
  • 网络Computer Science Education
  1. 编写PHP脚本对很多人来说都非常容易,即使是没有受过正规计算机科学教育的人。

    It is easy for many people , even for people without formal computer science education , to write PHP scripts .

  2. 编码基金会(Code.org)是一家倡导加大计算机科学教育力度的非营利组织,首席运营官卡梅隆·威尔逊(CameronWilson)指出,现在大多数小学和公立学校不教计算机科学。

    Most elementary and public schools don 't teach computer science , said Cameron Wilson , the chief operating officer at Code . org , a nonprofit that advocates for greater access to computer-science education .

  3. 这是计算机科学教育的一个显著改变,几十年来,计算机科学一直受到冷遇,地位与木工课等职业技能课程相差无几。

    It is a stark change for computer science , which for decades was treated like a stepchild , equated with trade classes like wood shop .

  4. 因为计算机科学教育工作者和社会需要知道计划的完成情况。

    Because computer science educators and society in general need to hear what can be accomplished when people set their hearts and sights on a higher plane .

  5. 尽管如今强调计算机科学的教育,但只学数学和科学是不够的。

    Despite the emphasis on teaching computer science , learning math and science is not enough .

  6. 随着信息科学、计算机科学在教育方面的发展,大学课堂教育方式发生了相应的变化。

    With the expanding application of information technology and computer science in education areas , college classroom teaching styles have changed accordingly .

  7. 学校信息主管应同时具备教育技术学、计算机科学、现代教育管理等方面的知识。

    The information director should have correlative knowledge in educational technology , computer science and modern educational management .

  8. 懂得算法和问题解决的技巧并且能够编写程序是现今实行计算机科学大众化教育的核心基础。

    Understanding algorithms , problem solving techniques and programming are fundamentals of computer science necessary today for general education .

  9. 分析了目前在计算机科学的数学教育中存在的问题;

    According to the existing problems at present , we give some practical plan for mathematics education of computer science .

  10. 利用网络和计算机技术促进科学教育的协作&探讨一个网络科学教育平台的设计和构架

    Facilitating Collaboration on Science Education with the Technology of Network and Computer & the Design and Framework of 2062 Science Education Platform

  11. 伯克利加州大学电气工程与计算机科学系本科教育及其启示他就职于加州大学伯克利分校。

    Undergraduate Education and Enlightenment in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences , UC Berkeley He works at the University of California at Berkeley .

  12. 所以我把计算机科学看成基础教育,是每个人都应该花一年时间学习的课程

    And so ... I view computer science as a liberal art . It should be something everybody takes in a year in their life , one of the courses they take is , you know learning how to program .

  13. 将计算机科学技术应用于教育测量和评价的全过程当中,即计算机辅助测试(ComputerAssistedTest,CAT),它已成为国内外计算机教育和教育技术领域内的一个研究热点。

    Computer science and technology have been used in course of educational measurement and assessment & that is Computer Assisted Test ( CAT ), which has been become an investigative hotspot of the domain and foreign of computer education and educational technology .

  14. 随着计算机科学技术和远程教育技术的迅速发展和广泛应用,传统的考试方式已经不能满足教学和管理的需要,需要一种基于Web技术的考试系统来弥补传统考试中的一些不足。

    Along with the rapid development and application of computer science and remote education technology , the traditional ways of examination can not satisfy the need of teaching and management , so we just need a test system based on Web technology to compensate the shortage for the test .

  15. 计算机科学与技术学科教育与教学改革研究进展通报

    The Bulletin of Researches on Educational Reform for Computer Science and Technology

  16. 计算机科学中的数学教育

    The mathematics education in computer science

  17. 她的研究包括计算机科学和软件工程教育,特别是教授软件工程中有关人的方面。

    Her research deals with computer science and software engineering education , and specifically , with teaching human aspects of software engineering .

  18. 人类进入信息时代,尤其是因特网的日益发达,使得计算机科学成为成人高等教育中一个日益热门、前景广阔的专业。

    It 's also a information times , especially the rapid progress in Internet , computer science is becoming a hot profession in the adult higher education .

  19. 它有利于计算机辅助教学的迅速发展,是计算机科学、教育测量理论科学相结合的产物。

    It is the outcome of the combination among the computer science and the measure theory .

  20. 随着计算机教育的不断发展,程序设计教学作为计算机基础科学教育的核心课程正在受到越来越多的重视。

    With the development of computer science education , programming tutoring which is one of the core curriculums is becoming more and more important .

  21. 文章着重对民办高校计算机学科课程体系结构的设置进行了探讨,并给出了明确的建议,为民办高校计算机科学教育提供了参考。

    This article focuses on private universities computer science curriculum for some of the exposition , to assume the leadership of private higher education and management to provide some reference .