
  • 网络anti-virus;anti-virus technology
  1. 事实证明,传统的防病毒技术已不能满足网络蠕虫防治的要求,针对蠕虫攻击特征构建安全系统成为蠕虫防治的一个重要发展方向。

    The fact shows that , the traditional anti-virus technique can not satisfy network worm preventing and controlling .

  2. 当前网络安全的防护措施很多,如加密技术、防火墙技术、防病毒技术、入侵检测技术、安全评估技术等。

    Today there are many network security means , such as the encryption technique , firewall technique , anti-virus technique and the intrusion detection technique .

  3. 针对这种需求目前发展起来的技术有防病毒技术和防火墙技术等等。

    At present , the technology for these demand are anti-virus technology and firewall technology etc.

  4. 交换与防病毒技术融合的探索

    Exploration on Exchange and Anti-Virus Technical Fusion

  5. 各种安全解决方案,如防火墙技术、入侵检测技术、防病毒技术和安全审计技术等等得到了广泛应用。

    Diverse security techniques such as firewall , intrusion detection , anti-virus have been wildly applied .

  6. 近年来蠕虫频繁爆发,带来了巨大的经济损失,已有的防病毒技术对蠕虫并不适用。

    Recently , worm breaks out frequently , and results in tremendous economic destruction , Traditional anti-virus technologies are not applicable to it .

  7. 针对企业文档安全管理的需要,研究了其他相关安全技术的应用,如防病毒技术,防火墙技术,虚拟专用网技术。

    The application of some other security techniques about the technical document protection is researched , including Virus Prevention , Firewall , and Virtual Private Network etc.

  8. 目前解决网络安全问题的关键技术有防火墙技术、身份认证技术,入侵检测技术、防病毒技术等。

    Now , there are several techniques for network security , such as , firewall , identity authentication , intrusion detection , anti-virus and so on .

  9. 它和防火墙技术、防病毒技术一起构筑起了网络的安全防线.病毒防范可采用反病毒软件、防火墙、类属解密和数字免疫系统等新型反病毒措施。

    It protects internal network together with firewall and antivirus tools . Virus defence includes antivirus software , fireproof , generic decryption and digital immunity system .

  10. 网络安全的基本技术主要包括网络加密技术、防火墙技术、网络地址转换技术、操作系统安全内核技木、身份验证技术、网络防病毒技术。

    The basic technology of Network security mostly includes Network Encryption , Firewall , Network Address Transfer , Operating System Security Kernel , Authentification and Network Virus Defense .

  11. 本模型是一个开放的系统模型,具有很好的可扩充性,有利于把其它安全技术如:防病毒技术、漏洞检测技术、防火墙等技术融合到入侵检测系统中来。

    This model is an open system with good scalability which is beneficial to integrate intrusion-detecting technology with other security technology such as virus detection technology , vulnerability scanning technology , firewall technology .

  12. 防火墙技术、信息加密技术、信息认证技术、防病毒技术的信息转移安全对策以及建立一套健全的安全管理制度的措施等。

    Information transformation security strategies on firewall technology , information encrypting technology , information authentication technology and virus prevention technology are put forward . Also is suggested the measures of establishing a set of sound security administration system .

  13. 针对以太网在工业控制中与信息管理网络系统无缝连接后存在的安全性问题,本文分析了几种解决该问题的技术:加密技术、身份验证技术、鉴别交换技术、防火墙技术、网络防病毒技术。

    The technology of several kinds of settlement security question in this paper was analysed : the encryption , identity verify technology , distinguish and exchange technology , technology of fire wall , network to anti - virus technology .

  14. 针对该问题,从防火墙技术、入侵检测技术以及防病毒技术3个方面分析了现阶段网络安全的局限性,探讨了防病毒软件的特点和发展趋势,特别是现阶段网络安全技术的发展趋势。

    In terms of this problem , this paper analyzes the limitation of the present network security from the firewall technology , invasion-detection technology and anti-virus technology , discusses the characteristics and developing trend of anti-virus software , especially , the developing trend of present network security technology .

  15. 并且在网络安全防护方而采用了防火墙及入侵检测、数字签名、防病毒等先进技术。

    And in the network security protection method and the use of firewall and intrusion detection , digital signature , anti-virus and other advanced technology .