korean wars .

  3. 基于Web的电子数据交换系统WEDI

    EDI System W EDI Based on Web

  4. 根据电子数据交换系统(EDI)的引入,阐述了电子商务在对外经济贸易应用上的重要性,并介绍了几种实施方法。

    This thesis briefly introduces some aspects of the Electronic Data Interchange system ( EDI ) drawn into the electronic commerce used in the foreign economics and trade .

  5. 本文通过对电子数据处理系统(ElectronicDataProcessingSystem)环境下的内部控制和ERP环境下的内部控制进行对比分析,为企业在信息技术条件下建立健全内部控制,提出了相应的模式和建议。

    This paper attempts to make a contrast of the internal control functions under Electronic Data Processing System ( EDP ) environment and ERP environment . Then , some control models and control advices are proposed to improve the internal control system in enterprise with wide application of information technology .

  6. 简要介绍了EDI电子数据交换系统作为电子商务系统的技术平台,在国际商贸业务中所起的作用,以及EDI的历史由来。

    The paper briefs on the role that EDI , as the technical platform electronic business system , plays in international business . Meanwhile , the paper gives a brief introduction of the history of EDI .

  7. 沃尔玛(Walmart)上月宣布,到2016年要将其在美国的最低时薪提高至10美元。对沃尔玛这样的零售商来说,电子数据管理系统非常有用。

    Digital data management systems are useful for retailers such as Walmart , which this month an ­ nounced that by 2016 it is raising its minimum hourly rate in the US to $ 10 .

  8. 系统在ASA数据库的基础上建立了应用对象、菜单、窗口、窗口上的控件等操作对象,针对各对象不同的具体事件编写驱动程序来实现狐繁育电子数据处理系统的功能。

    On the basis of ASA database , system constructed the function of compiling drivers to realize fox breeding electronic data processing system , with applying operation objects as objects , menu , windows and controls in windows , towards different concrete affairs of every object .

  9. 电子数据获取系统在临床研究质量控制中的应用优势讨论

    Predominance of electronic data capture system in the quality control of clinical study

  10. 电子数据处理系统中的内部控制

    Internal control in electronic data processing syste

  11. 电子数据处理系统审计

    Audit of electronic data processing system

  12. 电子数据处理系统流程图

    Flow-chart in electronic data processing system

  13. 贸易电子数据交换系统

    Trade Electronic Data Interchange System

  14. 建立电子数据处理系统,提高财务成本控制的效率和效益;

    Establish the electric data processing system and improve the efficiency and benefit of the financial cost control ;

  15. 在介绍了基础安全技术之上,结合电子数据交换系统的应用背景,分析了系统的安全解决方案。

    On the base of basic security technique and the application background of Electronic Data Interchange , it analyses the security scheme of the system .

  16. 管理信息系统的发展经历了电子数据处理系统、管理控制系统、决策支持系统和战略信息系统等阶段。

    The development of management information system has experienced the stages of electronic data processing system , management control system , decision support system and strategy information system .

  17. 结果主要成果包括:(1)建立了电子数据采集系统;

    It consists of four main components : ( 1 ) The establishment of electronic data collection system , including the electronic forms and the screening system for high risk factors ;

  18. 本文研究的目标是设计一套电子数据交换系统原型,以支持中小型物流企业信息系统与合作伙伴之间的数据共享与信息交换。

    The research objective is to design a set of electronic data interchange system prototype , so as to support exchanging information and sharing data between partners in small and medium-sized logistics enterprises .

  19. 企业信息技术经历了电子数据处理系统,管理信息系统,决策支持系统,现在发展成为其为资源计划系统。

    After the enterprise information technology has experienced the periods of electronic data processing system , management information system , decision supporting system , it now develops into enterprise resources plan system , the most advanced business management pattern in the world .

  20. 人类进入二十一世纪,迅猛发展的科学技术将人们带入了知识经济社会,特别是计算机的飞速发展,传统的会计核算工作已经绝大部分被电子数据处理系统所替代。

    When we come into the 21st century , science and technology that is rapidly developing will take us to the society of knowledge economy , esp. the rapid development of computer technology make the traditional accounting mostly be replaced by the system of electronic data processing .

  21. 基于WEBService的电子政务数据交换系统的实现

    Realization of Data Exchange in E-Government Systems Based on Web Service

  22. 实际上,早在二十多年前就出现了基于VAN(增值网络)的EDI(电子数据交换)系统。

    Actually , about twenty years ago , EDI ( Electronic Data Interchange ) system based on VAN ( Value-Added Network ) was present .

  23. DJS-6电子计算机数据通讯系统

    A data communication system with DJS-6 Computer

  24. 基于S-63标准的电子海图数据保护系统的研究与实现

    Research and Development of ENC Data Protection System Based S-63

  25. 在具体的电子政务数据交换系统当中的配置运行表明,ACT-PS系统为通过可配置和可扩展的方式建立发布订阅系统提供了新的途径。

    An implementation of ACT-PS , the e-government data interchange system makes evidence that ACT-PS is a new approach to build publish / subscribe system .

  26. 二是S&57国际标准电子海图数据生成系统ChartMate的设计与实现。

    Part two discusses the design and implementation of the Electronic Chart Producing System based on the actual system development experiences .

  27. 浙江省电子监察数据采集系统开发设计初探

    Development and Design of E-Monitoring Data Collection System of Zhejiang Province

  28. 电子数据证据收集系统保护机制的研究与实现

    Research and Implementation of the Protection Mechanism for Digital Evidence Collecting System

  29. 电子计算机数据加工系统

    Electronic data processing system

  30. 为了更好地支持多电子政务异构数据系统的集成,分析了多电子政务异构数据系统集成的需求和约束。

    In order to better support heterogeneous data systems integration fore-government , the integration requirements and constraints are analyzed .