
  • 网络analog device;ADI
  1. MOS模拟器件的不匹配性研究

    Research on Mismatch Characterization for MOS Analog Devices

  2. 通过长线模型,模拟了TAB器件的延时特性;模拟器件中的电路技术

    The delay-time of the TAB leads is simulated as a delay line . The Circuit Technology in Analog Devices

  3. 通过对数字信号处理器(DSP)的编程,实现用软件取代模拟器件进行高性能交流传动控制。

    By programming for digital signal processor , analogue components were replaced by softwares to perform high performance AC drive control .

  4. 可编程计数式ADC是可编程模拟器件和可编程逻辑器件典型应用之一。

    The countable A / D converter is a typical application of analog programmable device and programmable logic device .

  5. 张洪为,现任TI中国区高性能模拟产品销售经理,负责TI高性能模拟器件在消费电子产品和笔记本电脑市场的推广,销售。

    Will Zhang , High Performance Analog Product manager in TI China , takes charge of the sales and promotion in consumer electronics and NB computing .

  6. 同时用模拟器件及专用芯片方便地实现了系统SPWM控制方式。

    At the same time the use of analog parts and a special chip help the SPWM control system .

  7. 采用ISP可编程模拟器件对接收到的正弦信号进行放大、滤波,通过A/D转换器将模拟信号转换为数字信号以及MCU控制处理,通过串行口送至PC机进行人机交互。

    It achieves magnifier and filter function by ISP chip . A / D switcher transfer analog signal into digital signal with MCU control .

  8. 将模拟器件偏差、增益偏差、偏置偏差、量化噪声等现实误差引入到混合滤波器组ADC系统中。

    The realization errors such as analog imperfections , gain errors , offset errors and quantization noises are introduced into the hybrid filter banks ( HFB ) ADC system .

  9. 简要介绍了在系统可编程模拟器件(ispPAC)的基本组成和主要特点,并介绍了在PACDesigner环境中的编程方法

    Introduced the construction and main characteristics of the in-system programmability programmable analog circuits ( ispPAC ), and presented the programming method in PAC Designer

  10. 对一个SOI结构的负阻效应和瞬态特性的模拟结果表明,该程序能够正确模拟器件发热情况以及自热对器件特性的主要影响。

    The results of negative resistance effect and transient characteristics of a SOI structure prove that the program can correctly simulate the main phenomena caused by self heating effect .

  11. 介绍MAXIM的光器件和用于光模块的周边模拟器件,以及保证激光二极管温度恒定以防止波长偏移的几种方法。

    Introduce MAXIM 's fiber optic device and surround analog device be use to optical module . There are several ways to keep laser temperature constant to avoid wavelength shift .

  12. 介绍了基于SPICE语言的模拟器件加入Protel软件的通用方法,说明了BJTSPICE模型的部分参数,并给出了加入BJT模型的实例。

    A general way of combining Protel software with SPICE based language imitation unit is introduced , some important parameters of which are introduced , and typical examples are demonstrated .

  13. 为降低产品成本,设计者在芯片上集成包括处理器、存储器、特殊功能模块、以及模拟器件等几乎所有的系统功能,这种高度集成的系统级芯片称为片上系统(SoC)。

    To reduce total cost of product , chip designer integrates almost all the components including processors , memories , special function units , and analog devices into single chip , this highly integrated IC is called system-on-chip ( SoC ) .

  14. 采用FPGA和专用正交数字上变频芯片的方式,既可以产生复杂的雷达信号,同时信号的调制以及初级混频均在数字域完成,避免了模拟器件给信号带来的非线性失真的影响。

    The use of FPGA and dedicated quadrature digital upconverter chip approach can not only produce complex radar signals , but also avoid nonlinear distortion that analog devices make an impact on the signal because of the signal modulation and the primary mixer are accomplished in the digital field .

  15. 基于可编程模拟器件的小信号测量系统

    Small Signal Measuring System Based on In-system Programmability Programmable Analog Devices

  16. 模拟器件稳态热场正确性的判断方法

    A Method of Verifying Simulated Steady Thermal Field of a Semiconductor Device

  17. 介绍可编程模拟器件,并展望了可编程模拟器件的发展前景。

    Introduce programmable analog circuit ; prospect developing foreground of programmable analog circuit .

  18. 可编程模拟器件远程实验系统的控制端设计

    The Control Side Design of a Remote Experiment System of Programmable Analog Device

  19. 可编程模拟器件与技术新进展

    Recent developments of programmable analog device and related techniques

  20. 基于网络的可编程模拟器件实验系统

    A Programmable Analog Device Experimental System Based on Internet

  21. 凌特:专注高性能模拟器件

    Linear : Focus on High Performance Analog Devices

  22. 可编程模拟器件实现单片化滤波器

    Implement of Programmability Analog Device on Unit Filters

  23. 基于可编程模拟器件的信号发生器

    A Signal Generator Based on Programmable Analog Device

  24. 系统采用市面上常用的高性价比的数字模拟器件来完成调制解调电路的设计。

    Some common used cost-effective digital analog devices are employed in the modem circuit .

  25. 由模拟器件构成的超宽带正交解调接收机不可避免地存在系统失真,这些失真的存在有时会严重影响系统的性能。

    The system distortion is inevitable in ultra-wide-band quadrature demodulation receiver consisting of analog devices .

  26. 在线可编程模拟器件在电桥测温中的应用

    The Application of In-system Programmable Analog Circuits in the Measuring of Temperature by Electricity Bridge

  27. 模拟器件中的电路技术

    The Circuit Technology in Analog Devices

  28. 可编程模拟器件及开发系统

    Programmable Analog Parts and Development System

  29. 基于模拟器件的电力系统谐波电流补偿方法

    A Study on A Method of Power System Harmonic Current Detection and Compensation Based on Analog Devices

  30. 本文经过数学方法处理,得出了便于模拟器件实现的K/P转换关系式。

    By means of mathematical treatment , this paper achieved the K / P vector-variable relational expression .