
  • 网络Computer Logic;Logic in computer science
  1. 目前,线路级的设计已经完成,并且成功地通过了Daisy工作站的计算机逻辑模拟。

    The design , now , has passed the logic simulation successfully in Daisy computer workstation .

  2. 通过与PROLOG的类比(它将控制引入计算机逻辑)表明,存在着作为推理+控制的归纳逻辑。

    By the analogy to PROLOG , the author shows that there is a kind of inductive logic as inference and control .

  3. 本文结合BCH(15,5,3)码的硬件实现,介绍了计算机逻辑模拟和电路模拟的作用和重要性。

    Abstract : In this paper , with the hardware implementation of BCH ( 15 , 5 , 3 ) eoder anddecoder , we introduce the way and importance of computer logic simulation and circuit simu-lation .

  4. 设计了面向不同用户的分子生物计算机逻辑层次结构,并以本文提出的面向用户和面向专家的程序设计语言分别求解有向Hamilton路径为例,描述各层的作用和对各类用户的知识要求。

    A hierarchical structure of bio-molecular computers is designed ; the rules of each hierarchical level and the specific requirements for users at different levels are described with the example of solving the Hamilton Path Problem by using the proposed user-oriented and expert-oriented programming languages .

  5. 塑性成形计算机逻辑优化系统的开发和应用

    Development and Application of Computer Logic Optimization System for Plastic Forming

  6. 微机控制系统发挥了计算机逻辑性强的优点,通过逻辑判断避免了功频系统的反调现象,判断液压系统是否卡涩等。

    The microcomputer system shows its advantages in logical judgement .

  7. 计算机逻辑编程技术在谱仪触发判选系统中的应用

    The Application of Computer Logic Design in the Trigger System

  8. 状态标志是微计算机逻辑中的一种最简单的形式之一。

    Status flags represent one of the simplest forms of microcomputer logic .

  9. 为了确定电路工作原理与逻辑功能的分析正确与否,对主要功能块进行了计算机逻辑验证和仿真。

    In order to ensure the correct of the circuit , the computer logic validation and simulation is made on the key function blocks .

  10. 重点对自动机、OL-系统、分类符系统和遗传算法进行介绍来探究计算机逻辑的实际应用。

    To focus on the automatic machine , OL-systems , specifiers and genetic algorithms ( GA ) to explore the practical application of computer logic .

  11. 再通过合理的假设,建立用于计算直径增长的计算机逻辑框图。

    Then , a logic computational diagram is constructed for calculating diametral growth by assuming fatigue cyclic softening , namely yield strength reduction as tubing fatigues .

  12. 通过用户提示机制来辨别伪造的媒体片段,以此来区分不能通过计算机逻辑辨识的媒体内容污染。

    We identify counterfeit media fragments by using the user prompts warning mechanisms , this can distinguish which cannot through the logic of computer discernment the media content pollution .

  13. 按一次板壳理论,以四边形四节点单元为例,介绍了其数学建模的过程与方法,导出了层合板壳有限元分析模型,并给出了基于软件工程的计算机逻辑模型。

    Based on the first approximation shell theory , the process and method of mathematics modeling for a four-node quadrilateral shell element is described in detail . The finite element analysis model of laminated plates and shells is derived , and the computer model based on software engineering is presented .

  14. 利用先进的现场传感技术、信息数字化采集技术、机电一体化技术及计算机逻辑分析处理技术,对运行状态中的动力机械进行故障分析、诊断,同时为动力机械设计提供理论依据和实验数据。

    Utilize advanced on-the-spot sensing technology , information digitization gathering technology , electromechanics integrated technology and computer logic analysis technology , carry on Fault Analysis and diagnose to power machinery in the operation state , provide the theoretical foundation and experimental data for power machinery designing at the same time .

  15. 以纤维集合体结构工程(FASE)在服装织物设计的应用为例,简述了纺织品计算机设计逻辑要领和过程。

    In this paper , the concept and processing of computer-aided design logics of textile products are introduced , based on fibre-assem - bly-structure engineering ( FASE ) used in design of apparel fabrics .

  16. 设计出一个能使计算机进行逻辑运算的程序。

    Creating a program that enables the computer to reason logically .

  17. 计算机数字逻辑器件故障分析

    Breakdown Analysis of the Digital Logical Device for Computer

  18. 计算机顺序逻辑控制系统设计

    The design of sequence logic control system in computer

  19. 计算机辅助逻辑函数化简&多维体化简方法研究

    Computer Aided Simplification of Logical Functions & Research on Multidimension cube Simplification Method

  20. 纺织品计算机设计逻辑

    The Computer-aided Design Design Logics of Textile Products

  21. 一种新的计算机辅助逻辑设计算法&参数启发式扩展算法

    A Parametric Heuristic Algorithm for Logic Minimization

  22. 计算机在逻辑代数化简中的应用

    The simplification of logic algebra by computer

  23. 用计算机证明逻辑等式

    Use Computer to Prove Logical Equality

  24. 一种新颖的计算机辅助逻辑综合法

    A Novel Computer Aided Logic-Comprehensive Method

  25. 计算机简化逻辑代数式

    Computer Application to Simplifying Logic Algebra

  26. 微处理器:通常指芯片上单一的集成电路;微型计算机的逻辑电路。

    MICROPROCESSOR : Usually a single integrated circuit on a microcomputer ; frequently synonymous with a microcomputer .

  27. 阐述了船舶电站计算机仿真器逻辑和控制系统数学模型及系统动态特性的数学模型,并着重介绍了动态特性数学模型的计算机算法。

    This paper discusses the mathematical model on marine electric station simulator logic and the control system , and the mathematical model on system movement characteristics .

  28. 介绍了用于计算机辅助逻辑电路分析设计的几种常用方法及其特点,并给出了分析设计的实例。

    In this paper , authors introduced some common methods used In computer assistant analysis and design in logical circuit . We gave three real examples .

  29. 然而,若要在更深层面上理解语言,就必然涉及掌握一句话的背景(往往不明显)或是能够理解一系列遵循人类(而非计算机)逻辑的评论。

    However , understanding language at the deeper level involves grasping the context of a statement , which is often not obvious , or being able to follow a sequence of comments that follow human but not computer logic .

  30. 虽然决策表看上去似乎仍然与以前一样,当时主要用它去构造计算机程序逻辑。

    Although the decision table still looks almost the same as years ago , when it was mainly used to construct the logic of computer programs , there have been important changes in content as well as in applications .