
  • 网络Computer algebra system;cas
  1. Reduce是另一个通用计算机代数系统,是由许多科学家以协作方式开发完成的。

    Reduce is another general-purpose computer algebra system that was produced in a collaborative way by many scientists .

  2. 计算机代数系统muMATH在量子力学中的应用

    Application of computer algebra system Mu math to quantum mechanics

  3. 符号推导和符号运算借助于计算机代数系统REDUCE完成,并给出一个数字实例说明这种方法。

    Symbolic derivation and symbolic computation are implemented by using computer algebraic system REDUCE . A numerical example is given to illustrate the method .

  4. 为这些任务而设计的程序领域的最常用名称是“计算机代数系统”(ComputerAlgebraicSystems,CAS)。

    The most common designation for the field of programs designed for these tasks is computer algebraic systems ( CAS ) .

  5. 与大多数计算机代数系统一样,Maxima是使用Lisp语言编写的。

    Like most computer algebra systems , Maxima is written in Lisp .

  6. 计算机代数系统MAPLE及其程序设计语言

    Computer Algebra Systems Maple and Programming Language

  7. Eigenmath是由George使用C语言来编写的,是一个简单易用的计算机代数系统。

    Written in C by George Weigt , the Eigenmath program is a simple , easy-to-use computer algebra system .

  8. 运用计算机代数系统Maple研究了随机数学中若干典型问题的计算机仿真。

    By using computer algebra system Maple , some computer simulation of representative problems of stochastic mathematics was established .

  9. 用计算机代数系统maple分析电磁学的问题,并讨论其在电磁学教学改革中的作用。

    With computer algebra systems maple . some topics on electromagnetics are analyzed and the effect on the electromagnetics teaching is discussed .

  10. 这个称为Axiom的开放源代码计算机代数系统是在修改后的BerkeleySoftwareDistribution(BSD)许可证下发布的,它对于探索不同的数学算法非常有用。

    Useful for exploring diverse mathematical algorithms , the open source computer algebra system known as Axiom is released under a modified Berkeley Software Distribution ( BSD ) license .

  11. 借助计算机代数系统Maple利用三角函数法得到组合KdV方程的六组精确孤立波解,并指出求解的关键是尝试函数f、g和它们的组合形式选定。

    The six solitary wave solutions to the combined KdV equation were obtained by using the trigonometric function method with the aid of computer algebraic system Maple .

  12. 这个专有共享软件计算机代数系统是为纪念已故最著名数学家之一PierredeFermat而命名的。

    This proprietary , shareware computer algebra system is named for one of the most famous mathematicians who ever lived : Pierre de Fermat .

  13. 对于交换代数、代数几何和奇点理论,SINGULAR计算机代数系统在软件包内核以及共享库中提供了大量的算法。

    For commutative algebra , algebraic geometry , and singularity theory , the SINGULAR computer algebra system provides a large variety of algorithms in the package kernel as well as shared libraries .

  14. ComputationsinCommutativeAlgebra(CoCoA)是另一个免费计算机代数系统,用于处理超大型整数、有理数和多项式。

    Computations in Commutative Algebra ( CoCoA ) is another free computer algebra system for working with very large integers , rational numbers , and polynomials .

  15. 计算机代数系统(简称CAS)是指符号数学的软件设计,而计算机代数则是指对CAS的算法研究。

    Computer algebra system ( CAS ) is a software program that facilitates symbolic mathematics . The study of algorithm for CAS is known as computer algebra .

  16. 利用计算机代数系统(CAS)Maple,实时计算与展示了电磁波天线阵辐射角分布的图样。

    Using the Computer Algebra System ( CAS ) Maple , a real-time computing for the angle-distributions of the array can be completed and the plots can be presented .

  17. SAGE的独特之处在于,它能够用作其他各种计算机代数系统的集成器,从而允许用户利用不同软件包的各自强项。

    SAGE is unique in that it can function as an integrator of other diverse computer algebra systems , allowing the user to leverage the individual strengths of the various packages .

  18. Macaulay计算机代数系统对于多项式计算非常有用,并重点强调Grobner基计算。

    The Macaulay computer algebra system is useful for polynomial computations with emphasis on Grobner basis calculations .

  19. OpenMath(参见参考资料)是一种较老的格式,起源于计算机代数系统。

    OpenMath ( see Resources ) is an older format with origins in computer algebra systems .

  20. 探讨如何运用计算机代数系统Maple对整系数多项式不可约的判别条件&Eisenstein判别法的程序设计。

    This paper discusses how to make use of the computer algebra system Maple to distinguish the program design of the condition of the Eisenstein discretion method , which can 't invite the whole coefficient polynomial .

  21. 尽管Maple等计算机代数系统已对多项式因式分解进行了实现,然而却有很多不足,如软件庞大,效率低,编程语言不统一,可移植性差。

    Although , Maple has the function of polynomial factorization , it shows many disadvantages , for example , software system is too large , low efficiency , different program languages between different versions , and poor portability .

  22. 用这种办法在计算机代数系统Maple上成功地求解了非线性耦合标量场方程组所对应的非线性代数方程组,最终获得了耦合标量场方程组的众多精确解。

    With the aid of computer algebra system Maple , the nonlinear algebra equations corresponding to the nonlinear coupled scalar field equations can be successfully solved this way , and eventually many exact solutions to it can be obtained .

  23. 最初的版本(一个计算机代数系统)名为DOEMacsyma,它开辟了后来开发的更知名的应用程序(例如Mathematica)的道路。

    The original version ( a computer algebra system ) was called DOE Macsyma and led the way for later development of more commonly known applications such as Mathematica .

  24. 利用最近引入的齐次平衡原理与新代数法的思想,借助于计算机代数系统Maple软件,得到了一个非线性耦合Ito系统的新孤子解、周期解。

    With the aid of computer algebraic software of Maple , and by using the principle of homogeneous balance recently introduced and the idea of mapping approach , we can obtain several new soliton solutions and periodic solutions for the nonlinear coupled Ito system .

  25. 得出了代数数根界的一个基于结式的有效实现算法,并且已用计算机代数系统MAPLE在微机上实现。

    In this paper , we have given a new effective algorithm for root bound of the algebraic expression based on the resultant of the algebraic polynomial , also , with MAPLE ′ s help , we have realized this new algorithm in our microcomputer .

  26. 基于计算机代数系统的超环面传动齿面分析

    The Management Theory of the Toroidal Drive by Computer Algebra Method

  27. 计算机代数系统SAC/2中的无限精度整数运算

    Calculations of Infinite Integers in Computer Algebra System SAC / 2

  28. 研究空间啮合的计算机代数系统

    Computer Algebra System for Researching the Space Mesh

  29. 计算机代数系统应用研究

    On Applying Research of Computer Algebra System

  30. 处理泊松级数的计算机代数系统

    Computer Algebraic System for Manipulating Poisson Series